I just finished Horizon two days ago. What a game! It feels so different and yet very familiar. It is a breath of fresh air into this industry. GG should be very proud. I always thought KZ games are decent but Horizon is just a massive step ahead. It almost felt like their lives were on the line when making it (probably true btw). Very well thought game, massive world, very original art direction, solid story and super fun and engrossing gameplay.
At some point, I almost felt like there is no way this game is living up to all hype and expectations. Especially with how crazy the idea is.Guess what? The game worked beautifully on all fronts.
The shift between KZ and HZD is staggering, and I can not remember any developer in recent memory who made such a dramatic shift. Going back and looking at their interviews and the confidence they had, it was all well based. I mean they truely earned a place among the likes of ND and Kojima prod. Who would believe they had such talent and imagination.
I am playing now on very hard and wow it is just 10 times better. you start using traps and setting up the field before engaging to avoid a quick death. You need to be more mindful now.
Thanks GG and can not wait for your next game no matter what it is
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