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Do any of you feel this way? I feel like i was suckered into believing the Wii was a real video gamers system. Was it the hype? Was it the rabid enthusism of of mis-guided nintendo fans. Was it the oddly persuading "Wii want to Play" commercials. I dont know. But no more for me. This fantasy has got to stop. I sold my Wii and DS today to purge myself of anything Nintendo. I just dont understand how anyone can stand behind and support this system. PS3 and 360 deserve gamers dollars, not this abomination called Wii. Videodogg
I feel ya. While there are a couple games I enjoy on it, it just sits there and collects dust for the most part.
Do any of you feel this way? I feel like i was suckered into believing the Wii was a real video gamers system. Was it the hype? Was it the rabid enthusism of of mis-guided nintendo fans. Was it the oddly persuading "Wii want to Play" commercials. I dont know. But no more for me. This fantasy has got to stop. I sold my Wii and DS today to purge myself of anything Nintendo. I just dont understand how anyone can stand behind and support this system. PS3 and 360 deserve gamers dollars, not this abomination called Wii. Videodogg
It's cheap, it's got a decent library, i dont see the issue
Do any of you feel this way? I feel like i was suckered into believing the Wii was a real video gamers system. Was it the hype? Was it the rabid enthusism of of mis-guided nintendo fans. Was it the oddly persuading "Wii want to Play" commercials. I dont know. But no more for me. This fantasy has got to stop. I sold my Wii and DS today to purge myself of anything Nintendo. I just dont understand how anyone can stand behind and support this system. PS3 and 360 deserve gamers dollars, not this abomination called Wii. Videodogg
Amen to that.
Well, I still like my ds, even though I left all my freakin' games at my cousins house. Too bad he lives 5 hours away.
I wasn't hyped for the Wii at all, I hated it before it came out. Once it did eventually come out, for some reason I was swayed into buying one on almost an instant (it doesn't help that I'm impulsive. I just happen to have 300 bucks and there just happen to be one left in stock)
Now it just sits here, I can't stand playing it. I'm selling it for a 360 because I love the controller and how it's competing with the ps3. I think it'll be fun to have both my ps3 and future 360 side by side and seeing how much they copy eachother :P
Either way, wii is not for me. Plus the e3 conference pushed me over the edge into selling it.
I think you are overreacting a bit. Sure the library sucks, but you don't need to go all soap opera-y here. Now wouldn't it be just perfect if you had second thoughts and return passionately to your Wii... meanwhile your 360 wakes up from the RRoD coma it's been in and finds you two together!!!!
I'm not really sure why you ditched your DS. It's sorta like throwing the proverbial baby out with the bath-water.
It's a good secondary console. There's a fair share of really good games for it.Snowboarder99it's my primary console. i alos have a gaming pc, so i'm getting the best of both worlds.
Do any of you feel this way? I feel like i was suckered into believing the Wii was a real video gamers system. Videodogg
so is it a fake game system?
I agree. I already suffered the Gamecube era, after months of waiting for the same games Nintendo's been spitting out all over again I got tired of it. I thought Nintendo was changing thing up, being "innovative". Turns out it's just the same old Nintendo.
I also sold my DS and Wii.
I agree. I already suffered the Gamecube era, after months of waiting for the same games Nintendo's been spitting out all over again I got tired of it. I thought Nintendo was changing thing up, being "innovative". Turns out it's just the same old Nintendo.
I also sold my DS and Wii.
Same ole Nintendo, except making vast sums of money.
The Wii is like Obama
All hype, no substance
Wow, I thought I was the only one here who saw that about Obama. *tips hat*
[QUOTE="clicketyclick"][QUOTE="DivergeUnify"]The Wii is like Obama
All hype, no substance
Wow, I thought I was the only one here who saw that about Obama. *tips hat*
Nope. Familiar with BioShockOwns? He feels the same :PThree users! Time to start a union. :D
[QUOTE="DivergeUnify"][QUOTE="clicketyclick"][QUOTE="DivergeUnify"]The Wii is like Obama
All hype, no substance
Wow, I thought I was the only one here who saw that about Obama. *tips hat*
Nope. Familiar with BioShockOwns? He feels the same :PThree users! Time to start a union. :D
make that four :P
So out of curiosity, who will you two be voting for, or are you not American/of age/voting?clicketyclickEh, we're going off topic here. I'm 16, but I'm keeping my mom in check from voting for that jackass. Anymore discussion will have to be saved for PM guys :(
[QUOTE="clicketyclick"]So out of curiosity, who will you two be voting for, or are you not American/of age/voting?DivergeUnifyEh, we're going off topic here. I'm 16, but I'm keeping my mom in check from voting for that jackass. Anymore discussion will have to be saved for PM guys :(
How is McCain more appealing then Obama? I mean he's not really said anything of substance. What's he going to do to make america better? Obama might be a dreamer and idealist, but at least he's put forth ideas as to what he could do to make america better then it already is...
