quote me
"GT5 will outsell Halo reach and any 360 exclusive by the end of 2010"
unless GT5 gets delayed to december... or 2011
with no piracy on PS3, it should pull amazing sales, outselling Reach
btw i dont care about scores anymore, if a mario rehash with last gen graphics gets a 10, i just dont care.
COD Doesnt count its multi-plat, nintendo doesnt count either, this is between current gen consoles, 360 vs PS3, Wii is a lastgen console.
Dead Heat.
Piracy doesn't matter, most Reach fans bought Halo 3, and that sold 11 million, with half the 360's userbase.
Heck, ODST, a 60$ Expansion, sold 5.5 million copies!
GT fans already bought Prologue, so don't give me that excuse.
Also, Reach has one more month than GT5, so more sales are kinda guaranteed.
Add that with the ridiculous amount of marketing that MS will do for this game (It is their biggest game of this year), and that will makea lot of copies.
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