If MS did what Sony did and dropped its price 100 dollars, game over for Sony?

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#151 ShadowriverUB
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If someone walks into a store and sees a PS3 for $300, then they see a 360 Elite for $200, chances are, the 360 will win. That would definately hurt Sony, ALOT more than it would hurt MS, Sony cannot compare financially to MS. MS can handle something like that, Sony would be hurt pretty bad.


Not to mention that there's the Arcade model also at $200, in which mostly casuals will go for. Also, MS has a lot more billions in their accounts than Sony. They could easily afford to buy out Sony if they wanted.

Please don't start with that again. Microsoft's big, but not big enough to outright buy Sony, as Sony's no paperweight. Don't forget that Sony's more than TVs and consoles. They own outright at least two movie companies and a bunch of other stuff. It's a big conglomerate with worldwide reach.

Not to mention MS failing to buy some smaller companies then Sony

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#152 SLIisaownsystem
Member since 2009 • 964 Posts

Being that MS is "actually" making a profit on each and every console being sold, it wouldnt be out of the question to drop the Elite to 199 in 2010. If this was the case, how bad would it beat Sony in sales? 3-1 is my call. We all know this might be a pipedream because we know MS isnt as desperate as Sony was when it had to drop its price to be competitive, but if MS wanted to be really aggressive I could see this move really cement them and their market share this gen.


nahh sony has a revenue of 79.618 billion and MS gets 58.437billion this year.

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#153 HuusAsking
Member since 2006 • 15270 Posts


Being that MS is "actually" making a profit on each and every console being sold, it wouldnt be out of the question to drop the Elite to 199 in 2010. If this was the case, how bad would it beat Sony in sales? 3-1 is my call. We all know this might be a pipedream because we know MS isnt as desperate as Sony was when it had to drop its price to be competitive, but if MS wanted to be really aggressive I could see this move really cement them and their market share this gen.


nahh sony has a revenue of 79.618 billion and MS gets 58.437billion this year.

Gross or net?

And in terms of buyouts, Sony has a much smaller market cap. It's just that Sony as a whole is not worth the effort for Microsoft to buy out--too much baggage.

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#154 James161324
Member since 2009 • 8315 Posts

i could see the elite drop to 249.99 and the acrade down to 149.99.

but i doubt it will drop 100.

i really doubt if we even see another price drop this gen.

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#155 James161324
Member since 2009 • 8315 Posts


Being that MS is "actually" making a profit on each and every console being sold, it wouldnt be out of the question to drop the Elite to 199 in 2010. If this was the case, how bad would it beat Sony in sales? 3-1 is my call. We all know this might be a pipedream because we know MS isnt as desperate as Sony was when it had to drop its price to be competitive, but if MS wanted to be really aggressive I could see this move really cement them and their market share this gen.


nahh sony has a revenue of 79.618 billion and MS gets 58.437billion this year.

i have high doubts sony made more money with microsoft this year. esp with windows 7 coming out

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#157 sakura_Ex
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I'm surprised that no one brought up MGS4 being GOTY and selling over 4 million copies WW.
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#158 BloodSeeker1337
Member since 2009 • 1278 Posts
Then M$ Officially Wins. And the Cheapest Console In This GEN In The Market :P
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#159 furomaster_99
Member since 2009 • 737 Posts

Then M$ Officially Wins. And the Cheapest Console In This GEN In The Market :PBloodSeeker1337
Wins at what? Mediocrity? Let's see...Wii has the sales and uniqueness; ps3 has GOTY , best graphics, and most features; 360 has...umm, well...mediocrity and multiplats. :D

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#160 BloodSeeker1337
Member since 2009 • 1278 Posts

[QUOTE="BloodSeeker1337"]Then M$ Officially Wins. And the Cheapest Console In This GEN In The Market :Pfuromaster_99

Wins at what? Mediocrity? Let's see...Wii has the sales and uniqueness; ps3 has GOTY , best graphics, and most features; 360 has...umm, well...mediocrity and multiplats. :D

