Halo 3 Won't Be Successful

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#951 lawlessx
Member since 2004 • 48753 Posts
i used to play alot of Deus EX when it first came out..cant really say i enjoyed it more than halo.
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#952 Rage010101
Member since 2006 • 5470 Posts
pretty sure it'll be successful.  if you think otherwise.. just means you're a fanboy!
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#953 BigDizz
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[QUOTE="poopinloop32"]Im damn sure it will be succesful in salesyo_foo
People will start Wising up to the fad that is Halo. It's not 2001! People have wised up on this Halo fad. The Halo series is finished. :'(

wtf are you talking about?

you cant go start a topic acting liek you know waht your talking about when you dont have the slighest clue

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#954 yo_foo
Member since 2006 • 3296 Posts
[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="whoisryanmack"]yo foo, it amazes me how long you will carry these arguments, this really is incredible. Blackbond

I'll admit ownage when there's 100% undeniable proof that I am wrong

You were wrong

You were wrong

You were wrong

And you never admitted ownage. So what makes you think myself or anybody else believes you are ready to admit ownage now? You cannot deny the facts in the links yet you still don't accept the fact that I own you Yo Foo and that's why you think I am your rival. But see a rivalry requires people on equal levels. You can't even get at me.

I have plenty of rivals but what makes you my rival is that you are always there whenever I post. Like we are both magnetically attracted to each other. But there is only one rival of mine that I have respect for - mvent2 - who has the dubious honour of almost owning me. :'(
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#955 Opacic_A
Member since 2004 • 730 Posts
i used to play alot of Deus EX when it first came out..cant really say i enjoyed it more than halo.lawlessx

Comes down to personal taste, really.
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#956 air0123
Member since 2006 • 1411 Posts
Wow, a joke topic on its way to 1000 post. Wow, just wow.
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#957 killtactics
Member since 2004 • 5957 Posts

Sadly, Halo could suck as bad as your reasoning and it would still sale incredibly well. There are simply just far too many people in the world that like that game. I personally didn't like Halo 2 that much, but it's just plain silly to assume that game won't sell...


exactly and that's the ppint I've been trying to make in this thread. Plus the fact that people are saying it's new to the gen. But how can that be if it's the same gameplay as last gen but with better graphics. :'(

same point can be made with MGS, FF, HL, UT, zelda, mario... ect ect ect... also when did u play it?

but most of those are set in "different worlds" you could say. different scenarios. Halo is all set in basically the one universe and is all samey. :'(

HUH?? every one of thoes games is set in one universe.... and how is MGS soo different and halo is "samey"? epecially when u can do anything from throw a nade to drive to even fly..


MGS is totally different scenarios in a totally different world (not universe as in universal) like a totally different map. Halo is the same area, same world, same terrain and frankly the same gameplay but dumbed down from the original. :'(

oh this should be good: explain how can it be dumbed down when its on a more advance console

In tactics. And besides the 360 is only advanced from the XBOX in power. That's all we're really tlaking about here. How great Halo 3 looks. Even that user who posted the picture proved it. Graphics =/= Gameplay and advancements doesn't just mean graphical. It is an element but not the whole thing. That's why the PS3 uses both innovation and power to advance a console. But let's not talk about that now. :'(

Lol, did you just call the PS3 innovative? How? All they did was tack on some tilt sensing and call it original.

This isn't the post to discuss this but - what console used motion sensing in their main controller last generation? Exactly so its new this generation compared to last gen. Therefore it is innovative than last gen. Innovation in gaming. Not in graphics. :'(

Can i just ask you this, how do you think tilt sensing could be incorporated into something like mgs? or what about final fantasy? oblivion? gta? Also, from what i have been able to tell, you criticize the wii with its motion sensing because it has been done before. Yet you seem to think that the tilt sensing has never been done before. That seems a little... well... to be frank... retarded.

