I present to you, Sonys vision for the PS4
Thank you MS :cool:
This. 100% This.
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I present to you, Sonys vision for the PS4
Thank you MS :cool:
This. 100% This.
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Lemmings have been defeated since the TVbox revealIn b4 the lemrats try and damage control this as much as possible aswell rofl....poor lemmings
When i think of Blackshirt and RR360D and XB0unity and these other delusional lemrats, i think of them coming off as extremely jealous and envious over Sony/PS4, they troll but can never back facts up either
Brand loyalty wont let them let go of the flopbox though lol
[QUOTE="StormyJoe"][QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]Just like we know PC will have the best versions, PS4 comes right after. It's called power my friend :cool:
Wow. You cows really think that PS4 is that much more powerful than the XB1? I hope your disappointment doesn't ruin gaming for you.
I don't know about a lot better, but PS4 do have better spec than the Xb1! 740 gigaflop difference in power and i can already see the difference. XB1 struggles to run Titanfall(source engine game) at 60 fps and sub 1080p resolution. Xb1 dreams of running open world games like Infamous and others with that graphical fidelity and at ACTUAL 1080p not sub1080p . The difference is in the games and i can see a huge difference in graphical fidelity between Titanfall and KZ SF... titanfall doesnt even compare its not in the same league[QUOTE="lockjaw333"]
I present to you, Sonys vision for the PS4
Thank you MS :cool:
This. 100% This.
More likeThis
You are nuts. Its abundantly obvious that Sony is trying to replicate Xbox 360 features.
I present to you, Sonys vision for the PS4
Thank you MS :cool:
This. 100% This.
i present to you, Ms vision for xbox 360
the king is back sony will once again set a new standard with ps4
More like[QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]
This. 100% This.
You are nuts. Its abundantly obvious that Sony is trying to replicate Xbox 360 features.
You must be high good sir. The short dev time, dev friendly approach is very much akin to the PS2 and especially the PS1 :cool:More like[QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]
This. 100% This.
You are nuts. Its abundantly obvious that Sony is trying to replicate Xbox 360 features.
Sony has out executed M$oft in every catorgory so far for this upcoming generation.[QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]More like
You are nuts. Its abundantly obvious that Sony is trying to replicate Xbox 360 features.
Sony has out executed M$oft in every catorgory so far for this upcoming generation. Youre making judgements on execution of features for a system that isnt event out yet. Its obvious that Sony is pushing features it was lacking with PS3 in relation to 360, such as cross-game chat.[QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"][QUOTE="lockjaw333"]Sony has out executed M$oft in every catorgory so far for this upcoming generation. Youre making judgements on execution of features for a system that isnt event out yet. Its obvious that Sony is pushing features it was lacking with PS3 in relation to 360, such as cross-game chat.Says that, does it himself in following sentence :lol: :lol: Aww lemrats
You are nuts. Its abundantly obvious that Sony is trying to replicate Xbox 360 features.
Youre making judgements on execution of features for a system that isnt event out yet. Its obvious that Sony is pushing features it was lacking with PS3 in relation to 360, such as cross-game chat.Says that, does it himself in following sentence :lol: :lol: Aww lemrats what? Its not the same at all. Re-read it buddy.[QUOTE="lockjaw333"][QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"] Sony has out executed M$oft in every catorgory so far for this upcoming generation. Douevenlift_bro
[QUOTE="Kaz_Son"]That's not what Gamestop said. lol!! http://www.gamespot.com/news/xbox-one-preorders-through-the-roof-at-gamestop-says-microsoft-6411891"SAYS MICROSOFT" :lol::lol::lol::lol: HAHAHAHAH!:cool: I salute you great sir. Damn nice thread, and yes MS is doing a great job selling PS4s.
Right there in the link :lol::lol:
That's not what Gamestop said. lol!! http://www.gamespot.com/news/xbox-one-preorders-through-the-roof-at-gamestop-says-microsoft-6411891"SAYS MICROSOFT" :lol::lol::lol::lol: HAHAHAHAH![QUOTE="blackace"][QUOTE="Kaz_Son"]
:cool: I salute you great sir. Damn nice thread, and yes MS is doing a great job selling PS4s.