360 has Better Games Than PS3. Better Multiplats. Better Exclusives. Good online Community w/ Cross-Game Chat. Cheaper Than PS3. ;) And Nobody Cares About Wii Anyway
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#161 furomaster_99
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[QUOTE="BloodSeeker1337"]Then M$ Officially Wins. And the Cheapest Console In This GEN In The Market :PBloodSeeker1337

Wins at what? Mediocrity? Let's see...Wii has the sales and uniqueness; ps3 has GOTY , best graphics, and most features; 360 has...umm, well...mediocrity and multiplats. :D

360 has Better Games Than PS3. Better Multiplats. Better Exclusives. Good online Community w/ Cross-Game Chat. Cheaper Than PS3. ;) And Nobody Cares About Wii Anyway

Yes, it's definately cheaper...Price and quality.

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#162 guitarsrock4eva
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Why would they drop the price though? I can only see a price drop for the 360 the next time there is one for the PS3. To be honest no matter what Sony does the PS3 won't overtake the 360. This is simply because they don't have a flagship title that will cause people to buy the console. The 360 has Halo, people still buy the console for Halo 3 and sales will probably rise when Reach is out, the Wii has Mario. What does PS3 have? I wouldn't call Killzone a flagship title. MS and Nintendo have had the right idea this gen, casual gamers are more important than hardcore gamers in terms of sales and making money so they have targeted them. MS also has an appeal to hardcore gamers as well which is why it sits in 2nd place. Sony is last because casual gamers couldn't give a damn about 'the cell'.
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#163 HuusAsking
Member since 2006 • 15270 Posts
[QUOTE="guitarsrock4eva"]Why would they drop the price though? I can only see a price drop for the 360 the next time there is one for the PS3. To be honest no matter what Sony does the PS3 won't overtake the 360. This is simply because they don't have a flagship title that will cause people to buy the console. The 360 has Halo, people still buy the console for Halo 3 and sales will probably rise when Reach is out, the Wii has Mario. What does PS3 have? I wouldn't call Killzone a flagship title. MS and Nintendo have had the right idea this gen, casual gamers are more important than hardcore gamers in terms of sales and making money so they have targeted them. MS also has an appeal to hardcore gamers as well which is why it sits in 2nd place. Sony is last because casual gamers couldn't give a damn about 'the cell'.

What about GT5, due in March? 14 million copies of GT3 were sold, millions of a preview demo were sold (note sold, not downloaded), and anticipation for it's at a fever pitch, especially now that FF13's out in Japan.
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#164 HuusAsking
Member since 2006 • 15270 Posts

[QUOTE="BloodSeeker1337"][QUOTE="furomaster_99"]Wins at what? Mediocrity? Let's see...Wii has the sales and uniqueness; ps3 has GOTY , best graphics, and most features; 360 has...umm, well...mediocrity and multiplats. :D


360 has Better Games Than PS3. Better Multiplats. Better Exclusives. Good online Community w/ Cross-Game Chat. Cheaper Than PS3. ;) And Nobody Cares About Wii Anyway

Yes, it's definately cheaper...Price and quality.

PS2 was cheaper in both price and quality and ran away with last gen.
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#165 lhughey
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#166 lhughey
Member since 2006 • 4883 Posts


Being that MS is "actually" making a profit on each and every console being sold, it wouldnt be out of the question to drop the Elite to 199 in 2010. If this was the case, how bad would it beat Sony in sales? 3-1 is my call. We all know this might be a pipedream because we know MS isnt as desperate as Sony was when it had to drop its price to be competitive, but if MS wanted to be really aggressive I could see this move really cement them and their market share this gen.


nahh sony has a revenue of 79.618 billion and MS gets 58.437billion this year.

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#167 lhughey
Member since 2006 • 4883 Posts

i could see the elite drop to 249.99 and the acrade down to 149.99.

but i doubt it will drop 100.

i really doubt if we even see another price drop this gen.

We will see incremental price drops throughout the gen. One day the 360 and PS3 will sell for 99.00.
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#168 James161324
Member since 2009 • 8315 Posts

from a business front.

Sony can't afford to cut the price any more. They are finally not taking quater billion dollar looses each quater. A price cut would cause that agian.

