This is probably just me cus im a big weirdo, but im surprisingly not excited about gears 3 right now....that surprises me because i personally had fun with Gears 1 and 2 and the Gears series is basically one of the only exclusive cards Xbox has up its sleaves now.
The thing is, idk, it looks the same.... i watched the videos for the Gears 3 gameplay and to my dissapointment the game actually seemed like Gears 2 with more guns, Gears 2 with a bayonet attatched to a machine gun. True, not all games have to do complete overhauls, but the Gears 3 game has been teased for a really long time, its coming in September, and Epic Games hasnt done much with it to seem like its going to be anything to drool over. It seems that unless you are a die hard Gears fan who is really into the Gears storyling and multiplayer, what does Gears 3 have to offer besides more maps, a feminine partner, and a new gun or two. Maybe im expecting too much since now Gears has the pressure of being the signature Xbox release of the year, but honestly a game of this caliber and a company of this reputation should be trying to do a bit more to make the game worth buying in a season of Uncharted, Battlefield, and Mass Effect
Do you guys feel a bit "unimpressed" by Gears 3 so far or are you still excited as hell?
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