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Probably just as many new fans coming in as old fans jumping out. I do wonder about those that purchase it year after year after year though.
I played 1,2, a very little bit of 3 and then 4. That was all I could take.
Well, I buy the CoD games on PC for much cheaper so I think that helps!
I only play CoD in small doses, like an hour or two at a time, keeps the game fun without getting super irritated. I've never played enough to prestige a single time in any of the games LOL!
[QUOTE="Jebus213"]Four 60$ rehashes later I don't understand how people are still interested in the series. Someone explain it to me. CranlerPeople watch the same sports every year and pay big money for tickets. Rehashes are the future of gaming.
I'd say rehashes are the present and recent past of gaming as well lol.
The matchmaking is the main reason I'd wager. Its easy to jump in and play. You dont deal with jumping into a game with only yourself. It gives the feeling that the game's community is alive.
Easy to jump into MP, Michael Bay movies inspired SP campaigns... you get the idea.shalashaska88Yup, first impression is the best impression.
The simplicity is loved by the masses,you just jump in,and play,no thinking involved,no learning curves,etc.Even the purchasing process is easy,even if you get a second hand copy,you don't need to bother with any Online Passes,etc...
It's the huge accessibility that sells CoD,it can really cater to anyone looking for some simple fun...
Still,I personally find it unappealing too,and don't play,but I can understand its popularity.But it won't last forever,the franchise fatigue will kick in sooner or later...
easy to pick up, easy to be good at, quick to set up. im personally burnt out on it because thats what activision does with every franchise but its not a bad gamemems_1224I wouldnt say easy to be good at. More like less frustrating to lose.
I wouldnt say easy to be good at. More like less frustrating to lose.[QUOTE="mems_1224"]easy to pick up, easy to be good at, quick to set up. im personally burnt out on it because thats what activision does with every franchise but its not a bad gameslipknot0129
It isn't easy to truly excel at it, like Seananners for example.
However, everybody can have a match where they just destroy everything, thanks to killstreaks. So everybody gets a taste of the glory at some point.
Anyway, I agree with Mems, Decent game but I'm burnt out on it.
community ... friends ... kill streaks ... points ... skill ... guns ... perks ... classes ... private matches
i don't know how they play it for days on end n play nothing else though
i know someone who only plays call of duty n nothing else on his 360
I gotta get call of duty black ops 1 myself n that zombie thing i think its DLC looks hell a fun
It's a military shooter that has no depth and sh!tloads of marketing. For some reason people find that really appealing.
new sp
new mp maps
new mini side game(spec ops zombies survival)
Fast game play, arcadeish style, fun, tons of people= buy
it funny how people claim it's copy and paste every year... but dont say that about game series that release every 2 years. reason why cod can release every year is because activision is smart by putting two devs on it
It would make sense if there was only one game and then it would be updated with content every year, because CoD is a very good game (especially multiplayer) but the fact that everyone pays... 60$... Every f*cking year. I can't respect that.
Some people like the campaign.It would make sense if there was only one game and then it would be updated with content every year, because CoD is a very good game (especially multiplayer) but the fact that everyone pays... 60$... Every f*cking year. I can't respect that.
[QUOTE="parkurtommo"]Some people like the campaign. Sure, but most like it because of teh online, the multiplayer is usually their main concern. Plus the campaign is only like 3 or 4 hours long.It would make sense if there was only one game and then it would be updated with content every year, because CoD is a very good game (especially multiplayer) but the fact that everyone pays... 60$... Every f*cking year. I can't respect that.
[QUOTE="freedomfreak"][QUOTE="parkurtommo"]Some people like the campaign. Sure, but most like it because of teh online, the multiplayer is usually their main concern. Plus the campaign is only like 3 or 4 hours long. And the multiplayer offers something new every time. It may not be much,but different maps alone is enough to warrant a purchase for a lot of people. They like the new weapons,perks and maps and of course,it's a new COD.It would make sense if there was only one game and then it would be updated with content every year, because CoD is a very good game (especially multiplayer) but the fact that everyone pays... 60$... Every f*cking year. I can't respect that.