Right there in the link :lol::lol:
cmon you know lemrats dont actually read they just wish and distort their vision to see what they want to "see"[QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]"SAYS MICROSOFT" :lol::lol::lol::lol: HAHAHAHAH![QUOTE="blackace"] That's not what Gamestop said. lol!! http://www.gamespot.com/news/xbox-one-preorders-through-the-roof-at-gamestop-says-microsoft-6411891xboxiphoneps3
Right there in the link :lol::lol:
cmon you know lemrats dont actually read they just wish and distort their vision to see what they want to "see" LOL thats hilarious! X1 selling great.. says Microsoft :lol:[QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]Sounds good So you admit PS4 is amazing and X1 is trash aspiring to be amazing? :cool:At this rate by the time X1 launches it will be this:
cmon you know lemrats dont actually read they just wish and distort their vision to see what they want to "see" LOL thats hilarious! X1 selling great.. says Microsoft :lol: now we just need Rona to post irrelevant benchmarks and irrelevant graphs trying to protect the X1[QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"][QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]"SAYS MICROSOFT" :lol::lol::lol::lol: HAHAHAHAH!
Right there in the link :lol::lol:
That's not what Gamestop said. lol!! http://www.gamespot.com/news/xbox-one-preorders-through-the-roof-at-gamestop-says-microsoft-6411891"SAYS MICROSOFT" :lol::lol::lol::lol: HAHAHAHAH![QUOTE="blackace"][QUOTE="Kaz_Son"]
:cool: I salute you great sir. Damn nice thread, and yes MS is doing a great job selling PS4s.
Right there in the link :lol::lol:
Yes, and they are getting the data from GAMESTOP dumbass!! :lol::lol::lol:
"Demand for the Xbox One at GameStop was "through the roof," leading the retailer to halt preorders for the next-generation system, according to Xbox chief of staff Aaron Greenberg. "
Stupid Cows!! :roll::P
Sounds good So you admit PS4 is amazing and X1 is trash aspiring to be amazing? :cool: The 360 is amazing. 2nd best console ever. Im glad Sony is trying to copy it. Thank you MS for inspiring the rest of the industry.[QUOTE="mems_1224"][QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]
At this rate by the time X1 launches it will be this:
Lemmings have been defeated since the TVbox reveal[QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"]
In b4 the lemrats try and damage control this as much as possible aswell rofl....poor lemmings
When i think of Blackshirt and RR360D and XB0unity and these other delusional lemrats, i think of them coming off as extremely jealous and envious over Sony/PS4, they troll but can never back facts up either
Brand loyalty wont let them let go of the flopbox though lol
Still waiting on your response to my last post. Haven't got one?
cmon you know lemrats dont actually read they just wish and distort their vision to see what they want to "see" LOL thats hilarious! X1 selling great.. says Microsoft :lol: Sony is saying the same thing so I guess that's hilarious too. LOL!! How stupid are you? Really.... Cow dungs need to get an education.[QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"][QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]"SAYS MICROSOFT" :lol::lol::lol::lol: HAHAHAHAH!
Right there in the link :lol::lol:
Sounds good So you admit PS4 is amazing and X1 is trash aspiring to be amazing? :cool: Your opinion is trash. Stay off the drugs as you haven't a clue how the gaming business works. Next time BLOG IT!! You'll save everyone some time and a few laughs.[QUOTE="mems_1224"][QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]
At this rate by the time X1 launches it will be this:
I present to you, Sonys vision for the PS4
Thank you MS :cool:
This. 100% This.
Mark Cerny and the PlayStation team started the trend of being open to new talent with the original PlayStation. Sony continues to invest in talent in ways that no other company does. Amazing talent like Naughty Dog and Quantic Dream exist today because Sony saw something in them no one else did. What Sony started with original PlayStation is what modern console gaming has become.
I present to you, Sonys vision for the PS4
Thank you MS :cool:
This. 100% This.
Mark Cerny and the PlayStation team started the trend of being open to new talent with the original PlayStation. Sony continues to invest in talent in ways that no other company does. Amazing talent like Naughty Dog and Quantic Dream exist today because Sony saw something in them no one else did. What Sony started with original PlayStation is what modern console gaming has become.
