Super Mario Galaxy
Discuss ya buncha scrubs.
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I really thought TLOU would be it.
Is there a proper list? Don't feel like clicking through a 100 pages, as much as IGN would love that.
I really thought TLOU would be it.
Is there a proper list? Don't feel like clicking through a 100 pages, as much as IGN would love that.
The top comment has the list, IGN hid it for some reason though.
Super Mario Galaxy
Discuss ya buncha scrubs.
I can live with that. I loved both SMG and SMG2. They both have the highest scores on with 97 each. Even The Last of Us can't beat that.
LOL of the top 20, 3 exclusives are for wii including #1 and 3 for ps3, 0 for x360, quality game library lems.
On a side note, dark souls #23 wut, it should be top 10
Mass Effect & ME2 were both exclusive for the 360 when they launched.
LOL of the top 20, 3 exclusives are for wii including #1 and 3 for ps3, 0 for x360, quality game library lems.
On a side note, dark souls #23 wut, it should be top 10
The top comment has the list, IGN hid it for some reason though.
Haha! I wonder why!
Super Mario Galaxy
Discuss ya buncha scrubs.
I can live with that. I loved both SMG and SMG2. They both have the highest scores on with 97 each. Even The Last of Us can't beat that.
GTA IV has a 98,good thing metascore isn´t the criteria to define this.
I can agree that between Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 they were the best games of the generation. After that I would go with the souls series.
The top comment has the list, IGN hid it for some reason though.
Haha! I wonder why!
Each page probably gives them like $1000000 in advertisement.
Each page probably gives them like $1000000 in advertisement.
Sounds about right :p
#100. Skate 2
#99. Viva Piñata 2
#98. Mario Kart Wii
#97. Condemned
#96. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
#95. Vanquish
#94. DJ Hero
#93. Dance Central
#92. State of Decay
#91. Super Smash Bros Brawl
#90. Unfinished Swan
#89. Splinter Cell: Blacklist
#88. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
#87. Sleeping Dogs
#86. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
#85. Skylanders
#84. Crackdown
#83. LEGO Marvel
#82. Halo 3
#81. Spec Ops: The Line
#80. Xenoblade Chronicles
#79. Call of Duty: Black Ops
#78. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
#77. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
#76. Saints Row: The Third
#75. Heavy Rain
#74. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
#73. Brothers
#72. New Super Mario Bros Wii
#71. Gran Turismo 6
#70. XCOM: Enemy Within
#69. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
#68. Demon's Souls
#67. Dishonored
#66. God of War 3
#65. Catherine
#64. Flower
#63. Rainbow Six Vegas
#62. Shadow Complex
#61. Rayman Legends
#60. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
#59. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
#58. Infamous 2
#57. LittleBigPlanet
#56. FEZ
#55. Bayonetta
#54. FIFA 12
#53. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
#52. Far Cry 3
#51. The Witcher 2: Assassin's of Kings
#50. South Park: The Stick of Truth
#49. Forza Motorsport 4
#48. Fable 2
#47. Dragon Age: Origins
#46. Dark Souls 2
#45. Super Meat Boy
#44. Gears of War
#43. Trials of Evolution
#42. Mirror's Edge
#41. Spelunky
#40. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
#39. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
#38. Limbo
#37. Burnout Paradise
#36. Pac-Man Championship Edition
#35. Tomb Raider 2013
#34. Bioshock Infinite
#33. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
#32. The Walking Dead
#31. Portal
#30. Braid
#29. Grand Theft Auto IV
#28. Halo 4
#27. Borderlands 2
#26. Fallout: New Vegas
#25. Dead Space
#24. Left 4 Dead 2
#23. Dark Souls
#22. Batman: Arkham Asylum
#21. Street Fighter IV
#20. Super Mario Galaxy 2
#19. Wii Sports
#18. Mass Effect
#17. Bioshock
#16. Batman: Arkham City
#15. Half-Life 2: Episode 2
#14. Assassin's Creed 2
#13. Rock Band
#12. Mass Effect 2
#11. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
#10. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
#9. Journey
#8. Grand Theft Auto V
#7. Red Dead Redemption
#6. Minecraft
#5. Fallout 3
#4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
#3. The Last of Us
#2. Portal 2
#1. Super Mario Galaxy
@lostrib: As a list on a whole, it's alright, as an ordered list, it's dog shit.
