Like some people already said, for some games to be enjoyable 60 fps is a must, specially if its a fast paced game. For slow paced games its not really necessary but it can certainly make the game better though.
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Like some people already said, for some games to be enjoyable 60 fps is a must, specially if its a fast paced game. For slow paced games its not really necessary but it can certainly make the game better though.
Wheres the PC option where I can play at 60 fps or higher (120 or more) and still max out a game, so there is no "cost to graphics". Â I think you purposely left that option out from the poll to keep the Master Race from utterly shitting and destroying your thread.
Also, why dafuk are you asking 2 different questions in the title and and in the poll. Â Fix your title so that it relates to your poll question!
Yes...yes it is
I can't tell ... i'm assuming left is 30 and right is 60? but they look the same to me.
Focus on one at a time and it should be obvious how much smoother it looks. Because of the way the brain processes visual information if you try to look at both at once its much harder to tell apart.Where is the 60 fps at ultra poll option?
Why are there only inferior consol kiddy options?ÂJankarcop
Ya, I was thinking the exact same thing. Â That's when you know someone is trying to control and prevent the obvious answer when it comes to PC gaming, where we can play at 60fps or more and max settings. Â There is no need to sacrafice graphical settings while doing 60fps or more at 1080p or more when you're PC gaming. Â These polls are usually made by some insecure consolite.
Yes it's pretty big, especially with certain genres.
Good to see someone supporting White Day in their sig :D I played it all about a month ago and loved it
Of course I'd love to have 1080p @ 60FPS... but having said that, I'd rather have 1080p/30FPS with more graphical detail then 60FPS and less detail.
Yes it's pretty big, especially with certain genres.
Good to see someone supporting White Day in their sig :D I played it all about a month ago and loved it
Yeah your playthrough of the game made me try it out lol. It's a pretty sweet game.[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"]
Yes it's pretty big, especially with certain genres.
Good to see someone supporting White Day in their sig :D I played it all about a month ago and loved it
Yeah your playthrough of the game made me try it out lol. It's a pretty sweet game.hah really? That's awesome. It is pretty sweet alright :D
Yes...yes it is
I can't tell ... i'm assuming left is 30 and right is 60? but they look the same to me.
You can't tell a difference yet you got it right?
You are surprised that somebody gets a 50/50 chance right? Dude... Anyway, either those Dark Souls pictures are the worst possible example or my eyes are really broken. There's absolutely no difference. Saying one of those is unplayable and the other one is far superior is lolworthy at best.[QUOTE="seanmcloughlin"][QUOTE="Joedgabe"]
I can't tell ... i'm assuming left is 30 and right is 60? but they look the same to me.
You can't tell a difference yet you got it right?
You are surprised that somebody gets a 50/50 chance right? Dude... Anyway, either those Dark Souls pictures are the worst possible example or my eyes are really broken. There's absolutely no difference. Saying one of those is unplayable and the other one is far superior is lolworthy at best.Only elitists say that
and like wis3boi said above, cover one at a time because seeing both together on screen at the same time messes it up
I feel that 60fps is necessary for certain games, but the ONE thing I can't deal with is screen tearing. If the game is running at 60fps at the cost of vsync, I'd rather have it run at 30fps with vsync enabled.
Yes it is. Especially when you factor in the horsepower under the hood.
If I'm buying an X1 and PS4, I expect results, now that sufficient practical hardware are built into these consoles.Â
Obviously, it takes time to produce a game, but this isn't 2005 anymore. Last gen, power was simply limited. There's no excuse anymore.Â
Yes...yes it is
I can't tell ... i'm assuming left is 30 and right is 60? but they look the same to me.
You can't tell a difference yet you got it right?
Except you just got it wrong even yourself. Left is 60 right is 30. Open them up in their own tab. They don't seem to play right embdedded into the page.inb4 bu bu bu teh cinematic experience therefore 30fps is needed :cry:..complete bullshit since that's mostly use in cut scene and you can have 60fps game with locked 24p cutscenes..and yes 60fps helps gameplay a lot and is 2013 for **** sake all games should be 1080/60fps on consoles.