To put it in a way that can relate to this forum: Graphics can be a good thing. A good addititon. But it is by no means the be all and end all in gaming. However it does need to be incorporated into next gen consoles. Thats understandable. Here's a scenario: Would you rather choose a fighter with a strong attack and a weak defense or vice versa or would rather have a fighter that is strong at everything and incorporates everything well. Halo incorporated strategy and FPS in a nice little package that was original on console format. That's why it wasn't as big on PC. Halo 2 went the way of FPS nowadays in order to create a bigger market for their game and thus disappoint hardcore fans. :'(

"noobfing" a game can work both ways.. if u make it easier to kill then guess what, people who are good are going to get even better.. so it evens its self out..
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#958 Blackbond
Member since 2005 • 24516 Posts
[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="whoisryanmack"]yo foo, it amazes me how long you will carry these arguments, this really is incredible. yo_foo

I'll admit ownage when there's 100% undeniable proof that I am wrong

You were wrong

You were wrong

You were wrong

And you never admitted ownage. So what makes you think myself or anybody else believes you are ready to admit ownage now? You cannot deny the facts in the links yet you still don't accept the fact that I own you Yo Foo and that's why you think I am your rival. But see a rivalry requires people on equal levels. You can't even get at me.

I have plenty of rivals but what makes you my rival is that you are always there whenever I post. Like we are both magnetically attracted to each other. But there is only one rival of mine that I have respect for - mvent2 - who has the dubious honour of almost owning me. :'(

Still doesn't change the fact the I owned you three times with 100% undeniable proof that you can't look away from yet you still deny it.
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#959 chief_snitch
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Yo_Foo - Now we've got it sorted what you mean by "Success." Let's get this straight - You say the people who love the 360 are FPS nuts so therefore all 10 000 000 or so 360 purchasers are going to be buying Halo 3 on launch. There's sales taken care of. And going by your theory above...Everyone who bought it should enjoy it if they bought a 360 because they love FPS.
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#960 chief_snitch
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I have to agree with you for once Yo_Foo, Deus Ex is easily better than Halo.Opacic_A
two different games and different situations. I would rate Deus Ex higher than Halo 1 myself because I've never seen a FPS before where you never had to shoot... :O
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#961 bri360
Member since 2005 • 2755 Posts
Yes it will be succesfull.
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#962 Blackbond
Member since 2005 • 24516 Posts
Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lol
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#963 Panzer_Zwei
Member since 2006 • 15498 Posts
Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lolBlackbond
I think you and yo_foo love each other deep down inside. ;)
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#964 poopinloop32
Member since 2006 • 4949 Posts
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lolPanzer_Zwei
I think you and yo_foo love each other deep down inside. ;)

and your just jelous:P
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#965 chief_snitch
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[QUOTE="yo_foo"]Halo: Combat Evolved. Or rather - Combat DeEvolved. That should be the slogan that Microsoft should run with for the latest in its One Hit Wonder trilogy - Halo 3.

Now don't get me wrong. Halo was a good game, although a little over rated, and fulfilled itself as the only official X-Box game worth buying the console for (although it came out on PC! Bad move). It developed tactical shooting and developed a good fanbase for those interested in that kind of thing. It had satisfactory multiplayer content which was good solid fun but also applied the use of tactics like in the missions.

Then enter Halo 2. To increase Halo fanbase, they decided to dumb the game down for those who don't have the time for tactics and made the game just a full on shooter with limited tactics and cruddy weapons. Yes Halo 1s weapons were far superior.

And now Halo 3 which promises to be a rehash of Halo 2s style of gameplay to keep these gamers who don't like to think that much and just shoot (the types of gamers who thought Doom 3 and Prey were Gods Gift to Gaming) and still keep in pretty well the same style as Tribes only without the jetpacks. Plus the same repetitive nature of the game will drastically annoy fans of the original and soon enough people will just ignore Halo and remember it for what the series really is - A One Hit Wonder, much in the same vain as the Baha Men's "Who Let the Dogs Out" and the original Rocky film.

Resistance is the Halo killer for this generation of gaming. No doubt about it.



to be honest. He does make a point in a weird kind of way. But you have to give him some credit. He puts a lot into these posts...
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#966 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
Yes it will be succesfull.
Yes it will be successful in sales there's no doubt about it. But Yo_Foo's point is gameplay. And its hard to really prove wrong or right. I hope yo_foo comes back soon.
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#967 Tsug_Ze_Wind
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#968 Blackbond
Member since 2005 • 24516 Posts
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lolPanzer_Zwei
I think you and yo_foo love each other deep down inside. ;)

The temptation to report you and pray to the stars for you to recieve a permaban for such a ludicrious and irritable statement has begun to cross my mind...

