After I turned 12 I ceased to care about Nintendo, I like playing games that aren't designed for little kids. I will do the same thing I have done the last couple console generations and get the new xbox. Then I will look at other consoles, I had all three this generation, PS3, 360, Wii, but the Wii and PS3 were basically expensive paperweights until I sold them.
Something tells me you're still a kid, your post tells us you are insecure about what games you play. If something looks childish, you try and distance yourself from it because you don't want someone to see you as childish, which is ironic because blatantly trying to distance yourself from something for that reason is in its very nature.... wait for it.... CHILDISH! A grown-up just wouldn't give a sh1t.
Actually I'm 35. So I don't play kid games. Maybe you do because you're still a kid. Insecurity has nothing to do with it, I simply have a very definite grasp on my likes and dislikes, something you get from living for 35 years. I don't get a kick out of cutesy brightly colored kid games, and I know this about myself. It would seem to me and most other intelligent people that know themselves, truly knowing yourself isn't a mark of insecurity, but rather just the opposite. i understand your trying to defend your little kids toy, and all power to you for it, but at least pull your head out of your ass and have a slight idea of what you're talking about first.Â
I, unlike alot of others, am not saying that the Wii-U sucks or is doomed, I'm just saying it's not my bag. Simple as that.
I would quote CS Lewis here (its always quoted I swear but sometimes its a good application) but I don't feel like it applies to you. It sure is a great understanding of this thing called "maturity" though that some people seem to lack. Luckily you seem to be a good fellow and have a clearly defined sense of taste, but you should ease up a bit.
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