A price cut by MS would also sent ms into taking looses on the 360. As they are making next to nothing on the 360.

If ms wanted to destroy sony. A price drop would be the way to do it.

But that would probley come with millions of dollars in looses in doing so.

a 249 or even 199 elite or just destory the ps3 sales.

But as it seem there is no plan to make a price drop any time in the near future. Maybe there will be a price cut in 2010. Maybe the walmart deal was a look in the future that the acrade may be 99.99 in the next years.

But no rumors are floating around so i doubt to see any prices cuts soon.

The earliest i would be looking for a price cut is right before natal comes out or when natal comes out.

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#169 StealthMonkey4
Member since 2009 • 7434 Posts

from a business front.

Sony can't afford to cut the price any more. They are finally not taking quater billion dollar looses each quater. A price cut would cause that agian.

A price cut by MS would also sent ms into taking looses on the 360. As they are making next to nothing on the 360.

If ms wanted to destroy sony. A price drop would be the way to do it.

But that would probley come with millions of dollars in looses in doing so.

a 249 or even 199 elite or just destory the ps3 sales.

But as it seem there is no plan to make a price drop any time in the near future. Maybe there will be a price cut in 2010. Maybe the walmart deal was a look in the future that the acrade may be 99.99 in the next years.

But no rumors are floating around so i doubt to see any prices cuts soon.


People bought the PS3 a full $200 dollars above the 360. Yes, it would take some potential PS3 buyers from Sony but I wouldn't expect anything drastic.

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#170 James161324
Member since 2009 • 8315 Posts


from a business front.

Sony can't afford to cut the price any more. They are finally not taking quater billion dollar looses each quater. A price cut would cause that agian.

A price cut by MS would also sent ms into taking looses on the 360. As they are making next to nothing on the 360.

If ms wanted to destroy sony. A price drop would be the way to do it.

But that would probley come with millions of dollars in looses in doing so.

a 249 or even 199 elite or just destory the ps3 sales.

But as it seem there is no plan to make a price drop any time in the near future. Maybe there will be a price cut in 2010. Maybe the walmart deal was a look in the future that the acrade may be 99.99 in the next years.

But no rumors are floating around so i doubt to see any prices cuts soon.


People bought the PS3 a full $200 dollars above the 360. Yes, it would take some potential PS3 buyers from Sony but I wouldn't expect anything drastic.

The economy was lot better. But look at the sales. I think the ps3 would sell but thet 360 would probley out sell it week after week.

Sony came into this gen thinking they could sell a system for really what ever they wanted and their fanbase would buy it.

I really hope ms doesn't do the same next gen.

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#171 SLIisaownsystem
Member since 2009 • 964 Posts



Being that MS is "actually" making a profit on each and every console being sold, it wouldnt be out of the question to drop the Elite to 199 in 2010. If this was the case, how bad would it beat Sony in sales? 3-1 is my call. We all know this might be a pipedream because we know MS isnt as desperate as Sony was when it had to drop its price to be competitive, but if MS wanted to be really aggressive I could see this move really cement them and their market share this gen.


nahh sony has a revenue of 79.618 billion and MS gets 58.437billion this year.

i have high doubts sony made more money with microsoft this year. esp with windows 7 coming out



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#172 Nagidar
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If someone walks into a store and sees a PS3 for $300, then they see a 360 Elite for $200, chances are, the 360 will win. That would definately hurt Sony, ALOT more than it would hurt MS, Sony cannot compare financially to MS. MS can handle something like that, Sony would be hurt pretty bad.


Not to mention that there's the Arcade model also at $200, in which mostly casuals will go for. Also, MS has a lot more billions in their accounts than Sony. They could easily afford to buy out Sony if they wanted.

Oh my goodness, I believe the lemmings have lost their minds. Was the ps3 slim release that traumatic? Hmm, maybe MS should give out free Lithium prescriptions with each Live account....:P

Thats not far from the truth, MS COULD straight out buy Sony, but would it be worth it for them?



Hell, MS just bought Yahoo, remember?

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#173 Shinobi120
Member since 2004 • 5728 Posts

from a business front.