Sure, but most like it because of teh online, the multiplayer is usually their main concern. Plus the campaign is only like 3 or 4 hours long. And the multiplayer offers something new every time. It may not be much,but different maps alone is enough to warrant a purchase for a lot of people. They like the new weapons,perks and maps and of course,it's a new COD.[QUOTE="parkurtommo"][QUOTE="freedomfreak"] Some people like the campaign.freedomfreak
You see them as a rehash, most people see them as a continuation of a series they love filled with a slight version of the gameplay that they find extremely fun.
What people need to realize is that gamers are extremely conservative. They really only want what they know. Why do you think PC gamers think that every new game is the death of gaming? Because the games aren't like they remember them 10 years ago. They constantly want old conventions brought back but somehow want developers to come up with new ideas...
i like COD games, and always enjoyed their short sp campaigns & fun mp...
Some gamers like them, others dont !!!
It's fun and easy to play, designed around giving the player both large chunks of fun and small bursts.
I don't play it either, too simple for me, but i can see why people find it appealing, even though i will never understand how they don't really see how all the games are so similar, apart from buying it yearly.
[QUOTE="freedomfreak"]And the multiplayer offers something new every time. It may not be much,but different maps alone is enough to warrant a purchase for a lot of people. They like the new weapons,perks and maps and of course,it's a new COD.[QUOTE="parkurtommo"] Sure, but most like it because of teh online, the multiplayer is usually their main concern. Plus the campaign is only like 3 or 4 hours long.parkurtommo
Why COD haters are all hypocrites:
1) Check their 360/PS3 gamertags, they all play COD and buy the newest installments. The proof is all right there.
2) They "hate" on it for "milkage", but then turn around and hype up and play games like Halo or Assassin's Creed, game series' that are "milkage" as well. Everyone who "hates" on COD for "milkage" but is hyping up Halo 4 right now in the other thread is a hypocrite. There has been a new Halo game for the past 4 years or so, guess what? That's "milkage"
3) They hate it by saying "The series hasn't changed much", which is true, however once again Halo and plenty of other games they hype have not changed much at all either. Mario hasn't changed much, he is still jumping around and trying to save the princess, but none of them "hate" on that. Same thing can be said about a lot of other games that they give a free pass to. You can't have it both ways.
4) They claim the game is "too easy and takes no skill", well I will disagree, go play with some of the really hardcore COD players out there. They will stomp your ass flat. There is skill and startegy involved, there is team work and communication. You would be fooling yourself if you said otherwise. There are some harder and more tactile games out there than COD like Battle Field or Killzone, but COD still has skill involved in it's own way. Again the same people that hate on it for "no skill" will turn around and hype Halo, which is also a very arcady experience and takes about the same skill and strategy as COD. Neither of them are hard games to play.
5) They say COD is too "casual" and not "hardcore" well guess what? Your a damn joke if you think there is such a thing as "hardcore gamer" to begin with. You obviously need to get outside more and stop being a douch, there are only games and what people enjoy is their business. I laugh at people who set their 360 gamertags to "Pro" zone. I really do. The term "hardcore" and "casaul" needs to go, just gamers, that's it. I don't judge what other people play so why should you?
I think people "hate" on COD because it's the "cool" thing to do, it makes people feel like they are trying to go against the grain. This ususally happens with kids who are in their teens, they are trying to form an identity for themselves and they often try to do it by "hating" on whatever is popular at the moment. We have all been there at one point or another, it will pass when you grow up.
Also SW, and the internet in general, does not represent real life. The majority of people in real life like COD, are you going to go up to some innocent people and say "your a dumb casual if you buy that game"? No didn't think so. SW is the minority, COD "haters" are the minority, most people play COD and enjoy it. I play COD and enjoy it, and I admit that I enjoy it more than most other shooters out there like Halo or Battle Field. SW is the minority.
Why do you think there are so many racists online? Because they are a minority of the population and the internet gives them a platform to be vocal, same thing with the COD "haters". COD is a fun series and I think Black Ops 2 will be the best FPS this year, however I think Far Cry 3 has the most potential.
Why COD haters are all hypocrites:
1) Check their 360/PS3 gamertags, they all play COD and buy the newest installments. The proof is all right there.
Not all people who hate on COD play it. Most of them have given up on the series years ago. A lot of people, especially on the PC, really were upset after CoD WaW.
