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I don't get why everyone is so big on 60FPS, I've had no issue with 30FPS shooters so far. Obviously when you start going under 30 and especially around 20 it gets really choppy, but at a solid 30 I haven't had any issues. Am I the only one who would rather they target 30FPS with better graphics? I understand the response isn't as quick, but you adjust to the slight difference quickly and can still generally play as well.beefaloits just more fluid at 60 fps. i think people just want better everything overall. Its a new gen, we want 1080p 60fps to be standard.
I usually game at 45FPS on my PC to get max settings at 1080p on my rig, so anything between 30 and 60 is fine with me.
I just don't like spikes down to 15FPS. That annoys me. Dead Rising 3 Demo dropped dow nto at least 15FPS at times. I would hate that if I spent $500 on a console that played that game. I could just spend $500 on a PC video card and get 120FPS if that was the case.
Depends on the game. Anyone who says yes to all games is kidding themselves. xsubtownerxwhen you get used to 45+ fps its really hard to go back to crappy 30's
Someone born blind is perfectly content... Take away someones vision and watch them contemplate suicide. You see if all you have played is console games at 20-30FPS then of course you would ask such as question.Grey_Eyed_ElfThis 1000x over. Up until about 2010, I had only rarely experienced gaming at 60fps on PC. Now I can't play many genres of games without it. It makes such a huge difference in shooters and strategy games that you actually play better with it. Third person and over the shoulder games are ok at 30fps, but FPS games are night and day better at 60fps.
Someone born blind is perfectly content... Take away someones vision and watch them contemplate suicide. You see if all you have played is console games at 20-30FPS then of course you would ask such as question.Grey_Eyed_ElfThe thing is I've played both 30FPS and 60FPS shooters(a la Halo and Call of Duty). In the end I really didn't get anything extra out of the 60FPS. Similarly between a 30FPS racer like need for speed and a 60FPS one like GranTurismo/Forza(although the irony here is that GT/Forza actually managed to look better in most cases).
[QUOTE="Grey_Eyed_Elf"]Someone born blind is perfectly content... Take away someones vision and watch them contemplate suicide. You see if all you have played is console games at 20-30FPS then of course you would ask such as question.PlaguelessThis 1000x over. Up until about 2010, I had only rarely experienced gaming at 60fps on PC. Now I can't play many genres of games without it. It makes such a huge difference in shooters and strategy games that you actually play better with it. Third person and over the shoulder games are ok at 30fps, but FPS games are night and day better at 60fps.this goes to 720p vs 1080pas well. People saying 720p is fine for 2013 are blind as fvck lol
But at what cost? What if I took Crysis 4, made it run at 120FPS(with a 120FPS screen and appropriate controller latency) but it looked like a PS1 game? Would you prefer that over 30FPS but the best looking console game to date?Take any game in the history of the world, make it run as smooth as possible, and you will improve the overall experience.
So yes, I'd say it's a pretty big deal.
All games with the usual control methods benefit from It but strictly speaking of shooters it makes a much bigger difference when you play with a mouse and keyboard on pc.BF3 for example became so much more enjoyable after upgrading to a 7950 and getting much higher fps its like I was finally really playing the game.
[QUOTE="treedoor"]But at what cost? What if I took Crysis 4, made it run at 120FPS(with a 120FPS screen and appropriate controller latency) but it looked like a PS1 game? Would you prefer that over 30FPS but the best looking console game to date?Take any game in the history of the world, make it run as smooth as possible, and you will improve the overall experience.
So yes, I'd say it's a pretty big deal.beefalo
There's no real-world scenario where that would ever be the trade off.
In my experience, with games I couldn't run max on my PC, getting them up towards 60fps was a matter of dropping the resolution down a few notches (1080p - 720p, or around there), potentially lowering some settings, or turning off functions that are only properly optimized on certain cards.
There's no game where the sacrifice for achieving 60fps is as big as lowering the graphical quality so much that they somehow look three full generations behind.
Yes...yes it is
dark souls gifs
I don't think those gifs are a very good representation. Im pretty sure it doesnt have 60 fps animations and the game is designed to run at 30fps. This is a better representation.
Honestly 60fps is indeed much smoother(120fps is way,wayyyyy better) but i can live with 30fps.
I played Crysis 3 on max settings at an average of 30-40fps and didn't have a problem with it.
Worst comparison I've ever seen.IT's the difference between playing in an HD tv versus regular t.v.Joedgabe
Depends on the game.... but having 60 fps all the time or more wont hurt. But if your doing any type of competitive gaming 60 FPS is a must.Â
:lol: That's not true at all. Try playing Quake Live at 30 fps...IT's the difference between playing in an HD tv versus regular t.v. It doesn't affect  your game at all but it's just a mental issue in people's head that bothers them. However frame rate drop below 30 is definitely an issue.
60 FPS does make games seem more fluid even though for most games it really isnt i guess since the animations are generally time based and not frame based. If they were than a game designed to run at 30FPS would be twice as fast in game at 60 FPS. So i have no problem play at 30 FPS and have enjoyed many consoles games at 30FPS. The problem comes in when the consoles cant even maintain 30FPS and you end up getting some real choppy performance at times. If a game cant maintain exactly 30 and never go below then cool but thats almost never the case if the game is running at 30FPS in the first place.
Pc it is, consoles nomillerlight89
I disagree. Fighters,shooters and racers are all better at 60 regardless of platform
Stuff like Uncharted or Dead SPace all work fine in 30 though. But playing in 60 is still better
Yes...yes it is
dark souls gifs
I don't think those gifs are a very good representation. Im pretty sure it doesnt have 60 fps animations and the game is designed to run at 30fps. This is a better representation.
While you may be right. The comparison is still pretty damn noticeable
Yes...yes it is
I can't tell ... i'm assuming left is 30 and right is 60? but they look the same to me.
You can't tell a difference yet you got it right?
Been there, done that. I often wonder how some of these guys would have survived PC gaming in the nineties, when decent hardware was super-expensive and stuff like WC3, MW2 and Quake (the turtle!) were absolute system killers.No not really. I've manged to play just fine at 10-15 fps.
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