I heard Treyarch (call of duty 3) will be responsible for the porting. If that is true, the port will be hilariously awful.AmyMizuno
nobody is responsible for the porting since their is no port planned.
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[QUOTE="EPaul"]If that happens Hermits will be pissed. gamer620
if that happens, Blizzard North won't be the developers. It will be a port by one of Activisions bigger profile studios like Neversoft. One way or another, it wouldn't compromise the PC version.
I don't see Blizzard ever again agreeing to let anyone else handle their babies. And there's no Blizzard North anymore, over half of staff left to other companies and the rest was merged into the main Blizzard
Diablo worked on the PS1.The thing is you dont directly translate Mouse=Analog stick
You use the Analog stick to move the character instead of the mouse, and use the face buttens to attack. It's called creative thinking with controls. So yes if it will come to consoles it will become something like God of War in an isometric view.
If you use the analog stick move the character instead of a cursor, let good luck cast long range spells that target a specific enemy. Oh wait, those spells will be removed from the game because gamepads cannot handle properly. Thank goodness for dumbing down.
[QUOTE="AdrianWerner"][QUOTE="Haee"]No, it's shelved and actualy it;s even worse than canceled :) Because after putting stop on it's development Blizzars has disbanded all console teams they have and either fire people from them or moved them into PC teams1 - Starcraft Ghost isnt cancelled yet
Im not disappointed, Starcraft Ghost looked like crap but it would be cool to see a Starcraft shooter.
As #1 Blizzard fanboy supporter (ok not #1), I am very happy with what Blizzard is doing as of now.
I didnt think it looked like crap, unless you mean compared to now. And, it wasn't a shooter, its was a third person stealth game, similiar to that of Splinter Cell. I really hope something they bring it out, revise it, and finish it with current tech.
[QUOTE="insanejedi"]Diablo worked on the PS1.The thing is you dont directly translate Mouse=Analog stick
You use the Analog stick to move the character instead of the mouse, and use the face buttens to attack. It's called creative thinking with controls. So yes if it will come to consoles it will become something like God of War in an isometric view.
If you use the analog stick move the character instead of a cursor, let good luck cast long range spells that target a specific enemy. Oh wait, those spells will be removed from the game because gamepads cannot handle properly. Thank goodness for dumbing down.
You use the left analogy to move or direct which way you are facing and then right analog is the cursor to select whatever on the isometric screen. With that and face buttons, it would work. Even tho I dont think it happen, its not impossible.
[QUOTE="PandaBear86"][QUOTE="insanejedi"]Diablo worked on the PS1.The thing is you dont directly translate Mouse=Analog stick
You use the Analog stick to move the character instead of the mouse, and use the face buttens to attack. It's called creative thinking with controls. So yes if it will come to consoles it will become something like God of War in an isometric view.
If you use the analog stick move the character instead of a cursor, let good luck cast long range spells that target a specific enemy. Oh wait, those spells will be removed from the game because gamepads cannot handle properly. Thank goodness for dumbing down.
You use the left analogy to move or direct which way you are facing and then right analog is the cursor to select whatever on the isometric screen. With that and face buttons, it would work. Even tho I dont think it happen, its not impossible.
so bassiclly your plan is to use the right analog to try to replicate a mouse? that seems like it would be incredibly innefienct under any circumstances.....let alone in a game as fast as Diablo 3.
[QUOTE="PandaBear86"][QUOTE="Haee"]1 - Starcraft Ghost isnt cancelled yet and also why would Diablo 3 get "dumbed" down for the consoles? I dont think it gets any simpler than pointing at an enemy and than clicking on him. It wouldnt be hard to perserve the same Diablo feel on the consoles.2 - Bioware's only game that collaborated with EA is Mass Effect PC. Aside from the interface, I would be happy for Bioware to continue what they're doing.
Playing Diablo games on gamepad is possible, but at a greatly reduced speed. This means that blizzard has to make the game easier and slower to make up for the in-accurate and slow control speeds of consoles.
Someone here hasen't played hack and slashes on consoles... it's just that with more RPG loot equipment stuff. It woulden't be any more dumbed down.
How would you teleport around quickly in PVP?
Blizzard had the foresight to prepare for this during their merger with Activision, they kept control over all their projects, so Activision can push, but unless Blizzard wants it to happen, it won't.
And Blizzard has been pretty clear they don't want it to happen. Their making it nice and accessible for pretty much anyone with a PC from the last 5 years, and mandatory parts of their franchise like Battle.net would be wholly incompatible with any console online service.
Legally, you're right. I don't think Blizzard hates money though, and Diablo 3 on a 360/PS3 userbase would be a ton, I mean a TON of money to just piss away. Less rampant piracy, higher markup, less updates. Diablo ended up on the Playstation, it's not like they haven't done it before.
