[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]This place is turning into "Business Wars".IronBassGaming is a business. You might find this shocking, but it's actually just a hobby for me =o
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[QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]This place is turning into "Business Wars".IronBassGaming is a business. You might find this shocking, but it's actually just a hobby for me =o
[QUOTE="che5ter666"][QUOTE="stylesPS3"] you do if you want to play forza 3.stylesPS3
No, sorry mate your wrong. The 2nd disc is for the extra content. Forza 3 can be played with just the first disc.
and your fellow lemming in the other thread just said the 1st disc is used for install, and the 2nd disc is used for playing. how about some proof so we dont keep getting this back and forth info.Since you are the ones making the claim in threads just by going off of one poster. Why don't you spend you time looking for the correct info since you keep wanting to use it as some form of ownage. The way it works is the person making thye claim should be able to back it up.[QUOTE="standarddamage"][QUOTE="SemiMaster"]
Plain and simple. 360 = least expensive console out there. Period. PS3 = best bang for your buck for features.
Games and what you are willing to spend for a console is at your own discretion. Period the end.
Not that I use this expression very often, but this post is full of win.
Maybe I shouldn't say that because if everyone realized this, System Wars would be quite boring. Oh I've screamed this point from the rooftops for years, many have. I own a PC so I've got the 'beef' so to speak right there, the 360 is just to hoover up the games I miss// are crippled by DRM. It's a choice but im happy with it.[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="Eddie-Vedder"]This place is turning into "Business Wars".Eddie-VedderGaming is a business. You might find this shocking, but it's actually just a hobby for me =o For us players it is a hobby/way of life. For Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony it's about the money. Since we are actually LOSING money by playing games, which sells best should not matter. Which plays best does.
You might find this shocking, but it's actually just a hobby for me =oEddie-VedderThat's fascinating. We could spend the whole year (which is what we do, actually) saying what x-thing is for any us, nonetheless this kind of comparisons are made in very general terms.
Maybe I shouldn't say that because if everyone realized this, System Wars would be quite boring.SemiMasterNah, I wouldn't worry about it. Another thtread like this will pop up at any time now. It's just that you're right. Nobody wants to hear that $200 will always be less than $400. Nobody wants to admit that a $200 360 has no where near the capabilities of a $400 PS3, either.
[QUOTE="che5ter666"][QUOTE="stylesPS3"] you do if you want to play forza 3.stylesPS3
No, sorry mate your wrong. The 2nd disc is for the extra content. Forza 3 can be played with just the first disc.
and your fellow lemming in the other thread just said the 1st disc is used for install, and the 2nd disc is used for playing. how about some proof so we dont keep getting this back and forth info.First of all DO NOT call me a lem! Just because you are a die hard PS3 fan and like to bash the 360 at every instance, doesn't put me in the same category as you. I own and love both the 360 and PS3.
Secondly this states that disc one will be the full game experience where disc two will serve as extra cars/tracks...completely optional.
[QUOTE="stylesPS3"] and your fellow lemming in the other thread just said the 1st disc is used for install, and the 2nd disc is used for playing. how about some proof so we dont keep getting this back and forth info.Stevo_the_gamerThe burden of proof is on your hands, not his. You were the first person to make that declarative with no factual evidence, I'm still waiting on a credible link which states that in order to play Forza 3, it's mandatory to have a HDD. im not the one who came up with either of those theories. however i tried searching for both of them and neither of them can be confirmed. including your theory.
I wouldn't call them gimmicks but I agree- the 360 is a basic game console offering, at it's core, an experience the average gamer needs and wants. All the excess things that come with a PS3 are great, but are for the most part, unneeded (I'm looking at you, Blu Ray)Gamers don't want Gimmicks
They want games.
For 200 dollars, the quality and variety of the 360 is unmatched for what it offers.
Forza devs stated Disc 1 will be game experience, Disc 2 will be "extras". So yes, the "full" experience will require a hdd, but main game does not.
[QUOTE="SemiMaster"]Maybe I shouldn't say that because if everyone realized this, System Wars would be quite boring.standarddamageNah, I wouldn't worry about it. Another thtread like this will pop up at any time now. It's just that you're right. Nobody wants to hear that $200 will always be less than $400. Nobody wants to admit that a $200 360 has no where near the capabilities of a $400 PS3, either. well said. I can agree with this.
No, sorry mate your wrong. The 2nd disc is for the extra content. Forza 3 can be played with just the first disc.
and your fellow lemming in the other thread just said the 1st disc is used for install, and the 2nd disc is used for playing. how about some proof so we dont keep getting this back and forth info.First of all DO NOT call me a lem! Just because you are a die hard PS3 fan and like to bash the 360 at every instance, doesn't put me in the same category as you. I own and love both the 360 and PS3.
