Not to say that Heavy Rain is bad. But it is a one trick pony. Very linear just follow narrow path and go.
Alan wake on the other hand. Will be much more open world feeling. And you can even drive and get around this way. And the graphics are going to blow Heavy Rain out of the water and again a far more open world to explore.
Game play wise this is a no brainer you will be able to do far more game play moves with the player Alan Wake.
All in all it is clear Alan Wake is going to win this battle.
Heavy Rain did not score AAA Alan Wake will.
LOL on the first underlined statement.... you haven't played Heavy Rain have you? Alan wake couldn't even dream of achieving the level of emotion, immersion and suspense that Heavy rain does.
Unless im mistaken ( which i could be ) isnt AAA 9.0 or above? well heavy rain currently has an average of 9.0
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