hahah dream on it wont happen
and so what if it did , 360 still is not the current leader
and you know what does it matter if ms made sony get game over or nintendo made sony and ms get game over- obviously the later seams possible lol ,
because you know what ,
one more mishap microsoft pulls ,im quite sure lots of people as if they didnt doubt microsofts quality theyll start wondering why their broke,
ive bought 4 360s in a span of 4 yrs thats a 360 a year people, making 09 the only yr i hadnt bought a 360 but i had one repaired in 09
lol,bought 4 out of pocke and had 4 repairs
and sony better strighten up , ,
popularity is not with them right now , every exclusive on ps3 has sold less then chart quality lol
aside from mgs 4
in fact only in japan is ps3 more popular then 360
so ya im thinking twice about the 720 i most certainly do not want to buy another faulty console i also do not want to pay 600 for a console that has little games to justify that makes me a guranteed wii 2 buyer now doesnt it
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