Sony can't afford to cut the price any more. They are finally not taking quater billion dollar looses each quater. A price cut would cause that agian.

A price cut by MS would also sent MS into taking looses on the 360. As they are making next to nothing on the 360.

If ms wanted to destroy sony. A price drop would be the way to do it.

But that would problaby come with millions of dollars in losses in doing so.


You got everything right, but the ones that I highlighted in bold. MS has been making a boatload of money off of 360's since late '06. They won't lose any money, ever. They'll make it all back through games, Live, & accessories, & they'll still profit off of each 360. They're in a good standing to do so.

Speaking of price drops, one or two things could happen. MS can either drop the price of both the Arcade & the Elite models by $50 each (making them $150 & $250), or they can just discontinue the Arcade model & drop the price of the elite down to $200.

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#175 ownage_denied
Member since 2008 • 871 Posts

MS has been making a boatload of money off of 360's since late '06. They won't lose any money, ever.


Post like that are why I come to system wars :lol:.

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#176 HuusAsking
Member since 2006 • 15270 Posts


from a business front.

Sony can't afford to cut the price any more. They are finally not taking quater billion dollar looses each quater. A price cut would cause that agian.

A price cut by MS would also sent MS into taking looses on the 360. As they are making next to nothing on the 360.

If ms wanted to destroy sony. A price drop would be the way to do it.

But that would problaby come with millions of dollars in losses in doing so.


You got everything right, but the ones that I highlighted in bold. MS has been making a boatload of money off of 360's since late '06. They won't lose any money, ever. They'll make it all back through games, Live, & accessories, & they'll still profit off of each 360. They're in a good standing to do so.

Speaking of price drops, one or two things could happen. MS can either drop the price of both the Arcade & the Elite models by $50 each (making them $150 & $250), or they can just discontinue the Arcade model & drop the price of the elite down to $200.

Doubt they'll cut the Arcade anytime soon. It's their baseline model for the penny-pinchers. If you'll recall, it's (at this point) even cheaper than a Wii and is still HD-capable. More likely they'll cut the Arcade's price down and put more price pressure on Sony. But since the holidays are about to wind down, I don't think any significant price cuts will occur soon; there won't be enough impact.
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#177 HuusAsking
Member since 2006 • 15270 Posts


MS has been making a boatload of money off of 360's since late '06. They won't lose any money, ever.


Post like that are why I come to system wars :lol:.

What's so funny? That's at least mostly fact. The 360 has been in the black since about late 2006. It's been three years since then and the price has only come down so much while the price for the components has kept coming down (since they're commodity parts, for the most part).

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#178 ownage_denied
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MS has been making a boatload of money off of 360's since late '06. They won't lose any money, ever.


Post like that are why I come to system wars :lol:.

What's so funny? That's at least mostly fact. The 360 has been in the black since about late 2006. It's been three years since then and the price has only come down so much while the price for the components has kept coming down (since they're commodity parts, for the most part).

"They won't lose any money, ever." That's what's funny :lol:.

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#179 Gangstah-Fresh
Member since 2009 • 510 Posts
For sure it would be.
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#180 HuusAsking
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Post like that are why I come to system wars :lol:.


What's so funny? That's at least mostly fact. The 360 has been in the black since about late 2006. It's been three years since then and the price has only come down so much while the price for the components has kept coming down (since they're commodity parts, for the most part).

"They won't lose any money, ever." That's what's funny :lol:.

Okay, I see the joke. Thing is, though, Microsoft is actually climbing out. Same can't be said of Sony at present.

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#181 Gangstah-Fresh
Member since 2009 • 510 Posts

actually it wouldn't be that bad. I'd still have to buy the charging kit thing, wireless adapter, and pay for live.... The PS3 also has blu ray so technically PS3 is still a better deal...

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#183 2mrw
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after all these posts, i found out the this, x360 price cut will boost the x360 sales but it won't kill the PS3, at 299$ and so much value in the machine, PS3 will continue to sell but of course markdly lower than than the x360. However MS won't make such a step coz it won't risk that huge money waste, some thinks that MS is making alot of money since the introduction of the machine (no proof at all) but RRoD and the technical errors are also money consuming so we can just say MS makes money overall but not to the extent that it will risk a loss willingly ...............just imagine x360 (4 years old)that's priced as much as a PS2 (8 years oldor so)(99$), this is just not possibe.

