I have NEVER had a blue screen from a game.. Guess I haven't been gaming on my PC long enough? Never had any crypitc message. The worst i've ever experienced is a game kicking me back to the desktop. Why are you claiming things and belittling people when obviously you have no way to prove your claim?
Getting kicked to desktop isn't cryptic? And where do you see belittling? Wow never blue-screened, lucky guy. Guess you never had a game freeze either.You claimed anyone who doesn't get a error hasn't played Pc long enough. You start talking about "You people"... Don't know what your really talking about but notice how you went from talking about the platform to talking about people who play on a PC? Thats where the belittling come from. Yes, never had a game freeze on me (not stating it doesn't happen but just "my 2 cents").
You've claimed steam is a virus, No one cares about shogun, trash talked Pc gamers, and now are trying to backtrack on your statement. Many of your points ahve already been disproven yet you do not respond to those putting logic back in your face. Sad thread, this thread is sad.
indeed most sad.. its like watching the enemies in painkiller shamble towards me in slow mo.. after a while you feel sorry for them being so slow and cumbersome while your are as nimble as a dervish with the awesomeness of ranged weaponry.
also if you were a pc gamer dating back to commodore youd know that there are FAR more reasons to be on a pc rather than a cnsole.. ive neevr heard fo you before.. your not one of "my people.." your another nobody pretending.. fail troll is fail.
you suck!
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