Before I start let me say that I loved the first Halo, and enjoyed it's single player and playing split screen with friends thouroughly. I've had Halo 2 practically since it's release, but I have never touched the campaign mode...until today.
I thought hey, Halo 3 is coming out soon, and according to everyone on here, It's single-player mode is going to be one of the best gaming experiences in the history of FPS. So I thought hey, why not brush up on the story? I pop in Halo 2.
I set the difficulty on normal, learning from past experiences that higher difficulties just meant; they have more hit points, you have less = game longer.
Keep in mind that I am approaching this game with an open mind, and expecting a fun gaming experience, like we all do when we buy that new game.
I start the game, the openeing cutscenes intrigue me, and I am psyched up to play. The game literally starts out in the same manner as the first Halo. I go through shield recharging stuff, and then the covenant raid my ship. Not only is the situation the same, the covenant that break into my ship are the exact same kind that did so in the original Halo. I start blasting away at the first wave with the first gun I am given - the SMG. Arguably the worst invention ever conceived into an FPS game. It makes this sound that reminds me of my cat when she purrs, and it's even less effictive in battle. Of course, this is because in Halo 2, you can hold two weapons. So I pick up my second BB gun, and blast away. As I did this, something became very apparent to me -- I couldn't see a damn thing I was shooting at. Between all the lasers being blasted, the shields of the elites I was shooting, the muzzle flash of my SMGs, and my crosshairs - I could not tell when I had killed something.
I quickly dropped the whole dual-wielding idea, stuck to my battle rifle, and proceeded to use the the covenant grunts as punching bags. At this point in the game I am still thinking, "alright, not so bad."
Uh oh, the covenant have landed on Earth. Let's fly down there after them.
What almost seems like a complete and unending joke, my drop ship crashes on to the planet. However, unlike last time, all my squad mates survive this crash, and we roll out. Which leads to the next joke -- all my teamates were identical to my old ones in the first Halo. Some mexican dude, some guy that sounds kinda australian, and your stereotypical black drill seargent guy that doesn't shut the hell up. Although there was a new female squadmate! Welcome to the team!
The covenant are invading Earth! You really wouldn't be able to realize this, as Earth seems to be an abandoned ghost town with randomly placed semi-trucks.
Battle! More elites, more grunts, and oh! oh! Also there were some flying bugs, which went down after 1-2 shots from my BB gun (impressive I know).
So I fought the same battle again. Grunts would run around and not fight, and whenever I shot an elite, he would jump behind a truck and stay there...forever, so I would have to run my ass over there to find him crouched down, unaware of my presence. I beat the crap out of him with the B button.
Side note - is it just me or were the grenade effects downgraded?
More identical firefights (i really liked the covenant sniper rifle though) with identical enemies. I get a tank to drive (it goes much slower than it did in the original Halo). Infact, the tank moves so slow that the creators must try to keep me entertained by sending endless waves of ghost vehicles at me. After what seemed to be a straight 10 minutes of ghost killing, I go into a tunnel sequence which I fly past all the enimies on my ghost because I was honestly becoming sick of killing the same things over and over again.
I'll stop describing that part of the game now, because it literally was just the same firefights over and over and over.
So I watch another cutscene, and now I get to play as the covenant. At first I though this was really cool.
I get to face new enimies, and I get an energy sword. It was actually fun...for 5 minutes. I spent alot of time looking for the next checkpoint, as no one ever gives you directions in Halo 2. They just kind of let you roam around until you find that door or that button. So after some more battling I came to a part where I literally almost fell asleep.
The Flood make their appearance in the game in the dullest way they possible could - there isn't even any dramatic music to help the event out, they just kinda...appear...and we kill them. I feel no fear or anything like I did in the first Halo. So we get on this huge eleveator thing, and this part drove me nuts. I think this elevator ride was 15 minutes in length (it felt longer). Enimies would appear maybe every 3 minutes, so during those 180 seconds, I would entertain myself by meleeing the floor, and later my teammates. The elevator would stop, pause for 2 mintues, and then start up again. And it doesn't let you know when it's finished, you just kinda have to look for a way out.
After that event I became a zombie Halo player. I would just walk around in a trance and kill everything with my eyes half closed. It was one of the most boring gaming experiences I have ever had and I mean that.
I'll fastforward a bit as to not waste your time. I am back as master chief and we discover another Halo ring, we land on it. This is a sick sick joke Bungie. I am greeted by - you guessed it! - MORE GRUNTS AND ELITES. I am moaning out loud when the identical voice actor behind my fellow marine says - "Chief, we need to take out those turrets!" My brother hears me and asks me why I even keep playing. I really didn't know, I was just waiting for something to happen that hasn't happened before -- it never did. After more identical skirmishes, waiting for pelican drop ships, waiting for my warthog to arrive....waiting....shooting....waiting.....
After 10 more minutes I save and shut the game off. I have played nearly 3 hours straight and so far, and I mean this in complete unbiased honesty, Halo 2 is one of the most boring games I have ever played. I will gladly stick to the multiplayer - but I probably will quit that too, because after those 6 or so missions, I am sick of everything Halo related.
Is it worth continuing? Someone enlighten me...
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