Secondly this states that disc one will be the full game experience where disc two will serve as extra cars/tracks...completely optional.
so basically if you want to change a car or a track you need to swap discs everytime? sorry but imo thats even Worse then the other theory.so your only getting half of an experience? :lol: what will devs think of next quarter expierience's?Forza devs stated Disc 1 will be game experience, Disc 2 will be "extras". So yes, the "full" experience will require a hdd, but main game does not.
and your fellow lemming in the other thread just said the 1st disc is used for install, and the 2nd disc is used for playing. how about some proof so we dont keep getting this back and forth info.stylesPS3Forza 3 won't require an HDD. However without an HDD install, one would have to switch disks to race on certain tracks (for example, Sarthe might be on disk 1, and Suzuka might be on disk 2). At least that's how I understand it.
im not the one who came up with either of those theories. however i tried searching for both of them and neither of them can be confirmed. including your theory.stylesPS3
You didn't look very hard, did you?
[QUOTE="gamecubepad"]so your only getting half of an experience? :lol: What the heck gave you that idea?Forza devs stated Disc 1 will be game experience, Disc 2 will be "extras". So yes, the "full" experience will require a hdd, but main game does not.
[QUOTE="stylesPS3"]im not the one who came up with either of those theories. however i tried searching for both of them and neither of them can be confirmed. including your theory.Stevo_the_gamer
You didn't look very hard, did you?
i just saw that, and anyone who says switching discs everytime you want to change tracks or cars is better then installing is still in denial imo.getting the arcade and a 20GB hard drive online is the best deal so i say yes
you can find the 20GB for like 30$ online
so your only getting half of an experience? :lol: What the heck gave you that idea? well if you dont have a hard drive. shouldnt there essentially be a forza 3 reg and forza 3 super edition. I mean i wouldnt wanna pay full price for content an cant even use.[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="gamecubepad"]
Forza devs stated Disc 1 will be game experience, Disc 2 will be "extras". So yes, the "full" experience will require a hdd, but main game does not.
i just saw that, and anyone who says switching discs everytime you want to change tracks or cars is better then installing is still in denial imo.stylesPS3That's a nice opinion. Anyways, you don't need a HDD to play Forza 3, I'm glad you're standing corrected. :)
[QUOTE="che5ter666"][QUOTE="stylesPS3"] and your fellow lemming in the other thread just said the 1st disc is used for install, and the 2nd disc is used for playing. how about some proof so we dont keep getting this back and forth info.stylesPS3
First of all DO NOT call me a lem! Just because you are a die hard PS3 fan and like to bash the 360 at every instance, doesn't put me in the same category as you. I own and love both the 360 and PS3.
Secondly this states that disc one will be the full game experience where disc two will serve as extra cars/tracks...completely optional.
so basically if you want to change a car or a track you need to swap discs everytime? sorry but imo thats even Worse then the other theory.Who said anything about swapping discs? You can't! You either install it or you don't. The main point is that Turn 10 have confirmed that HDD less 360's can play this game to some extent.
i just saw that, and anyone who says switching discs everytime you want to change tracks or cars is better then installing is still in denial imo.stylesPS3Who said switching disks was better than an install? The responses are to the fact you said Forza 3 *requires* an HDD, which clearly isn't the case.
well if you dont have a hard drive. shouldnt there essentially be a forza 3 reg and forza 3 super edition. I mean i wouldnt wanna pay full price for content an cant even use.Animal-MotherWho said you can't use it?
so your only getting half of an experience? :lol: what will devs think of next quarter expierience's?[QUOTE="gamecubepad"]
Forza devs stated Disc 1 will be game experience, Disc 2 will be "extras". So yes, the "full" experience will require a hdd, but main game does not.
Anything is possible. Maybe it's like a buying a DVD where disc 1 is the actual film and disc 2 is the extras. If it bothered somebody that much I'm sure they could drop $30 or $40 on a hdd.
Sony removing all Backwards compatibility from PS3 kinda equates to a half experience in my mind. $240 is still less than $400, and you can't buy BC in the case of the PS3. What a joke. I'm sure they'll fix that blunder soon enough though.
What the heck gave you that idea?Stevo_the_gamer
Based on what GameCubePad said, you need the HDD for the full experience. Therefore, Arcade owners won't be able to get everything the game offers. You need the HDD for the full game.