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#969 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
for more further ownage Yo_Foo: There's a whole bunch of new things in Halo 3: New weapons, MP levels and more. And it's all at your fingertips YO! http://www.bungie.net/Games/Halo3/
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#970 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lolpoopinloop32
I think you and yo_foo love each other deep down inside. ;)

and your just jelous:P

I'm actually quite jealous...I've owned yo_foo more times how come I'm not a rival :(
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#971 chief_snitch
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[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="illwillpress88"]even if every reveiw said it sucked it would still be a monster sellleryo_foo

If that was the case the game was unsuccessful because it failed to live up to gamers expectations! :'(

i guess R fom was "unsuccessful"....

it was very successful. Just that reviewers hold the PS3 with much higher regard and expectations than the other consoles thats why it scored lower but if it came out on the 360 it would have scored soo much higher :'(

reviews are based on how the game is. Reviews aren't comparisons. Therefore they are all in their own right. :'(
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#972 chief_snitch
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[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="illwillpress88"]even if every reveiw said it sucked it would still be a monster selllerVyse_The_Daring

If that was the case the game was unsuccessful because it failed to live up to gamers expectations! :'(

i guess R fom was "unsuccessful"....

it was very successful. Just that reviewers hold the PS3 with much higher regard and expectations than the other consoles thats why it scored lower but if it came out on the 360 it would have scored soo much higher :'(

Hahaha BS like this is the heart and soul of System Wars.

It's the rear end of credibility =)
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#973 chief_snitch
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[QUOTE="Blackbond"]How can you say Halo 3 won't be successful for the gamer when the demographic its targeting is not you? You can't speak for Halo fans hold up scratch that, you can't even speak for xbox 360 owners. You will hate anythiing no matter what system its on if its not on a Sony console. Halo 3 could get a 10 here, sell 5 million copies in one week, and dethrone Zelda OOT as the highest rated game on Gamerankings and here is what you would do.

  • Reviewers are biased
  • MS payed people off
  • Game is overrated
  • Game got the rating because of its name and doesn't deserve the score
You really believe that anyone would listen to YOU about the game meeting the expectations of gamers when you are freaking allergic to Nintendo and Xbox lol. Not a chance in hell. You wouldn't give this game a chance if Gates put $1,000,000 in front of you because that's how big a fanboy you are. You're opinion is not credible because you weren't fans of the first two nor did you own them so how are you gonna say it won't live up to expectations when you believe the first two were crap.

Also by you're logic all of the following games have sucked since...

  • Zelda OOT
  • All FPS after the original Half-Life
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Tekken
  • DMC
  • Virtual Fighter
  • Sport Games
Because they have all gone down hill after their biggest hit.


nice post

it is but just because something happened in the past doesn't mean it'll happen again... just look at... ;)
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#974 Spartan070
Member since 2004 • 16497 Posts
[QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lolBlackbond
I think you and yo_foo love each other deep down inside. ;)

The temptation to report you and pray to the stars for you to recieve a permaban for such a ludicrious and irritable statement has begun to cross my mind...

Panzer_Zwei is one of the best posters here, it wasn't serious, and there is no way that would get him banned, especially not with his rep.
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#975 chief_snitch
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[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="illwillpress88"]even if every reveiw said it sucked it would still be a monster selllerkilltactics

If that was the case the game was unsuccessful because it failed to live up to gamers expectations! :'(

i guess R fom was "unsuccessful"....

it was very successful. Just that reviewers hold the PS3 with much higher regard and expectations than the other consoles thats why it scored lower but if it came out on the 360 it would have scored soo much higher :'(

first of all it was hyped AAA and so no it was not successful.... also why on earth would reviewers hold PS3 FPS games on a higher level then xbox360? PS2 had no good FPS not that it matters b/c reviewers did not base PS3 games on PS2. which makes it even more bad b/c that was the First decent FPS on the PS2 OR PS3 and it still was not AAA

Let Resistance be an example as to how to overhype a game. It probably would have got AAA had it not been overhyped. :'(
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#976 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lolSpartan070
I think you and yo_foo love each other deep down inside. ;)

The temptation to report you and pray to the stars for you to recieve a permaban for such a ludicrious and irritable statement has begun to cross my mind...

Panzer_Zwei is one of the best posters here, it wasn't serious, al there is no way that would get him banned, especially not with his rep.

