[QUOTE="SrgtSaggy101"][QUOTE="johnny27"] yeah thats why there is usually server admins that kick/ban hacker/cheatersBrownesque
even with server admins it can sometimes still take awhile, and not all games have server admins. and i still always find my self pissed of from hackers on alot of pc games.Someone evidently doesn't understand how server side banning and client votekicks operate....
And someone evidently doesn't understand how backend banning works on closed networks.
That someone has been quoted....I'll let you figure out who it is!
Incidentally, and this is important, so pay attention, when an admin finds a cheater, actually, I have used these tools before, you open the console (the `~ key in the top left of your keyboard), enter a brief command into the console, and the cheater goes away forever. It takes all of four seconds, about a half a second for the thought to register that the person is cheating (or to read all the rampant complaints from the users on your server), and the remaining 3 and a half seconds (if you're slow) to open the console and ban the cheater for all time from your server.
Contrast this, if you'd be so kind as to try to learn something from this post, to the way backend banning works on a system like Xbox Live or VAC (Valve anti-cheat, Steam's cheating countermeasure). VAC, which MW2 uses, utilizes delayed bans. There is no way, NONE, to send a direct report to Steam or to the people operating the system. There is also no /record feature in games without consoles, so you have no convenient way of recording cheater footages via killcam or something. The cheat has to be detected on the backend by their detection software (most of them evidently are invisible to the software), at which point the delay of 2-4 weeks will elapse and the person will be basically eradicated from Steam. If you're talking about Xbox Live....I believe there's a reporting feature, but you still have to wait for the backend people to kill the cheater's Xbox Live account and ban their console.
FACTS: MW2 uses back-end VAC delayed bans taking up to a month to delay the cheats the software catches (most of them are written to avoid this software).
MW2 does not have a developer console for /record and it does not have kickvotes for trouble players or admins for instant IP bans.
Back-end banning takes MUCH LONGER than admin bans, which is the problem to begin with.
css, bf2 soon as one hackers banned another joins, games like diablo/warcraft/ you cant ban them and other rpgs/rts where you cant ban them either. or mmo hackers, Ive got nothing against pc gameing its my primary platform but hackers piss me off.
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