Let me quickly stop the spread of false information with this fact check:
- The iPad 2 had no standard USB port (propietary).
- The iPad 2 has no standard HDMI port (propietary accessory needed).
- The Nvidia Tegra 2 still wipes the floor with the A5.
- JavaScript performance is absolutely horrible on iOS.
- The iPad 2 is not the thinnest tablet.
- Android 3.0 was built specifically for tablets, while the same iOS is used across different form factors.
Take a look at Android 3.0. This what a tablet OS should be:
LOL you still don't get it, all other tablets are IPAD wanna be's, before IPAD there were no tablets, at least none that anyone has ever heard of, but since IPAD was released all of a sudden here come the copy cats.
Problem is there apps might amount to as many as a few hundred by now, apps available for IPHONE, IPOD and IPAD, over 65,000.
So you tell me which IOS and hardware platforms are more popular, take a wild guess...LOL, c'mon you can do it, there sold at a store with a big shiny apple in front of it, and it's always packed with customers.
Right the Apple store, keep following the media headlines and you'll figure it out, don't mean to be rude or so sarcastic, but i truly despise copy cats and if your going to post screens of copy cat hardware and software, then i'm going to tell it like it is, and the truth is if it weren't for IPAD, tablets would be virtually non-existant.
1. There were tablets before the iPad, just because you haven't heard of them, doesn't mean they didn't exist.
2. There are over 100,000 android apps submitted to google so far, that's hardly a few hundred.
3. It's clear that you a.) have never used an android tablet or anything other than an ipad. b.) haven't even googled the tablets you are bashing to discover even their most basic features c.) are trolling and have no real factual backing. You might as well be a banner advertisement.
You know what, your absolutely right, i have not Googled or researched Android tablets, but i will, and i'll do one better and peruse Youtube to see them in action and if they are comparable to IPAD in functionality and ease of use, with user friendly software, then i won't bash them.
Believe me i'm the first one to preach about someone lashing out and bashing something they've never tried before, so i will give Android tablets a look and i'll even make it a point to try one in my local Best Buy store....Fair enough ?
Even though i know i'll always be a MAC supporter 4 life, i'm not opposed to giving other products a fair comparison.
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