How does Xfire render it obsolete... When so many games have Steam integrated directly into the game?Absolutely not, the service is COMPLETE crap. Xfire renders it OBSOLETE.
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How does Xfire render it obsolete... When so many games have Steam integrated directly into the game?Absolutely not, the service is COMPLETE crap. Xfire renders it OBSOLETE.
Its a store that occasionally doens't allow me to play the games I buy, i havn't been able to play black ops all week because it just says game not available, its not a gaming service, its a store, stores have sales, you can buy retail games at dirt cheap prices if you find a sale, those retail games i'm not effectively locked out of if something is wrong, so is steam convenient for buying games... yes, is it always better.... nosavagetwinkieNotice it's only the console players that can't download their "bought" games off Steam.
So you're saying Steam charges almost twice as much for each game? Are they the only ones that do that? If so then you win. I wouldn't buy from them either. MrSelf-Destruct
Games that cost 50 dollars on steam usually are 50 euro as well, same goes with cheaper games, though there are exceptions to this rule. There is a thread with over 8000 posts on this. Unfortunately, Steam is not the only one guilty of this and most online stores do the same :( This is because games in europe are in general more expensive than they are in the states.
the only game over £20 i have bought was Dead Space 2, and that was even down to £24.99 a week after release.
but the rest of my games have all been bought for under £20, a few months after release.
and a lot of them are big titles.
I like it a lot better than Xbox Live or PSN. Some incredible deals on Steam too. But I admit I don't buy most of my games from there. Service-wise, though, it's the best in my opinion.
[QUOTE="Mozelleple112"]How does Xfire render it obsolete... When so many games have Steam integrated directly into the game? Xfire and RAPTR offer better networking and tracking, thats a no brainer, steams community is rubbish, the only good thing about it is ofcourse the shopping content.Absolutely not, the service is COMPLETE crap. Xfire renders it OBSOLETE.
Steam itself sucks. I hate it, just another form of lame ass drm. The deals on steam however I love. But you can find similar deals on pretty much all the DD services on the net.i5750at4Ghz
Same here. The sales are amazing but don't suddenly make it the best gaming service in the world.
I rarely buy on steam anymore since they made €=$ , it's crazy to pay €50-€60 for games when I can get physical copies for €20 cheaper in a store ...
[QUOTE="Secret-Face"]Nope. It had far too many problems with interface, game issues and prices.CrimsaderOh, yeah man, especially price problems. I agree. The constant game issues as well! Technically they'd be the developer's fault, since Steam is only a client to launch the program and automatically updates any fixes for you, but this seems like a good time to whine.
Oh, yeah man, especially price problems. I agree. The constant game issues as well! Technically they'd be the developer's fault, since Steam is only a client to launch the program and automatically updates any fixes for you, but this seems like a good time to whine. Payment problems aswell, along with the worst response time in customer service history and the least ways of contacting them properly (exaguration but still true) aaaaaand this damn lock out system that fails to save my laptop everytime, so I need to re-do the email code verification everytime I want to play RIFT for some reason :([QUOTE="Crimsader"][QUOTE="Secret-Face"]Nope. It had far too many problems with interface, game issues and prices.Danm_999
The thing Steam is really lacking is game support...The only way you get that real support is if you buy/download the game off of Steam. Thats why I also have Xfire and Raptr installed.
Xfire supports almost 2000 games and most of those aren't even being sold on Steam.
For sure, I just bought GTA1, GTA2, GTA3, GTA-VC, and GTA-SA for $7.50. Unfortunately none of them have Steam Achievements, and the first game crashes upon start-up, neither of which would happen on a PS3 or 360. Yet still freaking awesome. Problem is, I just prefer disc based games though, so that's why I have about 20 Steam games and around 60-80 PS3/360/Wii games...
Of course it doesn't, you can't even play it on ps3 or 360.
I would like to thank Steam for not only the AWESOME price that they were selling Max Payne 1 & 2 but for reminding me of these two great game. I didn't quite finish Max Payne 1 & 2 and had sound issues with Max Payne 1, which thanks to Steam forums for Max Payne someone made an app to fix it (another benefit of Steam where they have forums where you could find fixes for pretty much any games).
