It's about time you finally gave an actual ANSWER. Took you long enough.
You RESORT to using scores only when they benefit you. IF you played all three (doubt it) and concluded Halo was better, then you WOULDN'T have appealed to the score to state Halo was king. Keep trying to twist your way out: you flat out stated you have to score higher than the competition, not that you played all three and used your own opinion. Nice try... oh wait, no it wasn't :lol:
Your a die hard lemming that oozes jealousy whenever something great happens for the PS3. Why do you appeal to the 9.5 score (if you looked at the actual thread I quoted you from, since you clearly didn't) to state that it is better than R2 and K2? Remember what you said? Using scores makes you a blind fanboy :roll: Great self-ownage.
Oh and by the way, relating back to the first point, Cows hiding behind the PC doesn't disprove the fact that PC/360 games are mutliplatform. Using ad hominens automatically shows you cant win an argument.
Such open condescendence coming from a cow. You took the statement I made and presumed I was referring to the GS score , which I wasn't (your bovine glasses made you miss the MY OPINION). Your whole argument against me is based on your presumptions and fanboy views (spin at its finest.) If you are not a fanboy then why have that animated gif in your sig attacking Halo, when you hadn't even played U2 yet?
BTW the cows hidin PC point isn't attempting to insinuate PC/360 are exlusive to 360. It's to show how you cows have to hide behind 2 platforms to play the games on 360....
Look how u orginally stated to using your opinion, and now how ur all of a sudden stating u werent using GS scores. Cant get your story straight Miz?
You made a direct quote to someone using the scores on GS :lol: Nice try. And it doesnt matter WHICH score you use, since u FAIL to understand that the fact that u used it shows ur a blind fanboy by YOUR logic. The only one spinning here is you. You dont like to use scores when COWS will use it. You call it a blind man conforming to another mans opinion, but you use it to state that in order to be king, you have to score higher.
Do you really think a gif that I received as a gift is proof of fanboyism? In typical fashion, you resort to pulling at straws. Use my arguments to prove something, not a gif. For example, when proving Halo to be better, you use Halo scores. When cows use scores to show Uncharteds score, u call them blind. This is a clear example of bias.
What a laughable assumption. Are you trying to say PS3 owners play on PC to avoid playing on the 360? please tell me what ur trying to say here, that made no sense at all. Of course, it also shows ur petiness-- u have to hide behind ad hominens when cows make the point that 360 and PC games are multiplatform. Even more evidence that u just cant stand it when the PS3 gets a leg to stand on.
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