great graphics, but pretty much average under the nice coat of paint. cover system is nice but doesn't add much to the game, felt like gears of war in first person.
graphics were awesome, single player was good, the ending wasn't great, but for a shooter, it was action packed. The online is fun, not the best, but great 9/10 StealthKnife
I reckon the ending was awesome.
[spoiler] That part where sev is on the steps of the helghan hq and those giant helghan warships sweep overhead, so epic and depressing. pretty much the whole entire invading isa have been wiped out by a nuke and theres no chance in hell of reinforcements, theyre so screwed! . Such a good way to end on such a bad note. so while the story may be generic, the ending was done really well .Im so siked for kz3. [/spoiler]
great graphics, but pretty much average under the nice coat of paint. cover system is nice but doesn't add much to the game, felt like gears of war in first person. imprezawrx500
are you talking about crysis or kz2? lol just joking
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