What's that old axiom? Practice makes perfect?
By now, Hermits, or pro-PC gamers, debate skills must be far from perfect. They just haven't had any practice against new arguments. See, for years now Hermits have been attacked with the same old arguments:
- The PC lacks genre diversity.
- Nobody games on PCs anymore.
- A gaming PC costs you thousands of dollars every few years.
- The PC doesn't have any games.
Now, every system has a few System Wars memes that refuse to die.
For the Wii, it's that it's kiddy, or that it's last gen.
The 360 that they all break, or don't have any games besides shooters.
The PS3 that it has no games, is circling the drain, or is the 'just wait' system'.
However none of these other systems misconceptions are so viral and so long lasting as the ones concerning the PC. None of these misconceptions form the only assaults ever made against the PC.
The other main difference with the PC is that these misconceptions were empirically and conclusively disproven long ago. This then causes a problem for Hermit debates.
Somebody says nobody games on the PC anymore? They just link some of these facts.
Someone says the PC is only FPS, RTS and MMORPGS? Yawn, not it has plenty.
No games? Nope. (This one is even stickied, eliminating any hope Hermits might do some studious research).
You can see the problem beginning to form. Everytime the PC is attacked, the attack is so dated, so cliche, so easily dispelled, that Hermits have absolutely no need to even think about what their saying. They've seen it so many times before and so definitely that it's pointless to even think about it. There's probably a link disproving.
Therefore, anti-PC fanboys, I beg you, be dynamic. Hit Hermits where they haven't been hit. Make some new arguments, so their debate skills don't completely die out, since at the moment they only need to link to a sticky to counteract the drivel you spout.
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