I think blackbond was having a joke.
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#977 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
"If you want to crown them, then crown thier a$$"Dennis Green to Halo poopinloop32
hahaha. Now that is a quote and a half.
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#978 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="killtactics"][QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]How can you say Halo 3 won't be successful for the gamer when the demographic its targeting is not you? You can't speak for Halo fans hold up scratch that, you can't even speak for xbox 360 owners. You will hate anythiing no matter what system its on if its not on a Sony console. Halo 3 could get a 10 here, sell 5 million copies in one week, and dethrone Zelda OOT as the highest rated game on Gamerankings and here is what you would do.

  • Reviewers are biased
  • MS payed people off
  • Game is overrated
  • Game got the rating because of its name and doesn't deserve the score
You really believe that anyone would listen to YOU about the game meeting the expectations of gamers when you are freaking allergic to Nintendo and Xbox lol. Not a chance in hell. You wouldn't give this game a chance if Gates put $1,000,000 in front of you because that's how big a fanboy you are. You're opinion is not credible because you weren't fans of the first two nor did you own them so how are you gonna say it won't live up to expectations when you believe the first two were crap.

Also by you're logic all of the following games have sucked since...

  • Zelda OOT
  • All FPS after the original Half-Life
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Tekken
  • DMC
  • Virtual Fighter
  • Sport Games

Because they have all gone down hill after their biggest hit.


I own an XBOX 360 so I CAN speak as a 360 gamer. And I was a huge Halo fan. And once again you continue to fail to see the point of this thread.

Halo 3 will sell but gamers will see that the game will fail to meet the expectations of gamers and it will get a lower rating.

Plus people saying "It's important for this generation of gaming" are wrong. If Halo 3 uses the same gameplay as previous Halo installments (they say Halo 1 I say Halo 2) then its not entirely all that new. The only thing that is important in this generation is graphics according to these 360 fans.

However the game may (because of bias or because of lower expectations of reviewers on the XBOX) recieve a score of 9.1 or LOWER. But I'm quite sure that it will get 8.9 or even much lower due to these disappointing issues which WILL arise.


lets play the HOW game

HOW do u know it "the game will fail to meet the expectations of gamers and it will get a lower rating."

HOW do u know that "Halo 3 uses the same gameplay as previous Halo installments (they say Halo 1 I say Halo 2) then its not entirely all that new" (they did't say the gameplay is going to be like halo1)

Bungie: Halo 3 Bigger, More Like Halo 1 | Xbox 360 News | GamePro.com www.gamepro.com/news.cfm?article_id=79462 It's a lie though. Looks to me more like Halo 2. :'(

your own link ownes u.."Exploring, in fact. There's lots of the feel of the original Halo, where you'll find yourself in a huge (dangerous) and intrinsically fascinating environment and just want to go tool around and check things out." he is talking about the enviroment not the gameplay... maybe u should read harder next time.. also i love how u ignore most of the things i say b/c u can't reply to them.. like when u said halo is the same universe over and over again and somehow UT games are not..

Then it backs up Yo_Foo's point exactly. All the focus on graphics and environment not actual gameplay.
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#979 chief_snitch
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46 pages... why can't any of my topics get this many replies? The most pages I've ever gotten is eight. >_>

And yes, Halo 3 will be successful. Even if it isn't the "BEST GAME EVAR!!!!" that the die-hard lemmings/fakeboys are screaming, it will still be a good game. Bungie is a very talented developer, and Marathon comes to mind instantly. As much as one might think that they're "overrated," both Halo games were very great accomplishments. And this is coming from someone who hates Halo fanboys. It will still get a good score, and I don't buy your "wising up to the Halo fad" line. People will still buy it. As much as people were dissapointed by Halo 2, you know what the source of most of that dissapointment was? The cliffhangar ending. And you know what that means. It means that people will want to play Halo 3 to find how the story ends. >_>
It will certainly be interesting to see what happenes in the end but that won't make a whole bunch of newbies run out and play the game. Therefore they are restricted to the h/c fans.
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#980 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lolBlackbond
I think if he gets to 1000 it will flush this ludacris posting out of him!
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#981 chief_snitch
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back from the dead. I'm still waiting for Yo_Foo's reply to all of this
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#982 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Everyone please tell me

  • When has a dev actually put everything they ever wanted into a game?
  • When has a dev never not said we wanted to put that in but didn't have enough time?
  • When have you ever played a game and not have been like, maybe they should have changed this, or they could have made this better by doing this and that?
In reality NO game ever meets full expectations

But to say Halo 3 won't be successful is utterly ignorant. Because it will be successful SALES WISE and that's a 100% fact.