their rankings don't even match up with their own ratings. TLOU is a 10 ("Masterpiece" according to IGN) but is 3rd. While 1st and 2nd are 9.7 and 9.5 respectively. And then SMG2 which also got a 10 from IGN, in which they basically state it exceeded SMG, and sits at 20th.
@Krelian-co: Thanks much, man.
List is filled with great games. Yeah, I could go on about the order of them, but bleh. Nice to see them acknowledging some games like Spec Ops and State of Decay. Did not expect them to be on this list.
@lostrib: As a list on a whole, it's alright, as an ordered list, it's dog shit.
their rankings don't even match up with their own ratings. TLOU is a 10 ("Masterpiece" according to IGN) but is 3rd. While 1st and 2nd are 9.7 and 9.5 respectively. And then SMG2 which also got a 10 from IGN, in which they basically state it exceeded SMG, and sits at 20th.
Well, Skyward Sword is #86 and it got a 10
@lostrib: As a list on a whole, it's alright, as an ordered list, it's dog shit.
their rankings don't even match up with their own ratings. TLOU is a 10 ("Masterpiece" according to IGN) but is 3rd. While 1st and 2nd are 9.7 and 9.5 respectively. And then SMG2 which also got a 10 from IGN, in which they basically state it exceeded SMG, and sits at 20th.
reviews are the opinion of 1 person, i think this list was made by several people.
Super Mario Galaxy
Discuss ya buncha scrubs.
I can live with that. I loved both SMG and SMG2. They both have the highest scores on with 97 each. Even The Last of Us can't beat that.
GTA IV has a 98,good thing metascore isn´t the criteria to define this.
Yeah, since no one thinks it deserved a 98 score, which is why it's not #1. It's also not exclusive.
@lostrib: The ratings are individual though. Like, who didn't know Colin the Sony nutrider was going to give The Last of Us a 10?
The list is probably a group collection, so I'd imagine the group discussions probably included the vocal minority that says SMG2 isn't as good because it didn't as much of an impact.
**** impact.
@lostrib: As a list on a whole, it's alright, as an ordered list, it's dog shit.
their rankings don't even match up with their own ratings. TLOU is a 10 ("Masterpiece" according to IGN) but is 3rd. While 1st and 2nd are 9.7 and 9.5 respectively. And then SMG2 which also got a 10 from IGN, in which they basically state it exceeded SMG, and sits at 20th.
reviews are the opinion of 1 person, i think this list was made by several people.
yeah, but it's still the official stance of IGN. They should at least try to be somewhat in line, especially when their number 1 game was out done by its sequel (according to their site) and they ranked it 19 places below
@lostrib: The ratings are individual though. Like, who didn't know Colin the Sony nutrider was going to give The Last of Us a 10?
The list is probably a group collection, so I'd imagine the group discussions probably included the vocal minority that says SMG2 isn't as good because it didn't as much of an impact.
**** impact.
Well if they were going off of impact, then fucking COD4 should be 1st or 2nd
Yep the 360 was severely lacking in quality exclusives. I really pitty those who were suck with that machine alone, they missed the best of the last generation.
More like the game of three hours... after that it gets old jumping on mushrooms and collecting mushrooms. Game of 7th gen is Demon's Souls and if you disagree you're a soccer mom!
