In all seriousness, how exactly does advertising factor into your argument, considering that accounts for a major part of sales? Also wii sports was bundled free with a wii, can we say it's the best game ever? Probably not, since most people probably just wanted a wii. What about brand value? I'm sure mario games will sell more than an equally advertised and rated game, simply because the brand is associated with good games. You can directly influence sales through means other than the game itself simply being good. For example having your own toy line apparently makes you a better game, and if you partner with a soft drink well then my god your quality skyrockets!
Intrinsic quality is not based on sales for another reason: They are not a good scale. Lets assume for a second that Wii Sports really and truly is the best game ever (lol). It is not just the best game ever though, it is almost twice as good as the next best game ever. That's your argument in a nutshell. People didn't just decide it was the best game ever, they overwhelmingly did. I suppose if you look at it on a one to one basis, you could simply say "game x is better than game y" because thats what numbers say. But with tens of thousands of games, you force numbers to be a literal measurement rather than a simple indicator. Make any sense?
You can't just say "x is the best game ever" using sales as a scale, you have to say "x is the best game ever by such a wide margin that nothing else even comes close to it."
So if sales are untrustworthy, why are reviewers any better? Well for one, they are payed to review games. The quality of reviews is more or less reliable in the sense that becoming unreliable or shoddy is a good way to get fired (or in our case posting your actual feelings amirite gamespot?). Frequently posting flamebait reviews also damages the companies reputation. Obviously nobody would take a site seriously if they consider Big Rigs the best game ever. General consensus helps of course to reduce the potential for bias, which is why it is helpful to consider the opinions of multiple people when using a reviewer.
Oh, and reviewers are single humans, generally unaffected by mass hysteria, which also can drive sales. Did you know people are actually more likely to buy something, just because they think other people bought it? Reviewers don't have that, they get most games free and just review them on a cost to quality ratio, while attempting to be objective.
You know speaking of big rigs, apparently that was on the worst games everyone played list.
That means it outsold the best game no one played that year, Amplitude. Big Rigs literally outsold an unheard of but critically praised game, simply because it was so bad.
You expect anyone here to believe Big Rigs wasn't the worst game of 2003, and generally one of the worst games ever?
Because according to you, it wasn't, and there are many games much worse than it.
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