2) They "hate" on it for "milkage", but then turn around and hype up and play games like Halo or Assassin's Creed, game series' that are "milkage" as well. Everyone who "hates" on COD for "milkage" but is hyping up Halo 4 right now in the other thread is a hypocrite. There has been a new Halo game for the past 4 years or so, guess what? That's "milkage"
Again, not all. You're really streatching your argument thin here. You have no real evidnece to support your claims that haters of CoD go out and buy Assassin's Creed and Halo all of the time.
3) They hate it by saying "The series hasn't changed much", which is true, however once again Halo and plenty of other games they hype have not changed much at all either. Mario hasn't changed much, he is still jumping around and trying to save the princess, but none of them "hate" on that. Same thing can be said about a lot of other games that they give a free pass to. You can't have it both ways.
The series has changed far less than any other series I can think of except for the sports games. The differences between CoD BO and MW3 are all cosmetic. The core gameplay has remained untouched since 2007. It's what the masses want though. Halo has attempted new things with the gameplay that have had fundamental changes on how it plays, they also introduced radical new game modes and the implementation of Forge. From what I've seen, Halo 4 will continue that trend (albeit for the bad). Other game series, like Assassin's Creed, have implemented some shocking new features (such as multiplayer), but even Assassin's Creed has been critisized for being to much of the same. ACIII looks ot be the first real change of the series since AC.
4) They claim the game is "too easy and takes no skill", well I will disagree, go play with some of the really hardcore COD players out there. They will stomp your ass flat. There is skill and startegy involved, there is team work and communication. You would be fooling yourself if you said otherwise. There are some harder and more tactile games out there than COD like Battle Field or Killzone, but COD still has skill involved in it's own way. Again the same people that hate on it for "no skill" will turn around and hype Halo, which is also a very arcady experience and takes about the same skill and strategy as COD. Neither of them are hard games to play.
If you have to go out of your way and find people who are extremely good at the game for it to be a challenge, then you're asking to much of people. You're trying to tell them that the game gets good only if you invest a lot of time in finding these people and playing with them. Overall the game mechanics play into accessiblity. The insanely low TTK makes the game extremely easy. Perks and killstreaks also give the players more tools to get kills. Kills aren't rewards for your hard effort anymore, they are expected due to all of the game mechincs. CoD really started that trend but it has been kind of taking over the entire industry. Competition isn't important anymore, constant rewards are.
5) They say COD is too "casual" and not "hardcore" well guess what? Your a damn joke if you think there is such a thing as "hardcore gamer" to begin with. You obviously need to get outside more and stop being a douch, there are only games and what people enjoy is their business. I laugh at people who set their 360 gamertags to "Pro" zone. I really do. The term "hardcore" and "casaul" needs to go, just gamers, that's it. I don't judge what other people play so why should you?
When a game's mecahnics focus on accesssibility and leveling the playing field betwene the best players and the worst, then yes, a game has turned towards the casual audience. A game like Quake 3 or CSS doesn't put up artificial barriers in between players. If you're the worse player, the only thing you can do is keep playing and learning until you get better. There is no deathstreaks, no way to pick different weapons that you find easier to use, no way to arrange your perks in such a way to make yourself surive more. It's just you vs. your opponent, the best player wins. Not the player who has customized their experiance so that they have an advantage while playing to the strengths of their perks. The difference between a "casual" game and a "hardcore" game is how much time you have to invest into it to find the real fun. Don't worry about this though, CoD sells more than any "hardcore" shooter on the market because the majority of players don't like investing hours into the game to have fun. However that's not going to stop the people who would rather sink a month of playtime in before really getting good and having a lot of fun from calling games "hardcore" or "casual". Those descriptions are here to stay.
Halo also takes a completely differnet skillset. You call it "arcade" because it is an arena shooter. The TTK is higher, the playing field is far more level, and there is no way to give yourself an advantage pre-game in the menus like in CoD and Battlefield. However Halo 4 seems to want to ruin that.
I think people "hate" on COD because it's the "cool" thing to do, it makes people feel like they are trying to go against the grain. This ususally happens with kids who are in their teens, they are trying to form an identity for themselves and they often try to do it by "hating" on whatever is popular at the moment. We have all been there at one point or another, it will pass when you grow up.
