[QUOTE="Deevoshun"][QUOTE="tormentos"] Cheap.? The core unit was $300 on launch and was gimped to hell,wired controller,no place to save,no compatibility with xbox games,because of not having memory. Sony sold a PS3 o launch for $500 dollars,it was Blu-ray which on 2006 was $1,000 stand alone,had free online play,which on 360 was $50 a year,the $500 PS3 on 2006 make the xbox 360 premium look like an arm robbery,the premium 360 was $400 without online play or blu-ray with live it was $450 just $50 dollars less than a Blu-Ray PS3. MS since the start claimed that all games would work on the core unit,since 2007 that hasn't been true,Halo 3,ODST,Reach and now Halo 4 all need it HDD for co-op,that basically breaks what MS say about the core unit,and is funny that the game in question is not a 3rd party one,but an MS first party one,so you have a core,spend $60 dollars on live,$60 dollars on Halo 4 and you can play multiplayer.? If i were a 360 core owner i would sue MS ass for false advertisement,there is a reason why instals on 360 hasn't been mandatory,there is a reason why MS them self tell developer to make games taking into account that the HDD will not always be there,and they break their own rule and that is suppose to be ok.? MS did this on Purpose to make people buy their hugely over priced HDD. tormentos
Then and now, either way you look at it, it cost $100 less than the primary console version especially if as a consumer you took a look at the sticker price of the then $500 PS3. Again the point was, it was a cheap way to get into this gen's gaming.
Online for the PS3 back then was a crap fest, sure it was free, but in comparison to what you got with Xbox live, well lets just say, there was no comparison. But still, gamers were able to play ANY Xbox game online or not, keeping them in this gen. Which to most that bought an Arcade version it is all they cared for. When they did decide to go online, it was their choice.
Not fooling anyone here with your blu-ray stuff, it isn't needed for gaming, I see no difference in gaming on my PS3 except that I have to sometimes load the game I want to play into my HDD. I use my PS3 blu-ray to play blu-ray movies I get from red-box, thats it. I yet to install a blu-ray player on my PC (again not needed for games) if I do install one it may be a reader/writer so I can burn and hand out family movies to relatives. Blu-ray players are so cheap (under $99) everyone has one and they are faster than the PS3's.
No one is making anyone do anything, MS is not making you go out a buy their HDD. Just like MS doesn't require you to have a gold account. You have choices and as I pointed out. Core gamers made the decision to purchase the normal version Xbox, Arcade is what it was advertised as, and ENTRY system. Meaning eventually if you wanted the full experience you would have to upgrade, in this case it's just your memory.
Now.? The core 360 is $199 the PS3 slime is $250 with again free online play,120GB HDD and Blu-ray...Dollar per dollars the xbox 360 still is a robbery. Online a crap fest.? Maybe you are talking about features,because on 2006 when Gear of War could not even handle 4 vs 4 without huge lag,host advantage issues and many other problems,Resistance was doing 20 vs 20 matches basically lag free. Rage alone basically destroy your whole argument a damn First Person Shooter that was deliver on 360 in 3 damn disc,while on PS3 it was on 1 blu-ray..Basically destroy your argument about Blu-ray not been need it,MS has go to hell and back with huge compression ratios and even so Rage a FPS no an RPG a FPS took 3 disc,LA Noire the same crap again multiple discs...Face it the DVD medium was ok for 2005,by 2007 was already dated. With Halo 4 is not a choice,if you own the damn and want to get full advantage of what you pay for you have to buy an HDD if your unit is a core period,or a flash drive you have to make a separate investment,on top of the one that is XBL which is mandatory to have if you wish to play online...Now, you get a better deal with PS3, its part of the reason I purchased a Slim PS3. But I am pretty sure MS could lower their 360 down to $150 or maybe less if they weren't selling as hot as they have been. MS has been making money off the Xbox for years now, their decision to not counter the $250 price drop of the slim has shown that they haven't needed to. Xbox broke into mainstream because of the Arcade sku, Kinect and their line-up of great games. Because of this, better deal or not more Xbox's are being bought.
Host advantage in online games has nothing to do with the system but the way the developers decided to handle their online. Most current games aren't hosted by any one console but by stand alone servers. Issue is mute.
3 disc LA Noire, 2 Disc Forza (you can install the second one), doesn't really matter. You can still play them on Xbox disc swapping or not. As for the issue with huge compression ratios, please explain the fact that 90% of Multiplats look better on Xbox.
As for Halo 4, you can still play the game without the extra memory. What you can't do is play 4 player co-op which is meant for online, which the Arcade isn't really targetted at.
Still a playable game either way.
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