I know lol, I hardly see a difference between 40 frames a sec vs 60, maybe just bc I don't play too many games
I'd just like to point out that you had to drop the resolution. And...there was recently a topic here about how every next gen console game should be 1080p standard. I've also seen plenty of comments here about current gen console games and how their ugly textures and character models are just repulsive. So...we need 60fps, we need 1080p, and we need excellent textures and character models and effects with a high level of detail. Sorry, NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Something's gonna have to get sacrificed, and no matter what gets sacrificed there are always going to be people screaming that the developers sacrificed THE WRONG THING. You skimp on framerate, then you're gonna get people saying that's unacceptable. If you cut back on resolution, people are gonna scream that that's unacceptable. If you make the game uglier in order to allow it to be 1080p at 60fps, then you're gonna have people b****ing about how it's just unacceptably ugly. That's how consoles work. If you want everything, stick with a PC.There's no real-world scenario where that would ever be the trade off.
In my experience, with games I couldn't run max on my PC, getting them up towards 60fps was a matter of dropping the resolution down a few notches (1080p - 720p, or around there), potentially lowering some settings, or turning off functions that are only properly optimized on certain cards.
There's no game where the sacrifice for achieving 60fps is as big as lowering the graphical quality so much that they somehow look three full generations behind.
I understand the response isn't as quick, but you adjust to the slight difference quickly and can still generally play as well.beefalo
Yeah... no. Nothing beats a high framerate for a shooter, or anything really face paced, especially a multiplayer shooter. 30 fps in mp in painful on the eyes once you're used to 60. And the difference in response time is very important.
No people just get silly. 30fps is fine for certain games, first person shooters should be 60fps, because of the intense battles and speed you need to see, but single player games and more graphics which are enviroment based and don't need to move about is fine at 30fps, the most we really need is top notch 1080p as standard esp for us who are using bigger screens now.Â
There a big difference in what you see frame rate wise when your using a hd pc monitor.
But i do agree tho really, moving up to next gen i was expecting that 1080p and 60fps would be standard esp when pc gaming is already hitting the hights of 120fps. But this comes down to developers and not the hardware. the hardware can support 1080p and 60fps it's just because it's a new platform and they will still be a slight learning curve even if it's close to making games on the pc.Â
I don't get why everyone is so big on 60FPS, I've had no issue with 30FPS shooters so far. Obviously when you start going under 30 and especially around 20 it gets really choppy, but at a solid 30 I haven't had any issues. Am I the only one who would rather they target 30FPS with better graphics? I understand the response isn't as quick, but you adjust to the slight difference quickly and can still generally play as well. *EDIT* Adding a pollbeefalo
Never got the 60fps deal either, i cant even tell a difference in side by side comparissons
Obviously i would take better graphics and a steady 30fps over worse graphics and an unstable 60fps
There is not even a question about it
The most fun shooters i have played in my life is the Halo series and those are 30fps games
I guess the only genre 60fps makes sense is extremely fast games like DMC or Bayonetta or racers and about nothing else
That's way too rough for me for modern games. Dips that low are always noticeable and impede gameplay significantly. Maybe something like Tetris would still work fine at that rate, but modern games would be ass.No not really. I've manged to play just fine at 10-15 fps.
[QUOTE="MK-Professor"]Then you missed out.If is not 60fps is not worth playing
I don't
For me no. As long as it's 30fps locked with no dips I don't mind. 60fps is better, but it just doesn't bother me, especially on consoles.SaltyMeatballs
Same, my guess is alot of hermits are speaking in terms of unlocked 30fps average vs unlocked 60fps average. When in reality the locked 30fps of consoles is really more the equivalent of an unlocked 45fps on pc.
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