@ Maroxad
I can think of 1 valid reson to own Dark Souls on xbox360 ever if you have a PS3, Buying it as a EXTRA copy in additon to the PS3 copyto own in support of the company (From Software) who made this game to expand the franchise,boost the sales and help the game be an over-all sucess.
Other than this, if you actuallyown both platforms, there are no good reasons to buy it for xbox360 unless you are just a MS fanboy.
I have mentioned my reasons before, and clearly explained them.
Those reasons may not apply to you (or me for that matter) but they apply to other people.
- Playing games can be fun, playing them with friends can make them twice as fun. Friends who might not even have the PS3
- The 360 shaped PS3 controllers are not as well known, Even then, would you buy a new controller for just one game?
- With the exception of the monthly fee, I am pretty sure it is generally agreed that XBL>PSN
- Some people like just having all their games in "one place". I am not one of them, but I know people who are. A big reason for this is the fact that some people want all their games to be bound to the same service.
- Considering selling the PS3 means the PS3 is still an option. Heck a person considering selling a platform might not even sell the platform in the end, and they might still have the platform for another 3 months or so, plenty of time to play the game.
Edit: I am tired of going around in circles, but I would argue not seeing and understanding other people's opinoins is by far more fanboyish than getting the inferior version of a game.
sounds like a bunch of fanboy reasons really.
not to be harsh but talking about "it is generally agreed that XBL>PSN" related to Dark Souls is BS because the online for both games will be the same.
did you even do any research?
The online integration for the game WAS A DEVELOPERS CHOICE!!!! Please stop with the remarks about Demon's Souls online being horrible because of PSN lol it seems like you know nothing about the game. Please go look at some of the developers interviews, the developers didn't want any set-up encounters or Voice BS talking from DESIGN choice, It had nothing to do with PSN at all. It is the same for Dark Souls.
Please go do some reasearch and come back when you are informed about the game is doing...
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