Why's that?Guerilla tried their best but the game is plain average in every caregory except graphics. They just don't have talent.
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Why's that?Guerilla tried their best but the game is plain average in every caregory except graphics. They just don't have talent.
looks like it sold just under 2 million worldwide. Not great, but not awful.JandurinWith christmas around the corner, Im pretty sure Killzone 2 is going to break the 2 million mark and far above, it was the same with little big planet.
yeah, that's why all major gaiming websites gave the game awesome scores....:roll: and thats why KZ2 is AAA both in GR and MC :roll: only for graphics...yay!Guerilla tried their best but the game is plain average in every caregory except graphics. They just don't have talent.
Why's that?[QUOTE="Pdiddy105"]
Guerilla tried their best but the game is plain average in every caregory except graphics. They just don't have talent.
Generic campaign levels that feel like a poor CoD clone, forgettable characters, sub par writing, meh story, and some parts just feel like a chore overall.
The multiplayer is a bit better but it really just blends together a bunch of elements from other better games and isn't good enough to pull people away from franchises like CoD or Battlefield. Its not a bad game its just standard fare for an FPS.
Guerilla tried their best but the game is plain average in every caregory except graphics. They just don't have talent.
This reminds me of that Magazine, was it game informer, anyway I believe they said Killzone 2 biggest flaw was it not being released for the Xbox360 as well :lol:
Why's that?[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]
Guerilla tried their best but the game is plain average in every caregory except graphics. They just don't have talent.
Generic campaign levels that feel like a poor CoD clone, forgettable characters, sub par writing, meh story, and some parts just feel like a chore overall.
The multiplayer is a bit better but it really just blends together a bunch of elements from other better games and isn't good enough to pull people away from franchises like CoD or Battlefield. Its not a bad game its just standard fare for an FPS.
Lol Wut. It's nowhere near a cod clone.Cows before Killzone 2 release.....
"OMG Killzone 2 is gonna be the Halo Killer watchout lemmings LOL!"
Cows after Killzone 2 release.....
"Gurrilla Games did a great job with Killzone 2 what more was expected?
Please.... KZ2 did NOT live up to the hype,the gamewas average at best.
Well guerilla is giving access to all sony inhouse right?
I think so, i read somewhere this engine is going to be used in other games, I don't really remember though if that was about the uncharted 2 engine or KZ2 engine but I think Sony parties share alot of tech.
In the god of war 3 trailer, the sky looks somehow the same as in KZ2 so I think they learned to do that from GG.
look at the first moments in the trailer.
I think with the engines of both KZ2 and Uncharted Sony has two superb engines to work with.
When it comes to the engines, there were rumours that a new Syphon Filter is being made using the KZ2 engine. But thats still a massive rumour. For me KZ2 was better than I expected. The SP, although not having the most memorable story, certainly was intense, that last level was absolutely nuts! And the MP was so well done, I loved the mix and match badge system, allowed for a lot of strategy and they had really well thought out clan system. I absolutely cannot wait for KZ3, I just hope that they can make a better story, the KZ universe is very interesting. But they could definitely use a better story. The new Syphon Filter is not being made with the KZ2 engine (You don't make games with engines). Its not even going to run on the KZ2 engine, its being made with its own engine although it'll have some of the same features that the KZ2 and Naughty Dog Engine have . The KZ2 engine was built from the ground up for KZ2, Syphon Filter will have an engine built from the ground up for that game.so what was the goal that guerilla was trying to reach ?Now this is a question for people who have ACTUALLY played the game. It's been half a year now. And a lot of us have been wowed and disapointed in Killzone 2 But for those who have playd it, do you think guerilla achieved what it was trying to reach? As far as Graphics/Gameplay go?
I have a question have you played it?Cows before Killzone 2 release.....
"OMG Killzone 2 is gonna be the Halo Killer watchout lemmings LOL!"
Cows after Killzone 2 release.....
"Gurrilla Games did a great job with Killzone 2 what more was expected?
