Halo Reach great game=Check
Halo Reach Great online play=Check
Halo Reach great graphics for open world style=Check
Halo Reach great sound=Check
Ok here is the problem after about 2 weeks it is totally boring. The reason for this is we are so used to games having a good upgrade system and Reach falls short of this. You see it is all cosmetic. Once you find the style you like you will most likely keep the look and not even worry about buying other armor cosmetic upgrades.
You really have no desire to try and keep upgrading. If you could mod you weapons with better power aim or gernades or stuff like that then this would have great staying power as an online shooter. It just offers far to little in comparison to games like COD in this aspect.
I think people are already getting bored of the Halo Reach online and when COD BO drops it's going to take over and be the game that has the staying power.
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