[QUOTE="CanYouDiglt"][QUOTE="Messiahbolical-"] There's only been one Uncharted game ever and it's a new IP this gen. Halo ODST is the 5th game in it's series since last gen, and most new additions have added minimal improvements. I mean come on, it's 2009 and there's still no sprint button... 'nuff said. Halo Wars was obviously milkage of the Halo popularity. Everyone knows that game would have been a lot better not based on Halo and on the PC. And correct me if I'm wrong... but wasn't Halo ODST supposed to be an expansion pack originally? Why'd they change their minds? Oh that's right... because they can release it as a completely separate game and charge full price for it and lemmings will still eat it up like it's the only game in the world.jg4xchamp
Bro just stop. You clearly did not think this through at all and coming of sounding pretty fanboyish. 1-Halo ODST is the 4th Halo game by Bungie. You say lemmings like rehash and PS3 fans like new and fresh ideas. Explain then why the 3 best selling games for the PS3 all end with a 4 CoD4,GTA4 and MGS4? To top it off those brands have all been milked more. 2-I will not debate if it is a expansion or not. Lets just say it is. it will be around the same length as Uncharted 2 and have far more online features then Uncharted 2 will have. So that is a win for the 360 fans 3-Halo wars scored pretty low here but it is a AA game on Gamerankings just like Uncharted 1. So do not act like this series your trying to brag about is so much better. 4-Also every Halo game made by Bungie is AAA unlike Uncharted
1- A better example is Ratchet and Clank. I believe that franchise is on game 6...with absolutely no change, and in fact they dropped an online feature that was on the PS2 versions but is nowhere to be found on the PS3 versions of the game...oh and they had a nice little DLC game.
2- WRONG on more online features. Its only online feature is what Fire Fight....The 2nd disc is a game that has allready been out for 2 years, and Uncharted 2 is bringing a multiplayer that is new and different, plus it's own version of Horde/firefight/terrorist hunt
3- Halo Wars sucks....that game is an abomination.....shallow RTS is just plain shallow
4- I don't think at anypoint he was arguing scores.1-I was just showing him that PS3 fans are not as into new and fresh ideas compared to 360 fans as he was acting since the best selling games for the PS3 are all ending in 4s. That does not even take in the handheld versions and what not.2-I am not a big online gamer since I just do MMO games for that. I am just going from what I have heard. For example Forge,much more fleshed out online, Halo Reach, more maps and so on. Halo odst will offer more online then Uncharted. Yes I understand that Uncharted 2 is the first version with online but it does not change the fact. For example Halo odst will have all the Halo DLC maps.
3-I have not played Halo Wars because I do not like RTS games but how you or myself feel about the game does not change the scores. Many I am sure love the game and many hate it. The overall critic opinion is that Halo Wars is a AA game.
4-I was pointing out the scores because he was taliking like Halo was trash with the sprint and what not. I am pointing ut that the Bungie Halos are regaurded by critics as AAA games. So he can hate all he wants
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