Alot of people have been saying how PSN is better because it's free and such, fairenough. Do those people even know where PSN got all their features from? Thats right, XBL. XBL was invented much more before PSN was made. PSN took many things like trophies, in game XMB support, in game messaging, voice chat, join session in progress, recent players all from XBL. People have been saying how XBL is same as PSN, but do people know 70% of the features in PSN are plainly ripped-off from XBL? If one of the two services were to add something different and innovative, it will be xbox live. Also if XBL didnt exist, I wonder where PSN would of ripped their ideas from? People need to realise that XBL is far original, and that PSN is company that clones features from XBL. This is plain fact. Sorry cows but true.
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