This game brought back so much memories from when I was a kid. Playing through Max Payne 1, LOVE the gritty style, and the cutscenes with his commentary that is very poetic, it feels like reading a mystery novel mixed with an action movie.
Thank you Steam for reminding me of this great game and selling it an awesome price. Brought back a lot of nostalgia.
Don't you just love Steam? It's sales remind you of the great games that you always wanted to play and never got around to it.
Steam is AWESOME!!
I gave up on steam when they changed the prices to euros and screwed us europeans out of monies. I havent bought off them since.Secret-FaceYeah, I only heard about this yesterday, and I'd say that's pretty messed up. They completely ignore the exchange rate by keeping the dollar amount and charging in euros. So a $10 game actually costs you guys almost $15. (I know you know, buy I think everyone else should, too.) I'm pretty appalled that they haven't fixed that.
[QUOTE="Secret-Face"]I gave up on steam when they changed the prices to euros and screwed us europeans out of monies. I havent bought off them since.MrSelf-DestructYeah, I only heard about this yesterday, and I'd say that's pretty messed up. They completely ignore the exchange rate by keeping the dollar amount and charging in euros. So a $10 game actually costs you guys almost $15. (I know you know, buy I think everyone else should, too.) I'm pretty appalled that they haven't fixed that. WHOA, i just read that, and i must say it is pretty rotten for you guys in Europe. But how did Valve make such a big gaffe in the first place, and is it going unprotested and unchecked for so long??
Steam has gotten so cheap in the past that I simply bought several games for myself, then the same games for my girlfriend, and still managed to pay around the average price of one console game that has been heavily reduced. Brilliant.Hexagon_777^ this is what keeps me coming back to it, not to mention the social and community features, and the ingame overlay, its seamless and easy.
This. Aside from the deals, it's debatable between Steam and XBL which is better.i love steam deals, but the program itself, not so much.
Yes! I've now got the entire GTA collection for less than $20! Woot!!!LOL. GTAIV for $4.99 and GTAIV Complete Edition with Episodes from Liberty City for $9.99:
Can Xbox Live and PSN beat this? Didn't think so.
[QUOTE="khanabyss25"]This. Aside from the deals, it's debatable between Steam and XBL which is better. Not really. Steam is free. Win. :Pi love steam deals, but the program itself, not so much.
Um... yes it is. Steamworks is a major part of Steam. How can you not count it?no its not, take away the sales, and no one would care about it
Steamworks is not Steam
And that doesn't make sense either... What's these different purposes exactly? You my games, play games online, socialize with other gamers, etc, etc, etc... The only difference is Steam doesn't do Netflix, but all you have to do is open your internet browser and there ya go...I don't see the point in comparing Steam with XBL, they are different services, with different purposes.
it is a pretty good online servis . But i do think the prices are over rated. They have great sales but other then that they are on par with everyone els .
no its not, take away the sales, and no one would care about it
Steamworks is not Steam
Lets not forget the following features:
Steam Cloud
Valve provides a service called Steam Cloud. For supported games, Steam Cloud stores various amounts of game data, such as keyboard shortcut settings and single-player game saves, on a central server. Any changes to relevant game files are uploaded to the main server, and newer files are automatically downloaded and used when a game is started.
Steam includes a tabbed Webkit based browser which can be accessed in-game.
SteamPlay, the Mac OS X client will allow players who have already purchased compatible products in the Windows version to re-download the Mac versions at no cost, allowing them to continue to play the game on the other platform
Automatic Driver Support
"Steam represents an evolution for PC and online gaming, and the availability of ATI Catalyst graphics driver updates directly on the Steam platform can help further enhance the PC gaming experience for users of ATI Radeon products," said Ben Bar-Haim, corporate vice president of software for AMD. "AMD now has the opportunity to helpdeliver an even better experience for PC gamers."
Upcoming features:
- Steam will get video recording "soon"
- Steam might come to iOS/Android
- Source Film Maker will be made public "soon"
someone is mad:lol:
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