Now before you all go jumping down my throat let me explain. The first Halo was widely accepted to be just as good as Half Life. (Even GS said it in a video review) Halo 2 was easily one of the best mutiplayer games ever when it came out, and Halo 3 surpass both those games in all ways. The reason why the Halo series is hated on so much is quite simple actually, it's the reason why emo music is hated on so much these days: because of popularity.
And the reason why Halo games are so popular is because of the quality. This has led to countless elitists who bash Halo games whenever possible because it's not a 10 year old game on the PC. The reality is that all Halo games have done a lot for console shooters.
And before someone brings up really old games, keep in mind that those games might have beengreat for their time but they are out dated in ever way possible compared to Halo 3.
Discuss :). Let's try and keep this as civil as possible.
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