uh huh. Just couldn't be happy with a good thing could you.*triehard drivel*
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[QUOTE="BPoole96"][QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"] NV is exempt, I suppose, simply because Obsidian is in on the document.FrozenLiquid
I didn't even realize that Obsidian was working on this. I'm not as big of a fan of theirs as Slashless is but New Vegas was awesome and one of the very true RPGs this gen
I haven't played New Vegas, partly coz I don't have time, partly coz Fallout 3 was boring. I keep hearing it's awesome, though, from people who knew what RPGs were like before this generation. You might have just tipped me over the cliff to purchase it :PMan go buy it! And make sure to get the OLD WORLD BLUES DLC to! (best dlc ever).
I did not like Fallout3 at all, but New Vegas I loved!
Fallout3 I had to force myself to beat it and get to the end, and could not go through a 2nd time all the way. With New Vegas though? I have beat it 7 times! And thinkign of installing it again :P
Don't let F3 put you off of New Vegas bud :cool:
Jensen Ackles prettyboi face annoys the hell outta meFrozenLiquidI can throw in some Sam Winchester for you. Know how much you love that guy
[QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"]Jensen Ackles prettyboi face annoys the hell outta mejg4xchampI can throw in some Sam Winchester for you. Know how much you love that guy
[QUOTE="smerlus"] Caesar's Legion is against corruption which actually made me almost respect them if it wasn't for the rape and pillage part. They do have certain morals that the other factions lacked but it's hard to get over their actions. Talking to some of the merchants on how the Legion was protecting them against bandits while the NCR was just worried about protecting themselves was also honorable but...Slashless
Honestly, the NCR is just a parallel of Caesar's Legion, save the fact Caesar's Legion is outspoken about what they are/what they stand for while NCR blinds the people into thinkintg they're the "good" guys when honestly they're just as power hungry and can do just as bad as Ceasar's Legion. Caesar's Legion flips you off. NCR buys you a candybar then punches your dog. :P
I would've done more Caesar playthroughs if it wasn't for the fact that Boone doesn't like me when I do. :P
I disagree, NCR is much better than Caesar's Legion. They killed almost everyone in a town just for trying to be neutral. They constantly enslave people. They treat women like crap. NCR is definitely power hungry, but they are generally good.I did hardcore mode my first playthrough and all it did was annoy me. The gameplay of the game honestly isn't that great so why make it harder?
So you installing New Vegas or what? Go ham. Do hardcore mode.jg4xchamp
[QUOTE="SciFiRPGfan"]You know, I was looking for the stuff that pointed to Bioware and Bethesda talking about how amazing their RPG stuff was, but I actually couldn't find it. At all. In that sense, my argument completely capitulates. But watching all these videos just excites me more about Wasteland 2. All these damn Skyrim and ME videos are all about 'storytelling'; taking storytelling to the next level, how technology can make storytelling better, how you can make your character your own through storytelling. And about the gameplay? Both Todd Howard and Casey Hudson made bashful admittances to a more action-oriented experience. Even the SW:TOR videos I thought claimed to be the next level of MMORPG was just about 'interactive storytelling'. So no, inExile won't be kicking any balls, because there are no balls to kick. For the most part, I concede my argument. Except for the bit about 'what is a better RPG'. Hell no, that argument can fvck off. Your grilling me about finding evidence to my claims is proof in and of itself that Bioware and Bethesda can't even admit to creating roleplaying games anymore, so this whole 'it depends on someone's definitino of an RPG' is utter crap. Yeah, and Earth's moon is only a satellite depending on people's definition of a satellite. It could be a sun if people believed it hard enough. At least Mr. Hudson and Mr. Howard concede otherwise.(stuff)
[QUOTE="savagetwinkie"] I don't get where they are coming with this mentality, it felt similar to playing fo3, the story may have been better but due to the desert the gameplay crawled along dieing under a hot sun.cain006
New Vegas:
Meaningful Choices that are morally gray and have actual consequences
Factions that arent simply just "good guy and bad guys"
More open ended gamplay
Stats and Character builds that are more meaningful
Environments and settlements that are actually logical instead of an amusement park of post apocalyptic cliches.
better writing
Fallout 3:
Teddy Bear Launchers
Level Scaling
An annoying disc jockey with magical powers allowing him to sleep and still do a radio show.
Caesar's Legion is pretty much pure evil. They're sexist, slave owners, and openly murder people for not following them and their rules. The other choices are kinda hard to choose, but there's really nothing redeaming about Caesar. And Three Dog is pretty cool, definitely more fun than Mr. New Vegas. I agree that New Vegas is much better though.There's not too much I can say that Slashless and Smerlus didnt already address.
