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[QUOTE="AD216"]u dnt benefit unless a game is a few years old tho. i understand the theory that's out there but in reality, gamestop gives u 50% of what ur game is worth and charges the next person 95% of the full price. that's wrong on every levelJandurinthe point is they give you 50% of the worth of the game that you can then put toward another game if someone else feels like it's worth 95% of the cost for a used game vs 100% for a new one, that's their business i respect what they do but at the same time, look at steam. u cant trade in games but at the same time, if u wait a few months to buy ur game u can save nearly $20-30 on the price.
lmao then dnt consider urself a gamer. ur a casual that's only gaming because everyone else is doing it in some compacityAD216i've been gaming since 1986 when my sister got a NES from her dad if i'm a "casual that games because other people are" then what are you mate? a "hardcore that games because it makes you look cool"?
i respect what they do but at the same time, look at steam. u cant trade in games but at the same time, if u wait a few months to buy ur game u can save nearly $20-30 on the price. AD216this is a pointless post and you may as well wait a year and pay 10-20% instead of 30-50%
[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="AD216"]u dnt benefit unless a game is a few years old tho. i understand the theory that's out there but in reality, gamestop gives u 50% of what ur game is worth and charges the next person 95% of the full price. that's wrong on every levelAD216the point is they give you 50% of the worth of the game that you can then put toward another game if someone else feels like it's worth 95% of the cost for a used game vs 100% for a new one, that's their business i respect what they do but at the same time, look at steam. u cant trade in games but at the same time, if u wait a few months to buy ur game u can save nearly $20-30 on the price. A digital marketplace like Steam has a much greater ability to offer ridiculous sales than a brick and mortar store. There is just no way that Gamestop could ever sell new copies of games for 75%+ off. They wouldn't be able to cover shipping costs, let alone pay their employees and keep the lights on.
[QUOTE="AD216"]i respect what they do but at the same time, look at steam. u cant trade in games but at the same time, if u wait a few months to buy ur game u can save nearly $20-30 on the price. Jandurinthis is a pointless post and you may as well wait a year and pay 10-20% instead of 30-50% what? gamestop sales used games for $5 cheaper than the retail price. u wait 3-4 months and get the game at a wholesale price
[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="AD216"]i respect what they do but at the same time, look at steam. u cant trade in games but at the same time, if u wait a few months to buy ur game u can save nearly $20-30 on the price. AD216this is a pointless post and you may as well wait a year and pay 10-20% instead of 30-50% what? gamestop sales used games for $5 cheaper than the retail price. u wait 3-4 months and get the game at a wholesale price i'm talking about from steam
[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="AD216"]i respect what they do but at the same time, look at steam. u cant trade in games but at the same time, if u wait a few months to buy ur game u can save nearly $20-30 on the price. AD216this is a pointless post and you may as well wait a year and pay 10-20% instead of 30-50% what? gamestop sales used games for $5 cheaper than the retail price. u wait 3-4 months and get the game at a wholesale price If you wait 3-4 months, those used games are a whole lot cheaper than just $5 less than retail.
With all of the anti-gamer policies on this console as well as the TV TV TV TV Sports Sports Sports focus of the Xbone, can we judge anyone who considers themselves a gamer but not want to go anywhere near the XBone? Would your status as a Manticore be called into question only because a corporate entity outside of your influence happens to squirt out a machine that is, quite literally, a demon from Hell?
I'm curious, because in the specific case of the XBone, even long-time MS supporters are jumping ship on the thing. I can't even remember the last time a console was announced and you could still get a Day 1 preorder on the thing past a week. Even though Manticore status is the epitome of legends on SW, has that lofty goal just become completely unattainable outside the realm of logic and sound mind? Do our interests as gamers in a connected age with consumer rights and aspirations to be treated with dignity come first or does the relentless pursuit of games?
The mind does boggle.
