[QUOTE="Mozelleple112"] Sure that's why UC2 got a 10, KZ3 is AAA, LBP is AAAA, Demon's Souls won GOTY and MGS4 got an 11. Oh wait? :?StrongDeadlift
More than one person writes every review there. Some kid reviewed kilzone 3, UC2 got a 9.5 ... And Chris Roper reviewed it who was a good journalist but he doesn't work there anymore.. LBP was AAA, Demon Souls got a 9.4, and MGS4 got a 10... Greg, and Colin are HUGE playstation fanboys... I have no issue with them saying the PSvita will succeed because I think it will as well.. But coming up with some biased, pseudo-intellectual nonsense that is based off of false assumptions is where they go wrong...
I can give a reason why the PSVita will succeed... ITS CALLED JAPAN... They will LOOSE THEIR **** when this comes out...Thats all they needed to say really, Like I don't understand where all this smart phone, 3DS sucks nonsense is coming from or how his ridiculous opinions are relevant to anything.. Like he says Nintendo's tired old series shouldn't worry Sony... Or really? Fine you can feel however you want about Nintendo's main running series but to deny that they are sales GIANTS is just being blind. Mario Kart Wii and New Super Mario Bros. both sold like 25+ million copies.. These articles they right are just so fanboyish it just drives me nuts.. They twist their opinions and basically talk down on the reader like we don't know what we are talking about and if we think differently we are wrong. Just the gall they have is unbelievable.
Their assumptions are not "false" they are every bit as sound as yours. They read the same internet WE do, they go to the same E3's WE do (or at least watch on the internet), they play the same console WE do. You know, since this is his JOB/living and everything.....that and the fact that hes had hands on experience with BOTH platforms.
But of course, because his perfectly sound opinion differs from your own, he must be "wrong", or "just doesnt understand" when chances are, they are more knowlegable on the subject than YOU are :roll:
Saying the 3DS isn't going to do well because the general public is tired of their franchises when Mario Kart Wii and New Super Mario Bros. just sold over 25 million copies each, the fact that Pokemon Black and White was a massive success, the fact that basically every other first party Nintendo game does very well sales wise is a false statement. Sorry. I understand he can have his own opinion but this is just blatant fanboyism. I don't care that he got to play the vita for 20 minutes at a show and I didn't.. He hasn't gotten the complete experience and he doesn't seem to know anything about how the public feels about Nintendo either. Just states how he feels which in the scope of things doesn't matter.. Maybe if the world was full of 7 billion people that thought exactly like him this would all be true but how he feels does not reflect how the public feels about Nitnendo nor does it mean that it is going to be a failure.
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