Man I would go berserk for this game on consoles. Battle.net was always so flawless, even back in 1996 their servers didn't lag. I can't even imagine getting online with my buddies and playing through a brand spanking new Diablo with some 4 or 8p co-op. I am dreaming of this right now. Bring it Blizz, I'll buy both versions.
so bassiclly your plan is to use the right analog to try to replicate a mouse? that seems like it would be incredibly innefienct under any circumstances.....let alone in a game as fast as Diablo 3. cobrax75
I said a combination effect of two analog; it hard to explain it, I can picture it in my head. You use both in conjuction to move and select/attack/etc. You would have a stationary spot to direct from, and you would have a quick way to select things upon the isometric field. It would work faster than what you said having a single analog as the mouse. From the way I have it pictured, its has stable position with an effective cursor mode.
[QUOTE="gamer620"][QUOTE="EPaul"]If that happens Hermits will be pissed. AdrianWerner
if that happens, Blizzard North won't be the developers. It will be a port by one of Activisions bigger profile studios like Neversoft. One way or another, it wouldn't compromise the PC version.
I don't see Blizzard ever again agreeing to let anyone else handle their babies. And there's no Blizzard North anymore, over half of staff left to other companies and the rest was merged into the main Blizzard
Its really not there call anymore. They are Activision Blizzard now not Blizzard. Blizzard's talent will stretch as far as there titles. And given that Activision is a much better asset than Vivendi ever was, let alone blizzard themself, the financial disaster that was Starcraft: Ghost wont ever happen again. If Activision has there way, there will be a port of D3, but like I said, it won't be developed by Blizzard, and I am perfectly fine with that. Let the core team work on the main project without having to worry about multiple architectures. Put that burden on a team that is used to the platforms. Activision is certainly one of those companies that is willing to take on a task like that.
You have to also keep in mind however, B.net wouldn't exist on consoles. The online would be designed around PSN and XBL. Id take B.net over both of them any day of the week.
It would be funny to see Hermits go crazy, we've seen sheep, cows and lemmings go crazy already but never hermits
Hermits don't mind PC games being ported to console when the main version is on PC. Its only when development is focused on consoles first that the interface and gameplay get dumbed down to a point where a child can button mash to the end of a game in 2.5 hours that hermits get angry.
Legally, you're right. I don't think Blizzard hates money though, and Diablo 3 on a 360/PS3 userbase would be a ton, excelR83
It would be sizeable, but it would never match the audience they'll reach on the PC. It'll actually detract from what their trying to achieve.
I mean a TON of money to just piss away. Less rampant piracy, higher markup, less updates. Diablo ended up on the Playstation, it's not like they haven't done it before.excelR83
Blizzard have traditionally circumvented most of these problems. Piracy has never been a big issue for them as they build in protection through Battlenet, whereas they can charge more for a console version, but it costs more to make (they have to pay licensing fees).
Diablo was on the Playstation, and Starcraft was on the N64, and while they were good games, they were the last console games Blizzard made. Since then they've learnt not to bother, they experimented and while it was better than most attempts, it still wasn't as successful as their PC market.
I think it should come out, but only after D3 has been out a while.
360 is "high end" enough in respect of "Blizz Specs", and would make a good platform. Given that its also almost DX10 compliant, port should be straightforward.
I doubt we'd see it for PS3. Blizz has some experience developing for DirectX/xbox (SC Ghost), but none as far as I'm aware for PS3. At least M$ keep their API's simillar, as far as I can tell PS3 is very different API from PS2.
BUT, whats the likelyhood of Battle.net being linked up with either Live or Home? About nill.
I think it should come out, but only after D3 has been out a while.
360 is "high end" enough in respect of "Blizz Specs", and would make a good platform. Given that its also almost DX10 compliant, port should be straightforward.
I doubt we'd see it for PS3. Blizz has some experience developing for DirectX/xbox (SC Ghost), but none as far as I'm aware for PS3. At least M$ keep their API's simillar, as far as I can tell PS3 is very different API from PS2.
BUT, whats the likelyhood of Battle.net being linked up with either Live or Home? About nill.
It wouldnt be the specs but more about the controls I imagine, controllers are a bit limited. The online would also suffer obviously.
[QUOTE="excelR83"]Legally, you're right. I don't think Blizzard hates money though, and Diablo 3 on a 360/PS3 userbase would be a ton, Danm_999
It would be sizeable, but it would never match the audience they'll reach on the PC. It'll actually detract from what their trying to achieve.
I mean a TON of money to just piss away. Less rampant piracy, higher markup, less updates. Diablo ended up on the Playstation, it's not like they haven't done it before.excelR83
Blizzard have traditionally circumvented most of these problems. Piracy has never been a big issue for them as they build in protection through Battlenet, whereas they can charge more for a console version, but it costs more to make (they have to pay licensing fees).
Diablo was on the Playstation, and Starcraft was on the N64, and while they were good games, they were the last console games Blizzard made. Since then they've learnt not to bother, they experimented and while it was better than most attempts, it still wasn't as successful as their PC market.
Eh? I'm not saying don't release it on PC. I'm saying release it on everything. I would buy it on PC and console.