But yeah while I agree among the factions, Caesar's Legion happens to be the most direct and vicious,there is atleast reasons behind Caesar's idealogies despite how extreme the methods are.Not to mention,it's open enough for the player to decide whether they can sympathize with these said idealogies or not.
Regardless, Caesar is alot better written character than President "muahaha let's poison the water" Eden.
And Wayne Newton >Three Dog, get the fvck out with that bullh*t bro :cool:
You know, I was looking for the stuff that pointed to Bioware and Bethesda talking about how amazing their RPG stuff was, but I actually couldn't find it. At all. In that sense, my argument completely capitulates. But watching all these videos just excites me more about Wasteland 2. All these damn Skyrim and ME videos are all about 'storytelling'; taking storytelling to the next level, how technology can make storytelling better, how you can make your character your own through storytelling. And about the gameplay? Both Todd Howard and Casey Hudson made bashful admittances to a more action-oriented experience. Even the SW:TOR videos I thought claimed to be the next level of MMORPG was just about 'interactive storytelling'. So no, inExile won't be kicking any balls, because there are no balls to kick. For the most part, I concede my argument. Except for the bit about 'what is a better RPG'. Hell no, that argument can fvck off. Your grilling me about finding evidence to my claims is proof in and of itself that Bioware and Bethesda can't even admit to creating roleplaying games anymore, so this whole 'it depends on someone's definitino of an RPG' is utter crap. Yeah, and Earth's moon is only a satellite depending on people's definition of a satellite. It could be a sun if people believed it hard enough. At least Mr. Hudson and Mr. Howard concede otherwise.[QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"][QUOTE="SciFiRPGfan"]
That got me quite excited. It ain't smack talk, it's an actual design document. So I have a feeling they will deliver
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"][QUOTE="FrozenLiquid"]Fvck off with those gifs man, let's be serious now :lol: Nah I'll wait 'til the Ultimate Edition goes on sale, besides got other games to finish with little time to do it in. I swear playing Mass Effect 3 has probably caused some production f*ck up somewhere down the line and I'm gonna pay for it.FrozenLiquidMass Effect 3: What could have been. Meh, Garrus made it bearable. Reasons why you didn't like it? I swear every other day you throw a curveball so I can never understand your tastes in games. I have to ask though coz Bioware took a gamble with their mandatory boy scout character and added some chilli flakes to it. James Vega, yes or no? I enjoyed it. It's just disappointing in spots. Ending becoming what it is(plus it reminds me of Battlestar Galactica's ending), and the shooting is still mad wooden. I loved the character moments in the game. What Bioware lacks in some consistency from a plot standpoint they usually make up for in characters. Garrus is bro status. James was chill I guess at times. I only remember him and garrus having that d1ck measuring contest on the ship with each others military records.
Nevermind DAO vs DA2 has NOTHING to do with Obsidan never releasing a game with critical acclaim. Your logic fails. .Face it Bioware has more clout in the industy than Obsidan and that is a fact. Really Obsidan fans are hypocrites....they want to gloss over flaws of Obsidan games, making excuses after excuses while judging harshly flaws in Bioware games. Bunch of lead coat wearers that should be thrown in the ditch.
You honestly can't tell if you're trolling or just delusional.
Bioware basically destroyed their best IP's at this point, after the fiasco's Dragon Age 2 and ME3. They have nothing left... Shot themselves in the foot so to speak.
Even the EC won't save the Mass Effect trilogy, it will just rub some more salt in the wounds.
Also, at least Obsidian still cares about it's fanbase, this can hardly be said about "End of Line" Bioware.
Nevermind DAO vs DA2 has NOTHING to do with Obsidan never releasing a game with critical acclaim. Your logic fails. .Face it Bioware has more clout in the industy than Obsidan and that is a fact. Really Obsidan fans are hypocrites....they want to gloss over flaws of Obsidan games, making excuses after excuses while judging harshly flaws in Bioware games. Bunch of lead coat wearers that should be thrown in the ditch.
You honestly can't tell if you're trolling or just delusional.
Bioware basically destroyed their best IP's at this point, after the fiasco's Dragon Age 2 and ME3. They have nothing left... Shot themselves in the foot so to speak.
Even the EC won't save the Mass Effect trilogy, it will just rub some more salt in the wounds.
Also, at least Obsidian still cares about it's fanbase, this can hardly be said about "End of Line" Bioware.
