Overall the PS3 is the better console:
1) It's exclusive line up alone justifies the purchase, the PS3 has, and keeps pumping out, more than enough exclusive games to justify getting it. Even if you already own a 360, the PS3 just offers more as far as exclusives go. On top of this the PS3 also get's the same multiplats as 360, (almost) all of which are identical to the 360 versions and often get exclusive content only on the PS3 version like Joker in Batman, extra mission gangs in RDR ect... Though better exclusives is a subjective term, but the fact remains PS3 offers far more with more genres than 360 exclusives do. There is something for everyone. Anyone who has not played Uncharted is missing out BIG time, there is no way around this, anyone that has played it goes out and buys a PS3 for it, that's how good the games are.
2) PSN is free and it does everything XBL does, aside from cross game chat. Is cross game chat worth paying for? No obviously not. So if you can live without it (which you can) then PSN will suit you just fine. There is zero difference between playing online on PSN and XBL, lag, stable connection ect....all of that depends on YOUR conneciton or the HOST connection. It has nothing to do with PSN or XBL it'self. With PSN, you get to fully experience all parts of your games without any strings attached.
3) If you choose to, you can get PS+ which is cheaper than a Gold subscription but saves you a TON of money, it pays it'self off within a month. The amount of content and money you save is insane, it totally destroys the value of a Gold membership completely. Sure you rent the "free" games, but isn't that what you do with XBL? You just "rent" your real life games and pay MS a fee to access a portion of your game that you aleady paid for, over the internet you already pay for. Plus PSN has no stupid dashboard ads. PS+ is an option that saves you money, XBL Gold is mandatory and takes your money and provides something that is free everywher else.
4) More reliable hard ware, while the 360 Slim fixed many issues, the fact remains that the PS3 is still the more reliable console on the market. It also uses Blu Ray discs which prevents scracthed discs, which the 360 still has reports of doing, it causes light scratches on the DVD.
5) PS3 is the cheaper system, its true. Xbox 360 ends up costing more money, things like XBL subscription (which is basically required, without it you miss out on your games) add up over the years. With a 360 you have to pay $60 for XBL, some people will try to downplay it to "only 5 bucks a year herp derp" but it really ends up being more than that, 3 years of XBL Gold adds up to $180, a 360 slim is around $300, that's $480. You pay all that just to play your games online over your own internet for cross game chat. PS3 you buy it for $300, no questions asked. Even the origional 360 ended up being more expensive than the origional PS3.
6) It's graphics are better, it's true. Games like UC, KZ3, GOW3 ect....are all amazing and there is NOTHING on 360 that even comes close. 360 has some great looking games too like Gears or Witcher or Halo 4, but PS3 games are in a leauge of their own. Many PS3 exclusives look right up there along with several high end PC games, upcoming games like TLOU look just like high end PC games, if it was never announced for PS3 people would assume it would be a PC only game, that's how good it looks. 36 has nothing to counter this, 360 cannot say the same thing because it cannot do it.
7) Blu Ray is great, not only is it the best way to watch movies, but it also works great for games too. If you want the ultimate HD resolution and sound, Blu Ray is the way to g. It's extra data (holds up to 50 GB) is part of the reason why many PS3 games are impossible on the 360. Uncharted, Heavy Rain (not a Sony owned dev btw), MGS4 (not a Sony owned IP btw), God of War 3 ect...are all impossible on the 360. It could never handle these games. This is due in part to the lack of Blu Ray. As a consumer you get the best movie and HD experience with PS3.
Only downside of the PS3 are the updates which can be slow sometimes, and the PS Store has an outdated layout and it's not as expansive as XBL Marketplace. It also on very rare occassions will get a bad port, but those are very rare exceptions as all other multiplats are identical to the 360 versions.
But otherwise it is the superior system. I recommend getting one, even if you already have a 360, because the PS3 gives you more than enough great exclusives alone to justify getting one.
Sony and my PS3 have given me a far better gaming experience than I ever have had with my 360. I haven't even bothered replacing my old 360 because there is no reason to do for only a few games I'm interested in. Witcher 2, Gears, and Halo Reach/4. I also will not pay for XBL so the latter 2 are worthless without MP.
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