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]well if you dont have a hard drive. shouldnt there essentially be a forza 3 reg and forza 3 super edition. I mean i wouldnt wanna pay full price for content an cant even use.Stevo_the_gamerWho said you can't use it? the developer [quote="joystiq"]When asked if the second disc would act as a data transfer, downloading the additional content to the hard drive for use with the first disc, Wendl told us that was "exactly right." While Turn 10 assures all gamers will be able to enjoy the full Forza 3 experience, we now have confirmation that not all gamers will be able to enjoy all 400 vehicles promised at the Microsoft press briefing. Gallery: Forza Motorsport 3
[QUOTE="stylesPS3"]i just saw that, and anyone who says switching discs everytime you want to change tracks or cars is better then installing is still in denial imo.Stevo_the_gamerThat's a nice opinion. Anyways, you don't need a HDD to play Forza 3, I'm glad you're standing corrected. :) in this case i think gamers would be better off if they did loll.
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]well if you dont have a hard drive. shouldnt there essentially be a forza 3 reg and forza 3 super edition. I mean i wouldnt wanna pay full price for content an cant even use.Animal-MotherWho said you can't use it? the developer
When asked if the second disc would act as a data transfer, downloading the additional content to the hard drive for use with the first disc, Wendl told us that was "exactly right." While Turn 10 assures all gamers will be able to enjoy the full Forza 3 experience, we now have confirmation that not all gamers will be able to enjoy all 400 vehicles promised at the Microsoft press briefing. Gallery: Forza Motorsport 3 joystiqthank you, this is what i was thinking about when i said you need to install, to get the FULL game. which REQUIRES a HD.
[QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"][QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]well if you dont have a hard drive. shouldnt there essentially be a forza 3 reg and forza 3 super edition. I mean i wouldnt wanna pay full price for content an cant even use.Animal-MotherWho said you can't use it? the developer
When asked if the second disc would act as a data transfer, downloading the additional content to the hard drive for use with the first disc, Wendl told us that was "exactly right." While Turn 10 assures all gamers will be able to enjoy the full Forza 3 experience, we now have confirmation that not all gamers will be able to enjoy all 400 vehicles promised at the Microsoft press briefing. Gallery: Forza Motorsport 3 joystiq
So no disk swapping to play one of the extra tracks on the Disk 2?
Anything is possible. Maybe it's like a buying a DVD where disc 1 is the actual film and disc 2 is the extras. If it bothered somebody that much I'm sure they could drop $30 or $40 on a hdd.
Sony removing all Backwards compatibility from PS3 kinda equates to a half experience in my mind. $240 is still less than $400, and you can't buy BC in the case of the PS3. What a joke. I'm sure they'll fix that blunder soon enough though.
What HDD for the 360 is $30 - $40? Looking at used ones?
The new 60 gigs run about $100 for the 360.
Lemmings like to put on their casual hats when comparing price points. I'd like to see a single one of you lemmings that bought an arcade for 200 bucks and has been gaming on it without wasting any more money on the console. Why argue for the casual in a place called "System Wars"?
when you buy a console you have to pay for games too....so 360 has more and better games then ps3 that means lemmings buy more games then cows...which means lemmings spend mroe money haha lemmings have seriously been pwned for buying games
20GB HDDs.What HDD for the 360 is $30 - $40? Looking at used ones?
The new 60 gigs run about $100 for the 360.
the developer[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="Stevo_the_gamer"]Who said you can't use it?Stevo_the_gamer
When asked if the second disc would act as a data transfer, downloading the additional content to the hard drive for use with the first disc, Wendl told us that was "exactly right." While Turn 10 assures all gamers will be able to enjoy the full Forza 3 experience, we now have confirmation that not all gamers will be able to enjoy all 400 vehicles promised at the Microsoft press briefing. Gallery: Forza Motorsport 3 joystiq
So no disk swapping to play one of the extra tracks on the Disk 2?
I have no Idea. but from that quote it seems the data has to be installed. I mean why else would they say " we now have confirmation that not all gamers will be able to enjoy all 400 vehicles promised at the Microsoft press briefing. "Perfectly fair. It may have more added features, but it plays comparable games, and it's also competing direcly with it, so it's all fair game.
20GB HDDs.[QUOTE="standarddamage"]
What HDD for the 360 is $30 - $40? Looking at used ones?