Please.... KZ2 did NOT live up to the hype,the gamewas average at best.
this game is a good step up but i think they can do better with the bots and cover fire...and vehicles would be nice the maps seem big enough
The hype was set ridiculously high by a few hype-driven fanboys. I did not expect Killzone to beat Halo. I dont think anyone expected it to get to the level of Halo, but it did offer a great game which can be subjectively superior to Halo. In other words, its not a Halo Killer in an objective sense, but subjectively, I'm sure anyone can argue it.Cows before Killzone 2 release.....
"OMG Killzone 2 is gonna be the Halo Killer watchout lemmings LOL!"
Cows after Killzone 2 release.....
"Gurrilla Games did a great job with Killzone 2 what more was expected?
Please.... KZ2 did NOT live up to the hype,the gamewas average at best.
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]looks like it sold just under 2 million worldwide. Not great, but not awful.VavorlyeLOL 2 million is "not awful" give me a break. .... SW, the only place where 2,000,000 means awful. lol
nope im sure geurilla games wishes they some how made that game for both or exclusivley for 360 lol, the sales for PS3 were just weak
but on to the game, i loved the single player but rarely play the multiplayer
Tbh the devs are just paid by sony. Weather the game sold well or badly wouldent influence their paycheck...[QUOTE="siLVURcross"]If their goal was to make a solid game, I must say they've done it. I don't think anyone expected good scores after seeing the first game do terrible.Alpha-Male22Yeah, Killzone 2 was meant for failure with Killzone 1's score. I guess people forgot about Killzone (PSP) which indicated GG's was doing good. People here just need to learn that people change, they could make something amazing and the next thing will be complete trash, or in GG's case they made a pretty crappy game, then made a good psp game, then steped up to make an awesome ps3 game.
I mean take a look at rare, they made outstanding games for n64, but they havent made anything amazing on the 360, they are ok/good games, but nothing on the level of their n64 work.
For myself I was one of the Rare people that actually liked Killzone 1 back on the PS2 so if there goals was to create a game which built up on the universe of Killzone 1 then yes, They vastly improved it and I actually still play the MP and just need to get the new Map Pack. Personally I cannot wait till KZ3 (when ever that is out)
[QUOTE="Couth_"][QUOTE="Animal-Mother"] Beach head is a ton of fun. I still need to get napalm and the other one. But im just trying soooooooooooooo hard to beat radec on elite. It's impossible!Animal-MotherIt's possible :twisted: I like the Arctower landing it's pretty sweet also, I haven't gotten that much time on the southern hills though Man I've never got frustrated. But if one thing could Radec on elite. Any tips?
Hide by the left staircase so the rocket guys can't get you and equip a SMG since it has the most ammo. You'll be close by to them so you will be accurate. Just kill them all slowly and one at a time and you'll be fine.
I suppose they did hit their goal, but I think they should have aimed a bit higher. The game ended up being less distinctive in terms of gameplay, with the cover system not doing all that much, especially since it wasn't worked into the multiplayer. Also, the campaign actually had less personality than Gears of War, which is sad. :|
EDIT: I mean to say that the cover system was fun and it worked, but it didn't make up for the lack of secondary fire on the guns. And it's so clear as to how little effort was put into the characters, and the story had huge opportunities to be great but it just didn't.
i think they did, it set the bar pretty high for gameplay, i haven't played a fps that good before, call of duty 4 was good thought, crysis isn't bad but i really liked killzone 2 better
For myself I was one of the Rare people that actually liked Killzone 1 back on the PS2 so if there goals was to create a game which built up on the universe of Killzone 1 then yes, They vastly improved it and I actually still play the MP and just need to get the new Map Pack. Personally I cannot wait till KZ3 (when ever that is out)
Your not the only one. I actually liked and beat KZ1. Even though it had very obvious problems.
AAA is average? God, Gears and Halo are very average then.Cows before Killzone 2 release.....
"OMG Killzone 2 is gonna be the Halo Killer watchout lemmings LOL!"
Cows after Killzone 2 release.....
"Gurrilla Games did a great job with Killzone 2 what more was expected?
Please.... KZ2 did NOT live up to the hype,the gamewas average at best.
Probably my favorite shooter. I was pulled in by Killzone 1's (yes, I loved the first one...) art style, settings, and as someone already mentioned, the awesome story that doesn't seem to be targeted enough through gameplay (reading manuals/loading screens help explain a lot of the Killzone universe's history).
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