Also SW, and the internet in general, does not represent real life. The majority of people in real life like COD, are you going to go up to some innocent people and say "your a dumb casual if you buy that game"? No didn't think so. SW is the minority, COD "haters" are the minority, most people play COD and enjoy it. I play COD and enjoy it, and I admit that I enjoy it more than most other shooters out there like Halo or Battle Field. SW is the minority.
Why do you think there are so many racists online? Because they are a minority of the population and the internet gives them a platform to be vocal, same thing with the COD "haters". COD is a fun series and I think Black Ops 2 will be the best FPS this year, however I think Far Cry 3 has the most potential.
See you say the "majority" of people in real life like CoD, but between the 120 million PS3s and Xbox 360s on the market and the hundreds of millions of PCs, only 30 million copies of CoD is sold.
Instead, you should say that CoD has a massive audience and I'm one of them. You're always going to get people to question why others find things fun. You probably can't understand why somebody would want to sit in the battlefields of ArmA 2 for 6 hours straight while they patrol a few towns and get into just one firefight. Just know when you're in the lead, everybody behind is going to constantly question.
The real issue with CoD has been the way publishers have precieved the market. It has lead the to bastardization of many franchies that attempt to win over the "CoD audience" I think the majority of CoD haters wouldn't care about CoD if it hasn't had such an impact on the entire market, in may case ruining what were once great games series.
-Humans in general are naturally scared of change
-They spend TONS on advertisements and paying off reviewers
-Mass popularity, and being the only game/fps many people even know about
-Attracts the huge market of noobish casuals and children due to how easy it is, combined with its mass marketing
-Its the justin beiber of video games.
It'll go the way of guitar games and die out.
It'll go the way of guitar games and die out.
Far from it, Harmonix are doing a grand job supporting the Rock band franchise on a consistent basis and providing an excellent platform, its just more or less the guitar hero fad died but the genre's chugging on much like there was a metal fad in the 80's yet nowadays very few bands actually achieve massive amounts of success.
Why COD haters are all hypocrites:
1) Check their 360/PS3 gamertags, they all play COD and buy the newest installments. The proof is all right there.
Not all people who hate on COD play it. Most of them have given up on the series years ago. A lot of people, especially on the PC, really were upset after CoD WaW.
2) They "hate" on it for "milkage", but then turn around and hype up and play games like Halo or Assassin's Creed, game series' that are "milkage" as well. Everyone who "hates" on COD for "milkage" but is hyping up Halo 4 right now in the other thread is a hypocrite. There has been a new Halo game for the past 4 years or so, guess what? That's "milkage"
Again, not all. You're really streatching your argument thin here. You have no real evidnece to support your claims that haters of CoD go out and buy Assassin's Creed and Halo all of the time.
3) They hate it by saying "The series hasn't changed much", which is true, however once again Halo and plenty of other games they hype have not changed much at all either. Mario hasn't changed much, he is still jumping around and trying to save the princess, but none of them "hate" on that. Same thing can be said about a lot of other games that they give a free pass to. You can't have it both ways.
The series has changed far less than any other series I can think of except for the sports games. The differences between CoD BO and MW3 are all cosmetic. The core gameplay has remained untouched since 2007. It's what the masses want though. Halo has attempted new things with the gameplay that have had fundamental changes on how it plays, they also introduced radical new game modes and the implementation of Forge. From what I've seen, Halo 4 will continue that trend (albeit for the bad). Other game series, like Assassin's Creed, have implemented some shocking new features (such as multiplayer), but even Assassin's Creed has been critisized for being to much of the same. ACIII looks ot be the first real change of the series since AC.
4) They claim the game is "too easy and takes no skill", well I will disagree, go play with some of the really hardcore COD players out there. They will stomp your ass flat. There is skill and startegy involved, there is team work and communication. You would be fooling yourself if you said otherwise. There are some harder and more tactile games out there than COD like Battle Field or Killzone, but COD still has skill involved in it's own way. Again the same people that hate on it for "no skill" will turn around and hype Halo, which is also a very arcady experience and takes about the same skill and strategy as COD. Neither of them are hard games to play.