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#184 mr-krinkles
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Yes, I'd think so TC. $199 360 and it is indeed game over. I would still go with the PS3 though.

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#185 ownage_denied
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[QUOTE="HuusAsking"]What's so funny? That's at least mostly fact. The 360 has been in the black since about late 2006. It's been three years since then and the price has only come down so much while the price for the components has kept coming down (since they're commodity parts, for the most part).


"They won't lose any money, ever." That's what's funny :lol:.

Give me a break. Like you know anything.:roll:

The irony in this post is killing me.

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#186 Shewgenja
Member since 2009 • 21456 Posts

So, basically the Elite needs to come down another $100 already? Just making sure I understand lol

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#187 GreyFoXX4
Member since 2008 • 3612 Posts

I'm not reading the whole thread. But actually its MS that does drop its price everytime the ps3 has lowerd its price. So infact what your saying is if MS wanted to look even more desperate they would need two price drops to one of Sony's. Cause it does look rather desperate than with in weeks or months of a ps3 price drop MS has one themselves. Once is a coincidence,but I think its happen now like atleast 2 times and a possible 3rd time. While MS drops theres and it takes a year or more for Sony to drop the ps3.

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#188 themyth01
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They won't do it, they don't need to.
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#189 Shinobi120
Member since 2004 • 5728 Posts

I'm not reading the whole thread. But actually its MS that does drop its price everytime the ps3 has lowerd its price. So infact what your saying is if MS wanted to look even more desperate they would need two price drops to one of Sony's. Cause it does look rather desperate than with in weeks or months of a ps3 price drop MS has one themselves. Once is a coincidence,but I think its happen now like atleast 2 times and a possible 3rd time. While MS drops theres and it takes a year or more for Sony to drop the ps3.


If you ask me, It's Sony who's being desperate throughout most of this gen just to try to play catch up to the 360 in sales.:lol:

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#190 Lionheart08
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Correct me if I'm wrong Primus, but isn't the Arcade already 100 dollars cheaper than the PS3? Shouldn't it be game over for Sony nowthen?

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#191 Lionheart08
Member since 2005 • 15814 Posts

Yes, I'd think so TC. $199 360 and it is indeed game over. I would still go with the PS3 though.


It's called the Arcade. :?

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#192 SionPT
Member since 2007 • 865 Posts

Is this site really international or just plain American ?

All i hear sounds pratriotic crap, you DO KNOW that JAPAN is also in the Globe right?

and you do KNOW that FF just hit big time right?

and you DO KNOW that the sales of xbox360 in japan are even more pathetic than PS3's in US right?

and you DO KNOW that in EU the sales are actually toe-on-toe right?

You really think the fact that xbox360 selling more on US, makes Ps3 dissapear? my. god.

The only ones desperate here are fanboys

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#193 FIipMode
Member since 2009 • 10850 Posts


I'm not reading the whole thread. But actually its MS that does drop its price everytime the ps3 has lowerd its price. So infact what your saying is if MS wanted to look even more desperate they would need two price drops to one of Sony's. Cause it does look rather desperate than with in weeks or months of a ps3 price drop MS has one themselves. Once is a coincidence,but I think its happen now like atleast 2 times and a possible 3rd time. While MS drops theres and it takes a year or more for Sony to drop the ps3.


If you ask me, It's Sony who's being desperate throughout most of this gen just to try to play catch up to the 360 in sales.:lol:

Then why is it Microsoft that always cuts their price so soon after Sony cuts their prices. :?
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#194 HuusAsking
Member since 2006 • 15270 Posts


I'm not reading the whole thread. But actually its MS that does drop its price everytime the ps3 has lowerd its price. So infact what your saying is if MS wanted to look even more desperate they would need two price drops to one of Sony's. Cause it does look rather desperate than with in weeks or months of a ps3 price drop MS has one themselves. Once is a coincidence,but I think its happen now like atleast 2 times and a possible 3rd time. While MS drops theres and it takes a year or more for Sony to drop the ps3.


