I have a hard time beiliving that you play alot of halo 3 with statment like "you can kill someone across the map without missing" with a battle rifle :lol: well i guess im just too good for you then, cus i rarely miss
Barley more original levels ? wow almost every level can be taken from an area of the game, you may not be in that exact area, but it will be the same type of terrian/buildings/ect (just like cod4)
Chooper you know what I meant :roll:hurts your credibility if you cant get the name right
Waterd down garbage when compared to the PC wow original seeing as were talking about Consoles games here :roll: if halo 3 is so better than cod4 it should be better than all versions of it
13 new MAPS the same cant be said for Cod4 :wink: why do you keep on briging this back to PC ? no one mentioned it :lol: im talking about COD4 for the CONSOLES like the TC said your rambling on about PC like its relavent to the thread. if it is so supirior, why is it not as good as other versions of it?
Again I have a hard time beliveing you played halo 3 with saying "one hit from almost everything and you die" :lol: I guess the SMG must be super powerful then :roll: key word 'almost' shotgun is 1 shot hammer is 1 shot sword is 1 shot sniper is 1 shot grenades are 1shot. beam rifle is 1 shot, meele to the back is 1shot, power drainer + any slugshooter/carbine is 1shot
abotu the only thing that is never '1 shot' is the plasma pistol/rifle and the needler wich takes 6-7 needles
Sword was in halo 1 ? :lol: yep, you jsut couldent use it
You get errors constantly ? riiiiight with all this blantant PC praise I doubt you even own a 360 really? doubt i own one? :lol: :roll: your qute a funny lemming arent you
Equipement is included in matchmaking ranked and social gametypes if you had the game or played it youwould know :roll: i never said it wasnt in those, i said it wont be in other games, it isnt very good and offers little to the game, the bubble shield and power drainer are about the only ones wirth anything, maby the recharger in certain situations....but thats about it
By reading your misinformed and fanboysish reply I came to the conclusion that you have played halo 3 once or twice or you are just talking out of your ass about stuff you know nothing about actually i got halo3 launch day and spent 3-4 weeks playing it dailey, i got to the rank of commander grade 1 and highest skill 42. my gamertag is KSI EpicHosi if you doubt me, thoguh i really dont play to much anymore as i enjoy my wii and tf2 far to much
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