Yo Foo if that's not success then change your topic title to what ever you are trying to convey. If you keep acting like this I'll have to resort to putting you in my sig for the fourth time...

now you've totally missed it. No game ever meets all expectations (except Deus Ex) but i never siad they did. In the case of Halo gamers will be disappointed with the bigger things that hamper a game. :'(

Such as? I find this whole thread funny since you aren't even a Halo player by the way. Its like you speaking out on a subject you aren't even qualified for.

It's certainly a change from the wii bashing threads he is famous for.
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#983 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="whoisryanmack"]yo foo, it amazes me how long you will carry these arguments, this really is incredible. yo_foo
I'll admit ownage when there's 100% undeniable proof that I am wrong. :'(

Yo_Foo you love yourself too much to admit ownage.
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#984 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts

Sadly, Halo could suck as bad as your reasoning and it would still sale incredibly well. There are simply just far too many people in the world that like that game. I personally didn't like Halo 2 that much, but it's just plain silly to assume that game won't sell...


exactly and that's the ppint I've been trying to make in this thread. Plus the fact that people are saying it's new to the gen. But how can that be if it's the same gameplay as last gen but with better graphics. :'(

same point can be made with MGS, FF, HL, UT, zelda, mario... ect ect ect... also when did u play it?

but most of those are set in "different worlds" you could say. different scenarios. Halo is all set in basically the one universe and is all samey. :'(

HUH?? every one of thoes games is set in one universe.... and how is MGS soo different and halo is "samey"? epecially when u can do anything from throw a nade to drive to even fly..


MGS is totally different scenarios in a totally different world (not universe as in universal) like a totally different map. Halo is the same area, same world, same terrain and frankly the same gameplay but dumbed down from the original. :'(

oh this should be good: explain how can it be dumbed down when its on a more advance console

In tactics. And besides the 360 is only advanced from the XBOX in power. That's all we're really tlaking about here. How great Halo 3 looks. Even that user who posted the picture proved it. Graphics =/= Gameplay and advancements doesn't just mean graphical. It is an element but not the whole thing. That's why the PS3 uses both innovation and power to advance a console. But let's not talk about that now. :'(

Lol, did you just call the PS3 innovative? How? All they did was tack on some tilt sensing and call it original.

no he said it was innovative not original. There have been no controllers utilising motion sensing last generation so it is indeed innovative but so is the wiimote.
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#985 supermechakirby
Member since 2003 • 10677 Posts
Kill. this. thread. please, for the sake of gamers and bunnies
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#986 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="whoisryanmack"]yo foo, it amazes me how long you will carry these arguments, this really is incredible. lawlessx
I'll admit ownage when there's 100% undeniable proof that I am wrong. :'(

wrong about what? that halo 3 will dissapoint fans of the series?..how can anybody say that when bungie hasn't released any real gameplay yet?

he's saying that it could happen. Of course there has been no gameplay available yet. it's just hype for the game.
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#987 chief_snitch
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[QUOTE="supermechakirby"]Kill. this. thread. please, for the sake of gamers and bunnies

We have to wait for Yo_Foo's reply.
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#988 chief_snitch
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Lol I kinda agree with you. I saw a couple game play footage all someone did was kill stuff. Personally I don't care I prefer a blend of both. If bungie can pull of fun and strategy good. It'd be nice if they could make the game straightforward in a way like navigating a map and stuff. But while your at you gotta think "how will I kill the enemies without being killed" or how will I stop a group of enemies from mobbing me. Or have a creative way of killing things, but anyway I honestly see no point in arguing the point that this game,Gears of War,Virtua Fighter 5, and of course Unreal Tournament 3 will just make the whole console itself popular. PS3 is losing this war like X Box already lost last gens war. It's like the whole thing over again. In general this game is gonna be like a super jump start for this generation. Personally If Halo3 can't pull something good off than Kill Zone 2 might. It's either 1 or the other or both!Yahiko182
if bungie can pull off something along the strategic lines of the original but still keep the game exciting, fun, new and fresh for fans of the old ones and appelaing to newbies then it will be successful in all ways.
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#989 lawlessx
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#990 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts
[QUOTE="yo_foo"][QUOTE="whoisryanmack"]yo foo, it amazes me how long you will carry these arguments, this really is incredible. whoisryanmack
I'll admit ownage when there's 100% undeniable proof that I am wrong. :'(

oh, i havent read any of this, but 47 pages! good god, and this isnt the first time i've seen you doing this. just never seen anything like it.