If you ask me, It's Sony who's being desperate throughout most of this gen just to try to play catch up to the 360 in sales.:lol:

Then why is it Microsoft that always cuts their price so soon after Sony cuts their prices. :?

They've only done that kind of reactionary price cutting once, and that was because Sony willingly took a deep cut. Most of the time, Microsoft cuts price on its own terms.
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#195 Ryan_Som
Member since 2009 • 2474 Posts

Is this site really international or just plain American ?

All i hear sounds pratriotic crap, you DO KNOW that JAPAN is also in the Globe right?

and you do KNOW that FF just hit big time right?

and you DO KNOW that the sales of xbox360 in japan are even more pathetic than PS3's in US right?

and you DO KNOW that in EU the sales are actually toe-on-toe right?

You really think the fact that xbox360 selling more on US, makes Ps3 dissapear? my. god.

The only ones desperate here are fanboys


Ehh, it's not really surprising. Nobody's ever accused the US of being globalists.

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#196 Munasha
Member since 2004 • 459 Posts


no im not carign about ownage at system wars, im wondering why no just put away SONY as its main compeititor with a move like this and concentrate on the real leader Nintendo. Sony is on its last legs and cant even sell GOTY uncharted 2 at a good clip.


it sold 2.12 M in only 8 weeks. If that is bad sales, then you are also calling Mass Effect a "bad" selling game (its been out for 26 months and outsold by an 8 week old game :lol: ). As well as Forza 3, thats a failure as well. God Damn, im so tired of this mass lemmings delusion that ALL 360 exclusives automatically sell 2 million day one and 5M+ copies :roll:

come on dude, if you are ok with the sales of GOTY uncharted 2 then ok, but it is scary that a game that awesome doesnt sell at a better clip. YOu want sales, just look at HALO or even multiplat MW2 which killed the lowly PS3 in sales. SOmething is wrong when the software on the PS3 always is lackluster, but ok you are alright with this, and if u think that isnt delusional I dont know what is.

u are comparing a Halo and a Call of Duty game which already had large fan base with 9.0 & above prequels unlike Unchated 1 was an 8.0 game
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#197 Munasha
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I'm not reading the whole thread. But actually its MS that does drop its price everytime the ps3 has lowerd its price. So infact what your saying is if MS wanted to look even more desperate they would need two price drops to one of Sony's. Cause it does look rather desperate than with in weeks or months of a ps3 price drop MS has one themselves. Once is a coincidence,but I think its happen now like atleast 2 times and a possible 3rd time. While MS drops theres and it takes a year or more for Sony to drop the ps3.


If you ask me, It's Sony who's being desperate throughout most of this gen just to try to play catch up to the 360 in sales.:lol:

As a Consumer that benefits me that means more price cuts......More games and a console with more features console bluray...wifi..Browser..for the same price as ur Elite....Why do u think the New jasper xbox 360 are still have RROD because MS dosn't care because it is not desperate sitting in 2nd place..
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#198 campzor
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if you want to get hypothetical , if the ps3 was $50 bucks..GAME OVER MS.
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#199 Chutebox
Member since 2007 • 51561 Posts


If you ask me, It's Sony who's being desperate throughout most of this gen just to try to play catch up to the 360 in sales.:lol:


Then why is it Microsoft that always cuts their price so soon after Sony cuts their prices. :?

They've only done that kind of reactionary price cutting once, and that was because Sony willingly took a deep cut. Most of the time, Microsoft cuts price on its own terms.

Twice actually.

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#200 HuusAsking
Member since 2006 • 15270 Posts

[QUOTE="HuusAsking"][QUOTE="FIipMode"] Then why is it Microsoft that always cuts their price so soon after Sony cuts their prices. :?Chutebox

They've only done that kind of reactionary price cutting once, and that was because Sony willingly took a deep cut. Most of the time, Microsoft cuts price on its own terms.

Twice actually.

When was the second time. Last I heard, Microsoft cut first the time before.