Im curious as I see alot of people who support the Wii most who seem to be hardcore sheep and im curious why? First let me say Nintendo use to be by far the company I supported the most up untill the end of the Gamecube. The fact of the matter is they have some of the best franchises in gaming history and theres to many good memorys there not to like them as a company. But as general hardcore gamer are you glad the Wii has succeded and do you realize what it would mean if other hardware companies went down the same path as Nintendo? Theres several points I want to make and get peopels opinion.
1. You realize Nintendo is the only hardware company that does not sell there console for a loss? Thats right the 360 cost Microsoft nearly $550 to make each console at launch wich they sold for $400 it cost Sony nearly $850 to make each PS3 wich they sold for $600. It only cost Nintendo what was esitmated to be $160 which they sold each wii for $250. Ive made this point before and rabbid wii fans say things along the lines of "well thats just good business dont blame Nintendo" and the fact of the matter Is I dont blame Nintendo I blame the people that bought a repackaged Gamecube with a gimmicky remote that took them 4 years to get it to work the way it was meant to.( motion Plus).......... If everyone followed this formula we would have consoles that were nearly 5 years behind the current pc hardware at launch with stripped down features that basically make it only a gaming console. Im not sure why companys like Sony and Microsoft dont get a little more credit for offering more bang for there buck .
2. People say its all about the games and although the wii has some good games( mostly made by Nintendo) it plays a host to loads of shovelware, do you think it would have been better if Nintndo spent a little more money on the console and provided a higher quality experience? Could you honestly tell me the best wii games wouldnt be better on the PS3 or the 360?
3. Of course Nintendo fans always point out that Sony and Microsoft are doing motion controls and hail Nintendoas the great innovator. But in all honesty motion controls started with the eye toy the wii just made it popular and as a gamer do you think its postive that any of these motion controls become a massive success? I would like each company to make some money off them as I dont want any of them to lose billions but I dont want them to become the focal point of the system .
Ps. Not bashing anything just want some reasonable views.
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