I just can't get behind McCain.
The best games for the Wii are the ones that aren't hyped because they are totally new and diffrent... I can see why people might not like that, because it would require you to actually read about games that might at first glance seem unintresting.
For example the line up for this fall is great, (compared to last years) yet it's being hailed as lack luster... perhaps because it's all Third Party, and all new franchises?
I can understand selling the Wii, but why the DS... It's the best gameing device right now.
Yeah the Wii got nothing really to interest me thats why I havn't bought it and likely never will. I just don't see how people are claiming that they have 20+ games and its there only console etc. It just doesn't have the variety or the depth to be a stand alone console. Unless you really dig Nintendo first party rehashes, mini games, shovelware, and a lack of logically designed online how can this be your only system? The only reason its still selling extremely well is its price point. Economics, 3 competitors, 3 varying prices, cheapest sold the most then on down the line.Ket87
Negative towards it, with out actually having one or playing one, don't buy into the hate. It's not as terrible as fanboys make it seem. There are 20 good or great games for the Wii. I have more Wii games then PS3 games... all of them are highly enjoyable.
Also economics isn't that simple... and the GC was the cheapest... and lost horribly...
Eh, we're going off topic here. I'm 16, but I'm keeping my mom in check from voting for that jackass. Anymore discussion will have to be saved for PM guys :([QUOTE="DivergeUnify"][QUOTE="clicketyclick"]So out of curiosity, who will you two be voting for, or are you not American/of age/voting?GundamGuy0
How is McCain more appealing then Obama? I mean he's not really said anything of substance. What's he going to do to make america better? Obama might be a dreamer and idealist, but at least he's put forth ideas as to what he could do to make america better then it already is...
I just can't get behind McCain.
I can't answer you here because DivergeUnifyHopeChange is a meanie and will tattle! :p If you want an answer I can give it to you privately.
But you bring up a good point with the GCN. The consensus, I think, is that it didn't do well because it didn't have much 3rd party support. But neither does the Wii...
[QUOTE="Ket87"]Yeah the Wii got nothing really to interest me thats why I havn't bought it and likely never will. I just don't see how people are claiming that they have 20+ games and its there only console etc. It just doesn't have the variety or the depth to be a stand alone console. Unless you really dig Nintendo first party rehashes, mini games, shovelware, and a lack of logically designed online how can this be your only system? The only reason its still selling extremely well is its price point. Economics, 3 competitors, 3 varying prices, cheapest sold the most then on down the line.GundamGuy0
Negative towards it, with out actually having one or playing one, don't buy into the hate. It's not as terrible as fanboys make it seem. There are 20 good or great games for the Wii. I have more Wii games then PS3 games... all of them are highly enjoyable.
Also economics isn't that simple... and the GC was the cheapest... and lost horribly...
I have played it, I just don't like it. Just because someone says they dont want soemthing or have no interest doesn't mean they havn't given it a shot. I know a few people who have them and I've had more than a few drunken Wii sports boxing matches. But outside of that the library doesn't suit me, I have an unbridled hatred of Nintendo firsty party outside of Zelda, and Nintendo's third party still sucks after what almost 10 years since devs jumped ship 3/4 of the way through the N64's lifespan.
You cannot deny that 90% or more of the Wii titles are pure shovelware or party games and the 10% or less games that matter are all majority Nintendo which back to another point if you don't like Mario and his compatriots your out of luck. And I don't need to own one to know the online is atrocious, all anyone has to do is see someones friend code sig on their post here to tell how messed up the system is. Lest I leave out if someone does care about hooking their Wii up to the web they will discover that DLC fills up their pathetic storage space then they have to fumble around with the awfull memory stick situation the Wii got going on.
A great deal of the Wii's third party support problems stem from 3 big issues with the system. For one the online, a big push in the gaming biz is online multiplayer and DLC two areas the Wii runs into trouble with. Big budget HD graphics for high profile titles, the Wii is hardly more powerfull than the original Xbox not impressive stuff on your 50" plasma ehh? And the controller, Nintendo is about the only company who can even develop games that can use it to its fullest extent, third party games play pretty badly.Its hard to have your conventional games play on a remote control conected by a wire to what can only be described as a stick shaped like a thumb with an analog stick on it.
As for the GC, the GameCube was the cheapest but it failed because it lacked a gimmick like the Wii does, but it was also hampered by similar issues. Hardware wise the Wii is underpowered but the GameCube was a beast comapred to the PS2 yet Nintendo used mini discs instead of DVDs cutting the feat out from under any decent taking hits in the audio and and visual department rather than go multi disc like the half dozen games that did. It had outside of Capcom zero meaningfull third party support. And the controls for most games were awkward with its missing a should button and overall odd design.