No doubt. Read my later post.Yes, yes Indeed! :cool: yup obviously this[QUOTE="I_can_haz"]:cool: Microsoft's vision of the XBONE:
LOL!! What?!?! Sound like bias troll bait to me. Microsoft is making changes to cater to their fans obviously. There fans screamed about DRM, Indie Games, etc... and now they made the necessary changes gamers wanted. The only thing they haven't gotten rid of is Kinect, and I doubt that will happen anytime soon since they spent a huge amount of money on it being a centerpiece for XBox One. As long as they give me great games, I'll be happy. You're also forgetting that as soon as M$ made all these changes, their pre-orders when through the roof. http://www.gamespot.com/news/xbox-one-preorders-through-the-roof-at-gamestop-says-microsoft-6411891blackaceddddddamage control :lol:
[QUOTE="blackace"]LOL!! What?!?! Sound like bias troll bait to me. Microsoft is making changes to cater to their fans obviously. There fans screamed about DRM, Indie Games, etc... and now they made the necessary changes gamers wanted. The only thing they haven't gotten rid of is Kinect, and I doubt that will happen anytime soon since they spent a huge amount of money on it being a centerpiece for XBox One. As long as they give me great games, I'll be happy. You're also forgetting that as soon as M$ made all these changes, their pre-orders when through the roof. http://www.gamespot.com/news/xbox-one-preorders-through-the-roof-at-gamestop-says-microsoft-6411891legalize82ddddddamage control :lol:
No, simple facts. What have I said that isn't true? lol!! Get lost bias troll.
Isn't it funny that when multiplats are better on pc's with 20000% better GPU's than playstation 3, the cows claim the difference in visuals is only minor, but when the ps4 is 30% more powerfull than the xbox one the multiplats will look considerebly better?
[QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]LOL thats hilarious! X1 selling great.. says Microsoft :lol: now we just need Rona to post irrelevant benchmarks and irrelevant graphs trying to protect the X1 The lemming circle jerk of failure would be complete :lol:[QUOTE="xboxiphoneps3"] cmon you know lemrats dont actually read they just wish and distort their vision to see what they want to "see" xboxiphoneps3
I present to you, Sonys vision for the PS4
Thank you MS :cool:
This. 100% This.
Mark Cerny and the PlayStation team started the trend of being open to new talent with the original PlayStation. Sony continues to invest in talent in ways that no other company does. Amazing talent like Naughty Dog and Quantic Dream exist today because Sony saw something in them no one else did. What Sony started with original PlayStation is what modern console gaming has become.
Xbox fanboys started gaming on Xbox lol they have NO idea about consoles like PS1. None"SAYS MICROSOFT" :lol::lol::lol::lol: HAHAHAHAH![QUOTE="Douevenlift_bro"]
[QUOTE="blackace"] That's not what Gamestop said. lol!! http://www.gamespot.com/news/xbox-one-preorders-through-the-roof-at-gamestop-says-microsoft-6411891blackace
Right there in the link :lol::lol:
Yes, and they are getting the data from GAMESTOP dumbass!! :lol::lol::lol:
"Demand for the Xbox One at GameStop was "through the roof," leading the retailer to halt preorders for the next-generation system, according to Xbox chief of staff Aaron Greenberg. "
Stupid Cows!! :roll::P
Microsoft reports good news on themselves.. REALLY? I expected them to say their pre-order numbers are in the toilet :lol:This post pleases me :):cool: I salute you great sir. Damn nice thread, and yes MS is doing a great job selling PS4s.
I present to you, Sonys vision for the PS4
Thank you MS :cool:
This. 100% This.
So much truth in this.
PS has gone the westernized route, just like MS always had.
Same unified architechture.
Face it, when the 360 came out, Sony abandoned it's vision of what PS was, when they found it no longer worked for them. With the PS4, Sony must have been like 'we're not risking our usual bs that made no money, what made our competition so much more awesome than us'.
They even abandoned their famous controller design/shape.
I think that was Mattrick's intention all along. He couldn't of possible did that shit on purpose to try and sell Xbone. Heil68
I present to you, Sonys vision for the PS4
Thank you MS :cool:
This. 100% This.
Mark Cerny and the PlayStation team started the trend of being open to new talent with the original PlayStation. Sony continues to invest in talent in ways that no other company does. Amazing talent like Naughty Dog and Quantic Dream exist today because Sony saw something in them no one else did. What Sony started with original PlayStation is what modern console gaming has become.
The only thing Sony saw was how much money they lost last gen. So they played it safe and made a console just like the 360 but with better graphics. MS had something going there, but their lack of backbone was dissapointing.
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