The one basis is that because Diablo 3 will undoubtably be computer-friendly like all Blizzard games, whats the need for a console port when chances are that your crummy computer on the side (assuming) can run Diablo 3 just fine?
I believe that anyone that wants to play Diablo 3 can play Diablo 3 with very little to none changes on the computer.
Blizzard already has a console exclusive IP in development.
World of Warcraft: Molten Core
Has Sound!
[QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="excelR83"]Legally, you're right. I don't think Blizzard hates money though, and Diablo 3 on a 360/PS3 userbase would be a ton, excelR83
It would be sizeable, but it would never match the audience they'll reach on the PC. It'll actually detract from what their trying to achieve.
I mean a TON of money to just piss away. Less rampant piracy, higher markup, less updates. Diablo ended up on the Playstation, it's not like they haven't done it before.excelR83
Blizzard have traditionally circumvented most of these problems. Piracy has never been a big issue for them as they build in protection through Battlenet, whereas they can charge more for a console version, but it costs more to make (they have to pay licensing fees).
Diablo was on the Playstation, and Starcraft was on the N64, and while they were good games, they were the last console games Blizzard made. Since then they've learnt not to bother, they experimented and while it was better than most attempts, it still wasn't as successful as their PC market.
Eh? I'm not saying don't release it on PC. I'm saying release it on everything. I would buy it on PC and console.
You missed his point.
Must be an arcade game,but AAA confirmed!Blizzard already has a console exclusive IP in development.
World of Warcraft: Molten Core
[QUOTE="Danm_999"]Blizzard had the foresight to prepare for this during their merger with Activision, they kept control over all their projects, so Activision can push, but unless Blizzard wants it to happen, it won't.
And Blizzard has been pretty clear they don't want it to happen. Their making it nice and accessible for pretty much anyone with a PC from the last 5 years, and mandatory parts of their franchise like Battle.net would be wholly incompatible with any console online service.
Do you work for Activision ?
Blizzard makes more than a Billion a year, Activsion is NOT going to bully them around.
[QUOTE="insanejedi"][QUOTE="PandaBear86"][QUOTE="Haee"]1 - Starcraft Ghost isnt cancelled yet and also why would Diablo 3 get "dumbed" down for the consoles? I dont think it gets any simpler than pointing at an enemy and than clicking on him. It wouldnt be hard to perserve the same Diablo feel on the consoles.2 - Bioware's only game that collaborated with EA is Mass Effect PC. Aside from the interface, I would be happy for Bioware to continue what they're doing.
Playing Diablo games on gamepad is possible, but at a greatly reduced speed. This means that blizzard has to make the game easier and slower to make up for the in-accurate and slow control speeds of consoles.
Someone here hasen't played hack and slashes on consoles... it's just that with more RPG loot equipment stuff. It woulden't be any more dumbed down.
How would you teleport around quickly in PVP?
finally someone said it.
Controllers would be raped, just like in an RTS.
[QUOTE="Dynafrom"]How would you teleport around quickly in PVP?PC360Wiifinally someone said it. Controllers would be raped, just like in an RTS. Teleporting in PVP was an anomaly introduced by the 1.10 patch for everybody but the sorc - and before that, most sorcs simply sucked at teleporting in pub games anyway, since they stacked up on DR instead of fast cast. I played a smite/foh pvp pally in 1.09, and was able to kill pub sorcs with smite. That really shouldn't be happening. And Blizzard doesn't really balance for PvP, anyway.
Diablo is no where near the type of hack'n slash like gow or ninja gaiden are. If they pull it off its going to be way different from the PC version tho i seriously doubt they are going to make it.Pessu
Diablo is no where near the type of hack'n slash like gow or ninja gaiden are. If they pull it off its going to be way different from the PC version tho i seriously doubt they are going to make it.Pessu
Do you not remember "Dark Alliance"? Played almost identical to Diablo.
If Unreal Tournament 3 was able to use the mouse and keyboard, why can't they do the same with Diablo 3 on the PS3? You won't have to dumb it down.peralta775
Because keyboard and mouse aren't standard on the PS3. So they would making the game aimed at a small group of people.
[QUOTE="Pessu"]Diablo is no where near the type of hack'n slash like gow or ninja gaiden are. If they pull it off its going to be way different from the PC version tho i seriously doubt they are going to make it.xsubtownerx
Do you not remember "Dark Alliance"? Played almost identical to Diablo.
Except Dark Alliance played extremely slow compared to Diablo 2 at high levels, especially when more people are in a game and the difficulty is on high. Also one thing no one even made mention: Spells need to be targeted in Diablo. Want to cast Blizzard? You need to point where you want it casted. Want to do Leaping Attack? You need to point where you want it casted. Want to explode a particular corpse? You need to accurately point to the corpse on the battlefield. Miss and its wasted mana. You really didn't have to worry about that in DA, however, you do need to worry about it in Diablo 2, especially with the sheer amount of monsters on screen that can and will kill you within 3 seconds if you are not careful.
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