If you have to go out of your way and find people who are extremely good at the game for it to be a challenge, then you're asking to much of people. You're trying to tell them that the game gets good only if you invest a lot of time in finding these people and playing with them. Overall the game mechanics play into accessiblity. The insanely low TTK makes the game extremely easy. Perks and killstreaks also give the players more tools to get kills. Kills aren't rewards for your hard effort anymore, they are expected due to all of the game mechincs. CoD really started that trend but it has been kind of taking over the entire industry. Competition isn't important anymore, constant rewards are.
5) They say COD is too "casual" and not "hardcore" well guess what? Your a damn joke if you think there is such a thing as "hardcore gamer" to begin with. You obviously need to get outside more and stop being a douch, there are only games and what people enjoy is their business. I laugh at people who set their 360 gamertags to "Pro" zone. I really do. The term "hardcore" and "casaul" needs to go, just gamers, that's it. I don't judge what other people play so why should you?
When a game's mecahnics focus on accesssibility and leveling the playing field betwene the best players and the worst, then yes, a game has turned towards the casual audience. A game like Quake 3 or CSS doesn't put up artificial barriers in between players. If you're the worse player, the only thing you can do is keep playing and learning until you get better. There is no deathstreaks, no way to pick different weapons that you find easier to use, no way to arrange your perks in such a way to make yourself surive more. It's just you vs. your opponent, the best player wins. Not the player who has customized their experiance so that they have an advantage while playing to the strengths of their perks. The difference between a "casual" game and a "hardcore" game is how much time you have to invest into it to find the real fun. Don't worry about this though, CoD sells more than any "hardcore" shooter on the market because the majority of players don't like investing hours into the game to have fun. However that's not going to stop the people who would rather sink a month of playtime in before really getting good and having a lot of fun from calling games "hardcore" or "casual". Those descriptions are here to stay.
Halo also takes a completely differnet skillset. You call it "arcade" because it is an arena shooter. The TTK is higher, the playing field is far more level, and there is no way to give yourself an advantage pre-game in the menus like in CoD and Battlefield. However Halo 4 seems to want to ruin that.
I think people "hate" on COD because it's the "cool" thing to do, it makes people feel like they are trying to go against the grain. This ususally happens with kids who are in their teens, they are trying to form an identity for themselves and they often try to do it by "hating" on whatever is popular at the moment. We have all been there at one point or another, it will pass when you grow up.
Also SW, and the internet in general, does not represent real life. The majority of people in real life like COD, are you going to go up to some innocent people and say "your a dumb casual if you buy that game"? No didn't think so. SW is the minority, COD "haters" are the minority, most people play COD and enjoy it. I play COD and enjoy it, and I admit that I enjoy it more than most other shooters out there like Halo or Battle Field. SW is the minority.
Why do you think there are so many racists online? Because they are a minority of the population and the internet gives them a platform to be vocal, same thing with the COD "haters". COD is a fun series and I think Black Ops 2 will be the best FPS this year, however I think Far Cry 3 has the most potential.
See you say the "majority" of people in real life like CoD, but between the 120 million PS3s and Xbox 360s on the market and the hundreds of millions of PCs, only 30 million copies of CoD is sold.
Instead, you should say that CoD has a massive audience and I'm one of them. You're always going to get people to question why others find things fun. You probably can't understand why somebody would want to sit in the battlefields of ArmA 2 for 6 hours straight while they patrol a few towns and get into just one firefight. Just know when you're in the lead, everybody behind is going to constantly question.
The real issue with CoD has been the way publishers have precieved the market. It has lead the to bastardization of many franchies that attempt to win over the "CoD audience" I think the majority of CoD haters wouldn't care about CoD if it hasn't had such an impact on the entire market, in may case ruining what were once great games series.
I respectfully disagree with many of your points, though you are a bit right about the kill streaks and perks, some of them are unbalanced, as well as some weapon attachments. Also I don't see the issue with Halo 4, looks better than past Halo's to me.
I understand why some Halo fans are upset at it becasue it's carbon copying COD as some of them are saying, but I don't think borrowing a couple elements would be a bad thing.
I don't see what's wrong with COD success, they are simply giving a product which most people are demanding and making bank on it. What's wrong with that? We would all be doing the same thing if we were in their position, I know I would.
It's supply and demand, perhaps the reasn why Halo 4 is becoming more like COD is because that's what the Halo fans are demanding. A good amount of Halo players jump ship to the new COD when it comes out, why not try and stop that with Halo 4?
It's all good business sense.
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