The new 60 gigs run about $100 for the 360.
yea you can used 20GB for like 20-30$ on ebay, that and a arcade is the best deal this gen hands down
How is it perfectly fair when it doesnt give you the same as the PS3?Perfectly fair. It may have more added features, but it plays comparable games, and it's also competing direcly with it, so it's all fair game.
compare 2 things:
1) the price of the basic "just play games' functionality... the "ticket price" of playing a game if you will... you know, that thing these consoles are supposedly made for
2) the price of each for obtaining a similar experience on each console
up to you, individually, to figure out which is most important
Anything is possible. Maybe it's like a buying a DVD where disc 1 is the actual film and disc 2 is the extras. If it bothered somebody that much I'm sure they could drop $30 or $40 on a hdd.
Sony removing all Backwards compatibility from PS3 kinda equates to a half experience in my mind. $240 is still less than $400, and you can't buy BC in the case of the PS3. What a joke. I'm sure they'll fix that blunder soon enough though.
What HDD for the 360 is $30 - $40? Looking at used ones?
The new 60 gigs run about $100 for the 360.
Correct. That's used or refurbished. Penny-pinching Arcade users wouldn't bother buying a new one.
How is it perfectly fair when it doesnt give you the same as the PS3?Animal-MotherNo console in history has ever given "the same" as other one. The 360's objective is not to "give the same as the PS3" in terms of features. Why should we "invent" an objective for it, that clearly isn't?
20GB HDDs.
I didn't even realize that there were still new 20GB models floating around anymore, but sure enough, Amazon has them.
Which would be a perfect one to get if you were only concerned about one game...turns the overall price into a $100 for the game though, so I don't know.
[QUOTE="IIRS3II_H1TMAN"]Pretty much everyone buys a HDD or a console with a HDD nowadays, for XBox 360.stylesPS3except those that are tricked into thinking its not important, and find out later that they got screwed by some internet forum. thats what grinds my gears.
Tricked? Who's getting tricked? If someone buys an arcade without the HDD...it's their choice.
It really depends on what you are wanting the system for. I do think that it is more fair to compare the Pro to the PS3 as they are more alike and you don't require the additional harddrive. Yes, the Xbox can be purchased for $200, but you really need the Pro so you have the harddrive and it makes it more comparable to PS3. So, in reality, I think the Xbox is only $100 lower than the PS3. The biggest difference on the PS3 is simply the Blu-Ray player. If you really have no interest in Blu-Ray, than it probably isn't worth the price difference, but if you are a big movie fan, it is definitely worth it because finding a good Blu-Ray player for $100 is nearly impossible.
For me, personally, I would rather the Xbox be priced closer to the PS3 and come with more things standard. My main item on my wishlist would be wireless. A lot of people don't need wireless, but there are also a lot of people that wouldn't be within range of a router, so therefore would need to spend an additonal $100. The second item on my wishlist would be to make the silver level of Xbox Live include online gameplay. I don't play online that often, but enough that I like to have it, but paying $60 a year to be able to do it just isn't something that makes me real happy. I like that you can still get game demos and all without having to get live, but I wish online play were added to it, or the price of the membership lowered. Every year I'm going to be debating, do I want to get an extra game or pay to have the ability to play online. I know that Live is 100x better than home on PS3, but I still think $60 is a pretty steep price to have the ability to do something the PS3 includes standard.
I definitely think there is a significant price difference in the beginning, but after adding everything up, the PS3 really isn't all that expensive, at least in my opinion!
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]How is it perfectly fair when it doesnt give you the same as the PS3?IronBassNo console in history has ever given "the same" as other one. The 360's objective is not to "give the same as the PS3" in terms of features. Why should we "invent" an objective for it, that clearly isn't? The fact of the matter is. We for gamers look for experience. I do indeed take note that there are people who just play games and what not. But as I said essentially at the end of the day certain people will need things like a hard drive or wireless. Thats just the fact of the matter. Also It is not fair for me and the thousands or millions like me who like to game. We need the hard drive. Some of us need the wireless. I live 2 floors above my router. Colleges are starting to become all wi-fi zones. The fact of the matter is competition breeds similarities. Regardless we I want a full rounded experience on all my systems.
The 360's objective is not to "give the same as the PS3" in terms of features. Why should we "invent" an objective for it, that clearly isn't?IronBassAnd by that logic, it wouldn't be fair to compare any of the consoles at all because they're all trying to do something different. Which actually goes back to what we were discussing before...and is the best point to come out of this whole thing.
But as I said essentially at the end of the day certain people will need things like a hard drive or wireless.Animal-MotherAnd certain people won't.
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]But as I said essentially at the end of the day certain people will need things like a hard drive or wireless.IronBassAnd certain people won't. well then those people will miss a full console experience then and I guarentee MS wouldnt have put those standalone hard drives out if they didnt sell well. You and I both know there are people with arcades buying them up
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