The problem is your rely on unknow source for your numbers... since you don't want to provide them. There's no place where you can get the numbers of sold games digital + retail world wide.
So, what's your point in the end ? To say that there's a pirating problem on PC ? Well, nobody said otherwise captain obvious... pirating a is world wide "problem" in the entertainment business.
What's obvious is you not wanting to share your source for numbers... almost as if you were ashamed/hiding something.
Someone in this thread already stated that the numbers are from VGChartz.
All I was arguing was that PC piracy is a bigger issue than console piracy, and this is indicative in the fact that console software sales continue to be so successful despite having to deal with both piracy and used game sales, whereas PC games only have to deal with piracy.
I think the fact that console software sales are where they are despite having to deal with piracy and used game sales is proof that console piracy is not a big issue, especially considering that all you ever hear about are complaints having to do with used game sales, and new, different ways to combat them.
VGchartz doesn't even count DD if i'm not mistaken, which is a big pie for the PC market.
PC has it's issue, Console have their... and handheld also... like I said, it's all entertainment.
Of cours there's less pirating going on console... there's the renting and used games to help that.
Yeah, that's what I said.
I said that PC piracy is a bigger issue than console piracy, and this is indicative in the fact that console software sales are as healthy as they are, despite having to deal with rental services, Gamestop, other used game stores, Craigslist, Ebay, all things that PC doesn't have to deal with.
The only thing holding PC software sales down is piracy, whereas console software has many variables to take into consideration, all of which are impactful, the least impactful being piracy. I truly believe that used game sales and rental services have a larger impact on console software sales than piracy does.
My main point was that piracy takes place on a PC, that's where the act takes place, whether it be pirating PC games or console games, the process is done on a PC. This means that every pirate has access to a PC, and not every pirate has access to a console. Plus, not every console gamer has access to a PC. I'm sure that this doesn't apply to 100% of pirates, but I think it's safe to assume that if a pirate is using their PC to pirate console games, they're also pirating PC games as well.
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