I am still a manticore. I like the games and console, but I am curretnly on a Microsoft gaming division strike at the moment. If they ever change their minds with their awful policies... I will be back like I always was before. The ball is in their court. Time for them to make a move or drown.
and then most games would be close to outdated at that time, especially an online gameAD216you call yourself a gamer and you think games get "outdated" i guess if all you want to do is shoot other kiddies in the latest shootfest, you're right
[QUOTE="AD216"]and then most games would be close to outdated at that time, especially an online gameJandurinyou call yourself a gamer and you think games get "outdated" i guess if all you want to do is shoot other kiddies in the latest shootfest, you're right lmao is that what i said? i'm saying most online games r dated within a year or so because of the rehashes. sports, fps, racing... ect. unless the devs are continuously updating the content. that's the world we live in. single player games however r completely different. it doesnt matter how much time passes, if ur playing it for the first time, its new to u
[QUOTE="Shewgenja"][QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"] This. There's really no such thing.blue_hazy_basicWhat happened to them? The idea of a manticore originally was someone who had all the platforms and was more or less unbiased. In SW thats usually a means of stealth trolling, everyone has their biases, admit to it and bat for a team! Thats my view :P
Eveyone may be bias to a certain extent, but if you fully support each console and PC in general and buy the games you want for each, that doesn't qualify? I have been buying/playing games for ALL consoles for almost 30 years... th X1 will be the first main console I don;t buy, but it has nothing to do with being bias... it is principle and for the uture of gaming.
I would like to see my favorite hobby continue for another 30 years... however, it appears MS doesn't care if they tear down the industry as long as they make their money beofre if all goes up in flames. I'm sure I will miss out on some great games, and the console looks great. However, I bought the 360 (2 of them) and the Xbox (3 of them). I also have an Xbox library (xbx and 360 combined) that is probably over 200 games deep.
I have 100's of Nintendo games
100's of Sega games
100's of Playstation games
100's of PC games (a lot of which are not even listed on this site)
I would say I qualify if eve there was a case... hell, I would say most game collectors qualify.
[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="AD216"]and then most games would be close to outdated at that time, especially an online gameAD216you call yourself a gamer and you think games get "outdated" i guess if all you want to do is shoot other kiddies in the latest shootfest, you're right lmao is that what i said? i'm saying most online games r dated within a year or so because of the rehashes. sports, fps, racing... ect. unless the devs are continuously updating the content. that's the world we live in. single player games however r completely different. it doesnt matter how much time passes, if ur playing it for the first time, its new to u so you play sports racing and fps games and think you're a real gamer sad
Yes because to me a Manticore doesn't have to own all the systems they just have to not hate on any of the systems.
lmao kid i play nearly all if not all the genres. and since where a sports game and fps are 2 of the highest selling franchises in the history of gaming, that makes u sound even more terribleAD216
Unless you're 70 years old, you have no right to say that to Jand.
You don't become a manticore so you can be unbiased. You do it so you can bash a console from an informed, non-hypocritical position.PurpleMan5000lmao honestly, when ur not biased about a console it helps u to see it for what it really is. the x1 and ps4 can both sell out but if word of mouth is bad about either of them, they will be in trouble in the long run.
lmao kid i play nearly all if not all the genres. and since where a sports game and fps are 2 of the highest selling franchises in the history of gaming, that makes u sound even more terribleAD216haha yeah because #sold implies quality instead of just mindless drones running around in circles reacting to other people and shooting guns/throwing balls i really don't understand the current generation of sports/fps/assassin's creed type gamers of today like, fps are fun, sure, but not THE SAME FPS AGAIN AND AGAIN same wrt to AC type games and sports games
[QUOTE="AD216"]lmao kid i play nearly all if not all the genres. and since where a sports game and fps are 2 of the highest selling franchises in the history of gaming, that makes u sound even more terribletagyhag
Unless you're 70 years old, you have no right to say that to Jand.
