lmao good one van ord.
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I see that Journey still holds the title of being the James Cameron's Avatar of video games.
Considering how successful Avatar was this is a compliment to Journey.
Sure, if that's how you want to interpret it. I mean, both received critical and commercial success despite being shallow pieces of garbage, and both made me seriously question anyone's mental health if they were somehow brought to tears by such shit, but sure whatever, it's a compliment.
I know you're trying to be edgy or witty but it just comes off as immature and angry. I don't know what Avatar and Journey did to wound you so deeply but it might be time to move on. It's just entertainment.
for the record: I'm indifferent to Avatar and haven't even played Journey
They did nothing to me; I'm just explaining why I made the comparison after asked. If my tone is coming off too roughly for you, then you're taking my posts too seriously, considering what forum this is.
Enjoyed it quite a bit with two close buddies on the PS3. I should call them for this version because mmmmm 60 FPS.
Don't see people's issues with giving out 10s, because
a) who gives a ****, it's a score. There's a review before it that matters much more
b) it's one of Kevin Van Ord's favorite games ever, the 10/10 seems pretty justified based on that and the review. Witcher 3 is also one of his, and seemingly many others around the interwebs, favorite games ever and once again has a review justifying it. Same with Mark Walton and Bayonetta 2.
c) it's not a 1-9 scale.
So the greatness Sony fans were waiting for is a remaster of an old PS3 "indie" game?
The waiting continues!
So, as fine wines games get better with age ? cuz it got 9 when it was on PS3.
This is the definitive version of a ground breaking game.
If you're referring to Bayonetta 2 that title is excluded because the WiiU is obviously not a current gen console.
If you're referring to Bayonetta 2 that title is excluded because the WiiU is obviously not a current gen console.
Witcher 3.
Since when can remasters get 10s?
Since they were drought to you by the most powerful console on the planet and the current 8 gen leader backed by the prestigious company who abides by the live love learn philosophy. :P
Thank you Sony!
If you're referring to Bayonetta 2 that title is excluded because the WiiU is obviously not a current gen console.
Witcher 3.
Oh god damnit. lol.
The 10/10 score isn't meaning much any more. They just handed out 3 in less than a year.
isn't it possible that those are perfectly meaningful 10s? That the reviewers were happily blessed with 3 games in a year that they loved that much? Seeing as a 10 is arbitrary, and the value has been applied to different tiles - it's not like we had 3 FPS's this year with 10s - it's just good games from different genres.
@ReadingRainbow4: I would take Ori and the Blind Forest over this game 9 times out of 10 in an eye blink and I don´t even have X1.
Neither do I, just play it on PC. That games fucking hard, I'd rather kick my feet up and enjoy the Journey.
Weird. Still a 9/10 since that's the game's original score...
On PS4...it's 10/10 DealWithIt!
Lots of salt and butthurt because it's not an xbox or PC game, cool more tears please. Sudden'y scores don't count for you who have been leaning on scores so hard regarding PS4 games 5club ring any bells? Haha gotta love the damage control 180 from you guys and I see lostrib is in overdrive DCing too.
A 10/10 game on the Playstation 4? Excellent.
I can't wait for the usual half-wits to come in here and try and spin this as a bad thing.
Too late Dedline and lostrib are going full throttle with DC haha as expected.
I know.. opinions and all but I thought the game was terribly boring. I don't always agree with a score I see or the praise a game gets but I can usually see why. This is not one of those. I just don't get it.
But anyway, good for cows on the metagame, I guess.
If you're referring to Bayonetta 2 that title is excluded because the WiiU is obviously not a current gen console.
Journey is an actual last-gen game. If any were to be excluded, it should be Journey.
If you're referring to Bayonetta 2 that title is excluded because the WiiU is obviously not a current gen console.
Journey is an actual last-gen game. If any were to be excluded, it should be Journey.
Remade from the ground up for the Quadzilla at 1080p, 60faps. It's basically a new game.
@sammyjenkis898: I don't know...
I watched a 20 minute game play video of Journey. I don't get where everyone says "It's so beautiful" - it's a desert. Second, to be honest, it looked sooo boring.
Maybe it doesn't translate well to video and you have to play it to appreciate it or something.
Well, its a remarkable game, and i can see how GameSpot with their new score system is trying to get rid of the stigma that a 10 musn't be giving to any game aside big budget triple AAA games.
The 10/10 score isn't meaning much any more. They just handed out 3 in less than a year.
apparently if the games are good enough. Playstation and nintendo have had exclusive games of this quality virtually every generation. On that note, why haven't PC and xbox received any? Guess they are not given out THAT easy lol.
The acceleration in giving out 10s is pretty obvious.
Besides, The witcher is pc series.
That stopped be true last gen! lol, how is it a PC 'series' when only 1 full game was exclusive to PC and that game had the worst GS and MetaScore to boot?
