yeah, pretty much
Same for Halo : Reach man...it better get 9.5 or 10. After all, Halo ODST was just a mere expansion, and a low metascoring Halo game...this is HALO 3's TRUE sequel, and BUNGIE's FAREWELL OPUS. It better deliver, right? If ODST got a 9 from Gamespot, considering all it's faults...HALO REACH better get a 9.5 or 10. Also, I'm not serious, no game should be required to be a 9.5 or 10 or it's a failure, c'mon. : P
Uh why? what does Halo reach have to do with the topic. I understand what your trying to do but instead acting like a sony pawn you could explain to vesica why it still wouldn;t be a flop.
Why the Insults?
Should I call you a M$ pawn now? Of course not, and I won't, but you just called me a name. Should I call people names or say they are acting like something in this thread if I don't like their posts? No, I shouldn't, nor should you. Don't worry, I won't be doing that as your insult to me was uncalled for, and it's not appropriate.
You know what I'm trying to do? That's what you said. What about what the TC and many posters in this thread "are trying to do?" :lol:
What about the entire broken premise of a game being a failure if it is NOT a 9.5 or 10? What about the pre emptive damage control being designed by this thread as many seem to think GT5 will be AAA, BUT it won't be the kind of AAA they want it to be? ;)
I already posted about this in this very thread...but I will go ahead and explain the thought process.
If Halo ODST got a 9 here at Gamespot, and it was just a mere expansion, and uber HYPED HALO REACH is Bungie's last great Halo Opus (been worked on 2007's Halo 3), it better get a 9.5 or 10 at Gamespot.
Now honestly, I don't believe that a game should have to be given a 9.5 or 10 or it's a failure, nor do I believe any game needs to get a 9.5 or 10, including Zelda, the Next Mario Game, GT5, or whatever. IMHO, that's preposterous to hype a game a 10 or it's a failure. However, for those that do believe certain games should be given a 9.5 or a 10 or those games are "failures/flops", then I'm sure they have no problem believing that for the next MGS game, next Mario Galaxy game, next Halo Game, Next Zelda game, or whatever else they can think of.
That's not happening here, it's just about GT5, by a poster known as ZuneHD.
I remember once, a Banned user and lemming, BSO tried to get many PS3 and Wii games flopped by breaking down the AAA score into halves (.5's).
Fortunately, that's not how it works in System Wars.
One more time, this is how hype works in SW, if a game fails to meet Gamespot predicted "score HYPE", then that game is considered a gamespot "FLOP". End of story.
GT5 is AAA hyped, if it gets AA, or A, it's a flop. Many will see that as a failure, for sure. However, GT5 getting a AAA will be just fine, just as Halo REACH and many other AAA HYPED will be safe.
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