[QUOTE="clicketyclick"]So out of curiosity, who will you two be voting for, or are you not American/of age/voting?DivergeUnifyEh, we're going off topic here. I'm 16, but I'm keeping my mom in check from voting for that jackass. Anymore discussion will have to be saved for PM guys :(
The way I see it is that Obama will win by default because Mccain will die of old age before the end of the election.
Do any of you feel this way? I feel like i was suckered into believing the Wii was a real video gamers system. Was it the hype? Was it the rabid enthusism of of mis-guided nintendo fans. Was it the oddly persuading "Wii want to Play" commercials. I dont know. But no more for me. This fantasy has got to stop. I sold my Wii and DS today to purge myself of anything Nintendo. I just dont understand how anyone can stand behind and support this system. PS3 and 360 deserve gamers dollars, not this abomination called Wii. Videodogg
yea the wii was like a fad... came and left, i dont regret buying mine... and 4 controllers... and 4 nunchucks... and 4 classic controllers... and 2 dual controller recharging stations... and online points....dam i spent a lot of money...
I love my Wii. I play it all the time. 23 games for it, loving it.
Soon I'll own a 360 too, so I'll be getting a ton of gaming action from both ;)
I own a Wii too. I have to ask the heck did you find 23 games that you like? I have 12 games: Wii Sports, Super Paper Mario, Zack and Wiki, Mario Kart Wii, Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess, Trauma Center, No More Heroes, RE4: Wii Edition, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Okami, Super Mario Galaxy.
I already spent double the price I paid for my Wii n games. I am not ashamed, I am enjoying it great deal.
I have an unbridled hatred of Nintendo firsty party outside of Zelda, and Nintendo's third party still sucks after what almost 10 years since devs jumped ship 3/4 of the way through the N64's lifespan.Ket87
Woah, I also am not fond of Mario... another union formation mebbe? Metroid is great though.
You cannot deny that 90% or more of the Wii titles are pure shovelware or party games Ket87
Well if by that you mean "terrible", then no. I actually calculated it out in another thread (comparing PS2 to Wii) and while the abysmal software percent was higher than the PS2's and the Wii's good game percent, it was definitely not that high. The library is about 18% good (if I remember correctly), about 21% abysmal (if I remember correctly), and mostly mediocre.
A great deal of the Wii's third party support problems stem from 3 big issues with the system. For one the online, a big push in the gaming biz is online multiplayer and DLC two areas the Wii runs into trouble with.Ket87
Granted, but another area is user customisation, which PS3's Unreal Tournament and LBP has picked up on and has been a trend in PC gaming for a while. That ease-of-use design-your-own-levels is present in games like BlastWorks and Boom Blox for Wii, and they're on to something there. That is an area of serious possibility if Nintendo chooses to capitalise on it by allowing people to share their levels easily through their network.
Big budget HD graphics for high profile titles, the Wii is hardly more powerfull than the original Xbox not impressive stuff on your 50" plasma ehh?Ket87
Well, I only have a 48'' 1080p LCD, but actually it does look impressive. Even Twilight Princess, a GCN port, looked fantastic. Galaxy looked outstanding, and Metroid, as long as you didn't get too close to the floor textures, looked great as well. That's not to say that 3rd party titles don't look good. I just haven't played that many, or at least ones that weren't cartoonish.
And the controller, Nintendo is about the only company who can even develop games that can use it to its fullest extent, third party games play pretty badly.Its hard to have your conventional games play on a remote control conected by a wire to what can only be described as a stick shaped like a thumb with an analog stick on it.Ket87
The Wii controls are actually quite comfortable, and what's more, left-handed player friendly. I don't think the controls are the reason for what you observe.
casual gamers buy games and hope its fun or cool and if its not they sell it
core gamers know what they buy !
looks like we have a lot of casuals here ? :roll:
Or just someone that bought a system at launch and after 2 years has 0 appeal to him?
The irony of the Wii being seen as a "cheap alternative" is that I picked up my (non-BC) PS3 on ebay for less than the cost of any Wii I saw there. I suppose in theory it's a cheaper alternative to the PS3, but not the 360 in any case and not the PS3 by much if you're willing to pick up something second-hand. Normally, the adage goes that you get what you pay for, but that's not the case with the Wii. You get much less than what you pay for, hardware-wise at least. And that's what irks me the wrong way about the system. I can live with playing games with below-average graphics, but I don't much like the idea of investing hundreds of dollars in over-priced hardware.
$250 is a lot of money. The Wii should've taken part in the HD revolution. Its specs should indeed be weaker than the 360 and PS3 at that price, but it shouldn't be so comparable to last-generation hardware. The truth is, looking back, the Gamecube was a great value for the money when it dropped to $99. It may not have had much third-party support, but the hardware was top-notch at that price. And the kind of prices people can get on that system now are amazing.
*sigh* I wish the Wii was a Gamecube add-on, like Sega CD/32X. People joke that the system is a Gamecube with waggle (which of course incites rage in sheep, who cite the many differences), but I would've loved it if that's how it was really done.
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