It didn't received a 10 til it was a full on console/PC developed game and was reviewed on PS4. Kind of a weak response but hey, you tried.
Since when can remasters get 10s?
This is irrelevant.
The whole thread is irrelevant. It'll be interested to see when Gear of War Ultimate Edition gets a 10 if you will create a thread for that as well. lol!! I've played flOw and Journey and neither game were a 10 or even a 9 to me.
So the PS4's only exclusive 10 is a remaster of a 2012 game from last gen.? If so, thats setting the bar some high. lol
GREAT new material to annoy lems! Skipped the game on ps3 and when it was released on ps4 i was thinking of getting it. Now, im getting it like today!
Playstation family exclusive gets another 10.
lol at people dismissing the review because Kevin is leaving.
Wow, three tens in one year. I remember when this Web site would almost never give those.
Still have no interest in this game though. From what I've read and seen, it doesn't look that fun.
The 10/10 score isn't meaning much any more. They just handed out 3 in less than a year.
apparently if the games are good enough. Playstation and nintendo have had exclusive games of this quality virtually every generation. On that note, why haven't PC and xbox received any? Guess they are not given out THAT easy lol.
The acceleration in giving out 10s is pretty obvious.
Besides, The witcher is pc series.
That stopped be true last gen! lol, how is it a PC 'series' when only 1 full game was exclusive to PC and that game had the worst GS and MetaScore to boot?
It didn't received a 10 til it was a full on console/PC developed game and was reviewed on PS4. Kind of a weak response but hey, you tried.
Yet you're hyping up a ps3 ported game. Keep going.
@sammyjenkis898: I don't know...
I watched a 20 minute game play video of Journey. I don't get where everyone says "It's so beautiful" - it's a desert. Second, to be honest, it looked sooo boring.
Maybe it doesn't translate well to video and you have to play it to appreciate it or something.
Nah it's that boring....
@sammyjenkis898: I don't know...
I watched a 20 minute game play video of Journey. I don't get where everyone says "It's so beautiful" - it's a desert. Second, to be honest, it looked sooo boring.
Maybe it doesn't translate well to video and you have to play it to appreciate it or something.
Nah it's that boring....
Some people just can't appreciate true art.
"Simple mechanics that elicit powerful emotions"
I loled
Boredom is a pretty powerful emotion.
The 10/10 score isn't meaning much any more. They just handed out 3 in less than a year.
apparently if the games are good enough. Playstation and nintendo have had exclusive games of this * quality * virtually every generation. On that note, why haven't PC and xbox received any? Guess they are not given out THAT easy lol.
Them higher PC standards
"If our standard of comparison for PC games was "the console version," the PC version would get a higher score than the others over 90% of the time."
Absolutely, in the area of graphic fidelity and performance that is 100% correct.
A PC "version" of a console game IS in fact higher in standards of resolution, frame-rate, textures and AA 90% of the time. if you are referring to my post, perhaps you confusing and intermixing the terms "standards" and "quality" as interchangeable.
In the area of performance and graphics PC standards are higher, no one denies that but with individual games themselves are evaluated a basis of "quality" no matter what platform. The only thing a PC can do is make a game look prettier and run better which is great if a game is already great but it doesn't make a bad quality game become good.
Going from PS3 to PS4 with a game that was already this high "quality", the higher standards of PS4 was enough to make the game shine and received the 10. In essence, the lower standards of the PS3 was the only thing holding back the quality of the game we are discussion in this thread.
" Playstation and nintendo have had exclusive games of this * quality *.."
PC does have higher standards, but i wasn't talking about standards i was talking about quality :)
@ReadingRainbow4: I would take Ori and the Blind Forest over this game 9 times out of 10 in an eye blink and I don´t even have X1.
Neither do I, just play it on PC. That games fucking hard, I'd rather kick my feet up and enjoy the Journey.
lol if you think Ori is hard you need to quit games.
@sammyjenkis898: I don't know...
I watched a 20 minute game play video of Journey. I don't get where everyone says "It's so beautiful" - it's a desert. Second, to be honest, it looked sooo boring.
Maybe it doesn't translate well to video and you have to play it to appreciate it or something.
Nah it's that boring....
Some people just can't appreciate true art.
Is that what it is? I don't like artistic video games. Well, I guess that might be true. I was much more entertained by watching videos of Uncharted and Killzone than Journey (sticking with PlayStation games).
@sammyjenkis898: I don't know...
I watched a 20 minute game play video of Journey. I don't get where everyone says "It's so beautiful" - it's a desert. Second, to be honest, it looked sooo boring.
Maybe it doesn't translate well to video and you have to play it to appreciate it or something.
Nah it's that boring....
Some people just can't appreciate true art.
I love art....some people have different interpretations of what true art is. I would rather stare at a Picasso for 8 hours than play this again.
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