*If you haven't guessed by now, the title was merely bait. This is all just my opinion. Why post it? Because I can.*
The thread might have a few small spoilers so watch out. Nothing about the story though.
So I've been playing a lot of Skyrim and Dark Souls recently. I hear so many praises for Dark Souls that I just had to try it. I didn't expect much from the game and I was right.
Dark Souls has so many problems that it's not even funny. The biggest thing I'd noticed was that the game wasn't that hard at all. People here act all mighty and sh*t when they beat the game or act like they're "hardcore". The game isn't that hard. Assuming you don't act like a total idiot, you'll be fine. For the most part. When the game does get hard, it's borderline cheap. You get forced into a corner by five ghosts? Good luck. Oh a boss fight with two gargoyles and one of them keeps breathing fire while the other attacks? Yeah that's fair. These moments are completely unfair and just not well done.
Another problem with Dark Souls is a lack of an ingame map. The world is huge. That's one of the best things about Dark Souls but why no map? Was the dev trying to make the game harder by not including a map? All it does is add more pointless backtracking.
Oh and don't get me started on the online play. The ideas of leaving notes behind is cool. I like that. The co-op is not good though. There's so many bullsh*t restrictions and other crap. What if I just want to go through the world with a buddy? Well you better be at the same level at all times.
Let looks at Skyrim. The world is huge and beautiful. There's so much to do and the game is rarely cheap. It makes you want to explore for hours. It's just an all around good game. Sure there's a few glitches but nothing game breaking.
Both games have one common problem though. Both have random frame drops. They're both quite noticeable and annoying. I was told it was only a problem in a certain area for Dark Souls but it seems to happen everywhere. The game is still playable but it gets on your nerves. It's not a huge deal for Skyrim (even more so if you play it on PC) but for a game like Dark Souls, it's just stupid.
I have many more gripes but I don't want to write a novel. Dark Souls isn't a bad game. It's quite addicting. I just don't see the praises that the game gets. From Software games are just overrated. Hopefully they won't f*ck up Armored Core V.
Well er, discuss? This is a bit of a rant but I tried to make it System Worthy. >.>
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