LOL Halo 3 at 82
I guess this just confirms all those raving 10/10 reviews it received when it came out where just hype and paid reviews paid by MS to sell X360 consoles
When it comes to SMG, of the little I played, I found it severely overrated. Portal 2 is very high aswell. Overrated trash imo. My GOTG is definitely Dark Souls followed closely by RDR, GTA V and Journey. I still have yet to play TLOU. The game is taking forever to come down in price in my country
LOL Halo 3 at 82
I guess this just confirms all those raving 10/10 reviews it received when it came out where just hype and paid reviews paid by MS to sell X360 consoles
When it comes to SMG, of the little I played, I found it severely overrated. Portal 2 is very high aswell. Overrated trash imo. My GOTG is definitely Dark Souls followed closely by RDR, GTA V and Journey. I still have yet to play TLOU. The game is taking forever to come down in price in my country
So UC3 is 60th, does that mean all of its 10/10 reviews where just hype and paid reviews by MS?
@lostrib: As a list on a whole, it's alright, as an ordered list, it's dog shit.
their rankings don't even match up with their own ratings. TLOU is a 10 ("Masterpiece" according to IGN) but is 3rd. While 1st and 2nd are 9.7 and 9.5 respectively. And then SMG2 which also got a 10 from IGN, in which they basically state it exceeded SMG, and sits at 20th.
reviews are the opinion of 1 person, i think this list was made by several people.
yeah, but it's still the official stance of IGN. They should at least try to be somewhat in line, especially when their number 1 game was out done by its sequel (according to their site) and they ranked it 19 places below
the opinion of 1 person can be vastly different than that of a group, i don't see the problem with their list being different than the scores.
LOL Halo 3 at 82
I guess this just confirms all those raving 10/10 reviews it received when it came out where just hype and paid reviews paid by MS to sell X360 consoles
When it comes to SMG, of the little I played, I found it severely overrated. Portal 2 is very high aswell. Overrated trash imo. My GOTG is definitely Dark Souls followed closely by RDR, GTA V and Journey. I still have yet to play TLOU. The game is taking forever to come down in price in my country
So UC3 is 60th, does that mean all of its 10/10 reviews where just hype and paid reviews by MS?
lol and where did I mentioned U3? Oh you thought because I was trashing Halo that I would give a fvck about Uncharted? lol I may be a cow but even I ackowledge Uncharted is just as overrated. I prefered the new TR to Uncharted and I've no prob in admiting it, cause even if I support playstation I still call things as I see them. So yeah, sony probably bought reviews aswell. Not that I give a fvck about it
Only a complete braindead idiot and a philistine doesn't recognize this list contains a smorgasbord of 360 exclusives or its console exclusives.
But then again most people here haven't even played any games that scored less than 9.0 here, even if it would have been. 8.5
LOL Halo 3 at 82
I guess this just confirms all those raving 10/10 reviews it received when it came out where just hype and paid reviews paid by MS to sell X360 consoles
When it comes to SMG, of the little I played, I found it severely overrated. Portal 2 is very high aswell. Overrated trash imo. My GOTG is definitely Dark Souls followed closely by RDR, GTA V and Journey. I still have yet to play TLOU. The game is taking forever to come down in price in my country
So UC3 is 60th, does that mean all of its 10/10 reviews where just hype and paid reviews by MS?
lol and where did I mentioned U3? Oh you thought because I was trashing Halo that I would give a fvck about Uncharted? lol I may be a cow but even I ackowledge Uncharted is just as overrated. I prefered the new TR to Uncharted and I've no prob in admiting it, cause even if I support playstation I still call things as I see them. So yeah, sony probably bought reviews aswell. Not that I give a fvck about it
I was wondering why you chose to pick on a single game from microsoft.
Still unsure how this list from one website "confirms" that all reviews were paid for
Based on that logic, Demon Souls, MGS4, UC2, heck even TLOU since it lost to SMG and Portal 2 while being the most awarded game ever, are now all confirmed to have been just paid reviews
Sony with two exclusive in the top 10, three in total(SMG).
TLOU is multiplat
lol still more than PC&Xbox combined
And still PC is the better platform.
Better luck next gen
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