I'm sure you all had your own personal experience with the combat, but using the various skill reset potions I managed to trying everything, and this was my experience. I played it on the hardest difficulty.
Witcher combat is literally numerical zelda combat. Clunky combat. Game chooses the dodge direction unless you tell it otherwise. Typical stunlockable enemies encourages you to spam attack aside from a couple big ones. Trying to kill something 7-8 (don't remember exactly) levels higher than you reduces your damage by like 97% until become killable once you get within their range 6-7 levels away. Combat also plays like Assassin's Creed and Arkham, which I hate a lot, so it carries the negatives that came with those combat systems.
Straight fast attack has a higher DPS than using strong attacks(I tested it), making strong attacks pointless 90% of the time, good for elementals and breaking shields, but that's about it. Crossbow is ALMOST completely useless unless you get the last perk in the crossbow tree. And defense and alchemy perks are just... ugh.
Witcher 3's magic system is quite poor. First off, there's only five abilities, that's a very, very small amount of spells for your typical WRPG. then they're not properly balanced. Igni, Aardd, Yrden are underpowered/useless. Igni does very little damage and is only really good a gamble stun, were there's a chance you stun mutliple enemies instead of one, otherwise you might as well just cast Axii. Sure, you need Yrden to kill certain wraiths, but outside of that it's not very good for crowd control. Lastly, Aard is decent, knocks things down for you, stab instankill, etc. but it's still not as good as Quenn and Axii
The absolute optimal way to play is to max out Axii for chat benefits and stuns vs hard/overleveled units and Quenn for survivability. Get the perk to turn adrenaline points into magic. Spec into fast attacks and adrenaline boosts and just stunlock the shit out of everything around you with the fast attack spin alternate. Who even needs the game to dodge in a random direction for you? Who even needs to bother parrying? You're killing 15 nekkers simultaneously. Quenn is involved literally just for Elementals, Foglets and Wraiths. Nekkers, drowners, humanoids, fucking anything that isn't a gargoyle, elemental or giant? Wheat before a sycthe.
Perhaps by finding what is likely the easiest/cheapest way to play the game I ruined it for myself by not building something less effective and self-handicapping myself to make it harder. Maybe I'm just hating on it because it isn't Dark Souls. IDK, a lot of people aside from me seem to be hating on it as well. Feel free to call me out on my bullshit if you feel/know differently.
Aside from the combat I had no real gripes with the game. Sidequests were the best that I'd seen in any game. Sidequests/characters would pop in and out of the main quest and would have an effect if I did them before doing the main quest. While choices were sometimes minimal, they did change the rest of the quest/story I actually liked gwent a lot (kek). Crafting was good and it had a tad of some of the better characters and writing I've seen in games
tl:dr combat is shit, loved everything else and If combat was better I would agree with the Metacritic score.
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