:lol: also :cry:[QUOTE="AD216"]lmao kid i play nearly all if not all the genres. and since where a sports game and fps are 2 of the highest selling franchises in the history of gaming, that makes u sound even more terribletagyhag
Unless you're 70 years old, you have no right to say that to Jand.
lmao i'm 27 so i believe i can call a 12 year old a kid. at least i'm assuming he's 12 based on the way he is articulating his arguments[QUOTE="AD216"]lmao kid i play nearly all if not all the genres. and since where a sports game and fps are 2 of the highest selling franchises in the history of gaming, that makes u sound even more terribleJandurinhaha yeah because #sold implies quality instead of just mindless drones running around in circles reacting to other people and shooting guns/throwing balls i really don't understand the current generation of sports/fps/assassin's creed type gamers of today like, fps are fun, sure, but not THE SAME FPS AGAIN AND AGAIN same wrt to AC type games and sports games actually i do agree with that to a certain extent.
lmao i'm 27 so i believe i can call a 12 year old a kid. at least i'm assuming he's 12 based on the way he is articulating his argumentsAD216hey man at least i can afford a keyboard with vowels
[QUOTE="AD216"]lmao i'm 27 so i believe i can call a 12 year old a kid. at least i'm assuming he's 12 based on the way he is articulating his argumentsJandurinhey man at least i can afford a keyboard with vowels lmao im in 3 conversations and 2 apps at the same time, im shorthanding to get through it all lmao
The idea of a manticore originally was someone who had all the platforms and was more or less unbiased. In SW thats usually a means of stealth trolling, everyone has their biases, admit to it and bat for a team! Thats my view :P[QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"][QUOTE="Shewgenja"] What happened to them?WitIsWisdom
Eveyone may be bias to a certain extent, but if you fully support each console and PC in general and buy the games you want for each, that doesn't qualify? I have been buying/playing games for ALL consoles for almost 30 years... th X1 will be the first main console I don;t buy, but it has nothing to do with being bias... it is principle and for the uture of gaming.
I would like to see my favorite hobby continue for another 30 years... however, it appears MS doesn't care if they tear down the industry as long as they make their money beofre if all goes up in flames. I'm sure I will miss out on some great games, and the console looks great. However, I bought the 360 (2 of them) and the Xbox (3 of them). I also have an Xbox library (xbx and 360 combined) that is probably over 200 games deep.
I have 100's of Nintendo games
100's of Sega games
100's of Playstation games
100's of PC games (a lot of which are not even listed on this site)
I would say I qualify if eve there was a case... hell, I would say most game collectors qualify.
^ This is exactly why I made the thread. I'm all for gaming moving forward. I don't think the rules were written with the concept that a console or any gaming machine would be architected as a weapon to use against gamers. There's no precedent for it.[QUOTE="WitIsWisdom"][QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"] The idea of a manticore originally was someone who had all the platforms and was more or less unbiased. In SW thats usually a means of stealth trolling, everyone has their biases, admit to it and bat for a team! Thats my view :PShewgenja
Eveyone may be bias to a certain extent, but if you fully support each console and PC in general and buy the games you want for each, that doesn't qualify? I have been buying/playing games for ALL consoles for almost 30 years... th X1 will be the first main console I don;t buy, but it has nothing to do with being bias... it is principle and for the uture of gaming.
I would like to see my favorite hobby continue for another 30 years... however, it appears MS doesn't care if they tear down the industry as long as they make their money beofre if all goes up in flames. I'm sure I will miss out on some great games, and the console looks great. However, I bought the 360 (2 of them) and the Xbox (3 of them). I also have an Xbox library (xbx and 360 combined) that is probably over 200 games deep.
I have 100's of Nintendo games
100's of Sega games
100's of Playstation games
100's of PC games (a lot of which are not even listed on this site)
I would say I qualify if eve there was a case... hell, I would say most game collectors qualify.
^ This is exactly why I made the thread. I'm all for gaming moving forward. I don't think the rules were written with the concept that a console or any gaming machine would be architected as a weapon to use against gamers. There's no precedent for it. the 24hr check in is definitely anti consumer and like i said, i see and understand that they are trying to move gaming forward but there are better ways.[QUOTE="AD216"]u dnt benefit unless a game is a few years old tho. i understand the theory that's out there but in reality, gamestop gives u 50% of what ur game is worth and charges the next person 95% of the full price. that's wrong on every levelJandurinthe point is they give you 50% of the worth of the game that you can then put toward another game if someone else feels like it's worth 95% of the cost for a used game vs 100% for a new one, that's their business You post so frequently. One would expect that your posts would increase in substance and quality. Alas...this has not been the case with you.