[QUOTE="smerlus"][QUOTE="texasgoldrush"] Nevermind DAO vs DA2 has NOTHING to do with Obsidan never releasing a game with critical acclaim. Your logic fails. .Face it Bioware has more clout in the industy than Obsidan and that is a fact.texasgoldrushWhy should I forget that you said a 79 rated game is about the same as a 91 rated game when we're talking about scores hypocrite? Funny I don't see InXile developers running to BioWare to help them make a real RPG. I don't see any of BioWare's employees interviewed as much as Chris Avellone, when the makers of South Park went to a company to create an RPG they went to Obsidian not BioWare...Hmmmm seems when people want to hear about real RPGs they go to Obsidian. interesting don't you think? Funny, I don;t see Obsidan games winning awards....oh wait, who destroyed who for RPG of the Year 2010...was it New Vegas or was it Mass Effect 2? Oh wait, ME2 compltely annihilated NV in both critics and reader awards. All you have is an RPG argument...thats it...but face it...just because it a "better RPG" doesn;t make it a "better game". Face it, which game has more clout KOTOR or KOTOR II, NWN or NWN2, Mass Effect or Alpha Protocol? Does ANYTHING Obsidian has done match the clout and the legacy that the Mass Effect trilogy alone has? Oh wait, nothing....hell Obsidan can't even make their own lore or their own IP without falling on their face, they have to use other peoples work. That make sequels to other companies games that set the world on fire. That it, thats their legacy.
So since we're going by awards you admit that Dragon Age 1 is leagues better than Dragon Age 2 right? I mean the same people handing out these awards said Dragon Age 2 sucked. Oh that's right...you only use websites when it suits your argument.
You do know clout means pull or influence right? Wouldn't developers and people with IPs going to Obsidian show that they have more influence? So far BioWare is the only company I know of making RPGs for dummies so I don't really see them influencing much.
Oh wait, but ME3 is still highly acclaimed...so much for it being destroyed. Hell, even I am not a fan of the ending and does think it needs the EC, however, the entire saga still is one of the gens greatest achievements. Hell at least they create their own IPs, because they actually have creativity, instead of constantly using other peoples IPs. It is you that is delsuional.texasgoldrush
So weak, texas. As usual.
When it comes to making creative gameplay ideas, Obsidian is leagues ahead of Bioware. Hell, Mass effect has become nothing more than a Gears clone gameplay wise (and a bad one at that).
Why do you think companies flock to Obsidian to make RPG's ? Because they do it so good.
Bioware is just EA's little b*tch now, dancing to their tune. They mess up everything they've done for the past few years. Tortanic, ME3, DA2. All horrible.
Oh wait, but ME3 is still highly acclaimed...so much for it being destroyed. Hell, even I am not a fan of the ending and does think it needs the EC, however, the entire saga still is one of the gens greatest achievements. Hell at least they create their own IPs, because they actually have creativity, instead of constantly using other peoples IPs. It is you that is delsuional.Sagem28
So weak, texas. As usual.
When it comes to making creative gameplay ideas, Obsidian is leagues ahead of Bioware. Hell, Mass effect has become nothing more than a Gears clone gameplay wise (and a bad one at that).
Why do you think companies flock to Obsidian to make RPG's ? Because they do it so good.
Bioware is just EA's little b*tch now, dancing to their tune. They mess up everything they've done for the past few years. Tortanic, ME3, DA2. All horrible.
Yeah, but how often does Obsidan fail to deliver on the basics...they have all these gameplay ideas, but fall flat on the simplest things. Nevermind the idiotic clunkfest gameplay that was Alpha Protocol or the fact that DSIII may have very well been far weaker than its nothing special predeccessors. Nevermind that Obsidan hasn't made a gameplay mechanic that others follow. Bioware on the other hand, not only had engines that other designers used, but a robust save import system may very well be the future of RPGs. Nevermind CD Projeckt being influenced by Mass Effect when it comes to TW2, with its save import and dialogue system.texasgoldrush
My god...
You are beyond saving, I feel sorry for you.
Yeah, but how often does Obsidan fail to deliver on the basics...they have all these gameplay ideas, but fall flat on the simplest things. Nevermind the idiotic clunkfest gameplay that was Alpha Protocol or the fact that DSIII may have very well been far weaker than its nothing special predeccessors. Nevermind that Obsidan hasn't made a gameplay mechanic that others follow. Bioware on the other hand, not only had engines that other designers used, but a robust save import system may very well be the future of RPGs. Nevermind CD Projeckt being influenced by Mass Effect when it comes to TW2, with its save import and dialogue system.Sagem28
My god...
You are beyond saving, I feel sorry for you.
Answer this question....which company's KOTOR is seen as one of the greatest RPGs of all time and which company's KOTOR is seen as a disappointment? Please, you are just an Obsidan fanboy blind to reality.Please Log In to post.
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