I saw him do that nasty "Satiro Ishawa" thread. It got to about 970 or so replies.
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#991 chief_snitch
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I am waiting for Yo_Foo's reply... I'm sure you all would liek to see it...
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#992 chief_snitch
Member since 2006 • 114 Posts

Sadly, Halo could suck as bad as your reasoning and it would still sale incredibly well. There are simply just far too many people in the world that like that game. I personally didn't like Halo 2 that much, but it's just plain silly to assume that game won't sell...


exactly and that's the ppint I've been trying to make in this thread. Plus the fact that people are saying it's new to the gen. But how can that be if it's the same gameplay as last gen but with better graphics. :'(

same point can be made with MGS, FF, HL, UT, zelda, mario... ect ect ect... also when did u play it?

but most of those are set in "different worlds" you could say. different scenarios. Halo is all set in basically the one universe and is all samey. :'(

HUH?? every one of thoes games is set in one universe.... and how is MGS soo different and halo is "samey"? epecially when u can do anything from throw a nade to drive to even fly..


MGS is totally different scenarios in a totally different world (not universe as in universal) like a totally different map. Halo is the same area, same world, same terrain and frankly the same gameplay but dumbed down from the original. :'(

oh this should be good: explain how can it be dumbed down when its on a more advance console

In tactics. And besides the 360 is only advanced from the XBOX in power. That's all we're really tlaking about here. How great Halo 3 looks. Even that user who posted the picture proved it. Graphics =/= Gameplay and advancements doesn't just mean graphical. It is an element but not the whole thing. That's why the PS3 uses both innovation and power to advance a console. But let's not talk about that now. :'(

you keep saying it will dumb down in tactics but you never give you reasons why.

to get more n00bs in and try to make more $$$ Tactical FPS are gone. This gen has marked the death of them. It's all about graphics and how high the body count is. :'(

but if bungie says halo3 will have gameplay elements of the first halo whouldnt that mean that they fully understand that people perfered halo1's combat system more then halo2's? and i dont see how bungie dumbing down the game will bring in more money.

not everyone likes to think when they play games. They'd prefer to shoot first ask questions later and look at the quality of a charred corpse and marvel at the pixel count. :'(

now your turning this into a "graphics over gameplay topic". if bungie were only counting on this game's graphics and not caring about its gameplay..they wouldnt have taken the risk of showing the game in its pre-alpha stages and lose their fans in this graphics war.

but you must admit that in those links - they discuss more about the graphics than the gameplay...
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#993 walter09
Member since 2005 • 289 Posts

I'm not a Halo fanboy or a XBox owner, but that game has a reputation of its own in the market... a legacy takes more than a bad sequel to destroy that's if Halo 3 is a bad game at all.

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#995 yo_foo
Member since 2006 • 3296 Posts

I'm not a Halo fanboy or a XBox owner, but that game has a reputation of its own in the market... a legacy takes more than a bad sequel to destroy that's if Halo 3 is a bad game at all.

sure the sales for the game will be big. But people will realise the error of their ways and continue to be bored with a repetitive game. :'(
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#996 yo_foo
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[QUOTE="Blackbond"]Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lolPanzer_Zwei
I think you and yo_foo love each other deep down inside. ;)

I'd be a little flattered if that was true ;) :'(
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#997 yo_foo
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[QUOTE="chief_snitch"]for more further ownage Yo_Foo: There's a whole bunch of new things in Halo 3: New weapons, MP levels and more. And it's all at your fingertips YO! http://www.bungie.net/Games/Halo3/

Ok I read through the links and what do I see? Talk about the environment, graphics shading, etc. No information about the crucial factor in gaming...GAMEPLAY. :'(
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#998 yo_foo
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Yes it will be succesfull.
in what way? :'(
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#999 yo_foo
Member since 2006 • 3296 Posts
[QUOTE="Panzer_Zwei"][QUOTE="Blackbond"]Come on Yo Foo you are almost at 1000 don't give up lolBlackbond
I think you and yo_foo love each other deep down inside. ;)

The temptation to report you and pray to the stars for you to recieve a permaban for such a ludicrious and irritable statement has begun to cross my mind...

:O :'(
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#1000 Cpt_Meh
Member since 2005 • 1832 Posts
I'm glad we know enough about Halo 3 to make all these assumptions. :)