You don't want to be a manticore. Manticores are funny, they think they're 100% unbiased and don't favor anything over the other. Newsflash, unless you're a robot, that's not physically possible.tagyhag
How so? I liked the PS2 and original Xbox equally. I prefered the games on the PS3 this generation over the games on 360, but I like the 360 UI and ease of access and online features more, while I still loved Nintendo exclusives which as alwys are in a league of their own. However, the Wii was my least favorite of the 3 overall even though a couple of the games were either at the top or damn near the top of my favorite games of the generation.
Nintendo and PC can provide MUCH different experiences than Playstation and Xbox.
SOME people prefer the best of ALL worlds.
Why the hell would I be bias when I grew up with all the consoles way before online gaming even existed?
One minute I would play Mario, then the next Sonic. As I got a little older I could play Goldeneye, MoH, Halo, Red Faction, Doom, Quake (just to name 1 genre)... etc. etc.
My top 10 in each genre list would easily vary from all consoles and makers over every generation. Explain that.
[QUOTE="tagyhag"]You don't want to be a manticore. Manticores are funny, they think they're 100% unbiased and don't favor anything over the other. Newsflash, unless you're a robot, that's not physically possible.WitIsWisdom
How so? I liked the PS2 and original Xbox equally. I prefered the games on the PS3 this generation over the games on 360, but I like the 360 UI and ease of access and online features more, while I still loved Nintendo exclusives which as alwys are in a league of their own. However, the Wii was my least favorite of the 3 overall even though a couple of the games were either at the top or damn near the top of my favorite games of the generation.
Nintendo and PC can provide MUCH different experiences than Playstation and Xbox.
SOME people prefer the best of ALL worlds.
Why the hell would I be bias when I grew up with all the consoles way before online gaming even existed?
One minute I would play Mario, then the next Sonic. As I got a little older I could play Goldeneye, MoH, Halo, Red Faction, Doom, Quake (just to name 1 genre)... etc. etc.
My top 10 in each genre list would easily vary from all consoles and makers over every generation. Explain that.
exactly. we grew up with all of these different machines so why should we want to see any of them die or under perform? thats what some of these kids refuse to comprehendTo buy an xbone you have to be a pretty hardcore lemming tbh. A real manticore goes with PS4 and PC.themajormayorgtfo here mayor
exactly. we grew up with all of these different machines so why should we want to see any of them die or under perform? thats what some of these kids refuse to comprehendAD216when one of these (a latecomer no less) decides to make system level DRM...
To buy an xbone you have to be a pretty hardcore lemming tbh. A real manticore goes with PS4 and PC.themajormayor
This or pc/pee u
[QUOTE="AD216"]exactly. we grew up with all of these different machines so why should we want to see any of them die or under perform? thats what some of these kids refuse to comprehendJandurinwhen one of these (a latecomer no less) decides to make system level DRM... lmao the drm was already in place this gen, they just chose to exacerbate it. hopefully since it's "up to devs" allegedly, they choose not to implement it
[QUOTE="Jandurin"][QUOTE="AD216"]exactly. we grew up with all of these different machines so why should we want to see any of them die or under perform? thats what some of these kids refuse to comprehendAD216when one of these (a latecomer no less) decides to make system level DRM... lmao the drm was already in place this gen, they just chose to exacerbate it. hopefully since it's "up to devs" allegedly, they choose not to implement it um are you saying that there will be games that you won't have to check in with for the xb1?
Manticore was just a front during the old ToU for people to present themselves as "fair and balanced." No one really cares now because you're allowed to call somehing a piece of shit without getting slapped with a suspension for offending someone.
You don't have to own it all to not be a complete dipshit.
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