@Evo_nine: Flower? 11/10 remaster bro. Grass and pedals look better on the PS4.
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First 10 for this gen was witcher 3 well deserved, however if you count wii u then bayonetta 2
Never played Journey before. The review and this salt is pushing me into it.
Why is it that Xbone games can never gets 10s?
I'm of the opinion that no game deserves a 10 no matter how good it is, I view 10 as perfection which can't exist and any review that does that is to be ignored.
What would be better is if review sites had say 5 reviewers who all put their scores in and then take an average... would be a much better approach.
Wasn't expecting a 10 but hey reviews are opinions !!
Stating it's an opinion does not exempt it from critique. I was already criticizing the huge praise Journey got considering it's a 2 hour game with shallow gameplay and not much replay value, but that somehow didn't stop reviewers from gushing over it like it was the cure for aids or something.
Wasn't expecting a 10 but hey reviews are opinions !!
Stating it's an opinion does not exempt it from critique. I was already criticizing the huge praise Journey got considering it's a 2 hour game with shallow gameplay and not much replay value, but that somehow didn't stop reviewers from gushing over it like it was the cure for aids or something.
I agree with you on that, however some gamers tend to take reviews way too seriously.. I do read a few reviews but in the end decide on which games to buy based on my taste...
I played this game on PS3 when it was released and although short with little replay value I enjoyed it.. Others didn't but that is normal :)
I'm of the opinion that no game deserves a 10 no matter how good it is, I view 10 as perfection which can't exist and any review that does that is to be ignored.
What would be better is if review sites had say 5 reviewers who all put their scores in and then take an average... would be a much better approach.
I see that Journey still holds the title of being the James Cameron's Avatar of video games.
Considering how successful Avatar was this is a compliment to Journey.
Sure, if that's how you want to interpret it. I mean, both received critical and commercial success despite being shallow pieces of garbage, and both made me seriously question anyone's mental health if they were somehow brought to tears by such shit, but sure whatever, it's a compliment.
Avatar was praised mainly for its technical merits, whereas Journey is praised for pushing the medium.
Disagree on their merits all you want, but your comparison doesn't stand.
lol, and exactly how did Journey push the medium? You walk, the end. Just like Avatar, it has no substance; it's a bunch of pretty colors with wind blowing in the background. A video game that receives such monumental praise should be praised for actually having praise worthy gameplay, as a movie should be praised for actually having a story of any substance. Instead, people were brought to tears on flash alone for both, and so I think my comparison stands perfectly.
Have you even played it? You come across as someone who has no idea what they're talking about.
Also, if something brings you to tears (not of sadness, obviously), it doesn't matter how, that means it's a great game. No other game has brought me to tears, not the Witcher 3, not Rocket League, not Dota 2, not fucking Super Mario. IDGAF if the gameplay has simplistic gameplay, if the game is beautiful. I don't understand why you would limit your gaming pallet over trivial categorizing.
I only rigorously bash games that I've played, so yes, I have and own Journey on the PS3.
Any "game" that has to completely rely on the player being suckered by emotion is a terrible game in my eyes. Gameplay is the defining feature of this medium, and Journey has none. You can still have an artsy fartsy game, and do gameplay, and do it well no less (see for example, NiGHTS into Dreams, a game which not only is capable of instilling emotion, it provides the same depth and difficulty as an arcade game). Stuff like Journey, I find to be completely dull and lazy in comparison, because I'm not using even a minimal amount of skill, nor am I using my head in any regard. As a video game, it fails at the most basic level, and so I find it comical that anyone can put it on an industry defining pedestal. I'm not limiting myself by talking negatively of it. I'm doing it because I think it's a bad and boring video game, and that's all there is to it.
Again, why are you limiting yourself with trivial categorization? Why does a peice of art need to be defined by it's genre (video games), and how does that limit it's quality? Like, it doesn't matter if it's a video game or a movie or a book, what matters is the base appeal of it as a form of expression.
Either way, I completely disagree with you on gameplay, Journey has good gameplay, very very smooth and immersive controls. It's linear and easy of course, ubt I'm not one to judge games by their difficulty (that's another thing I don't understand). DOTA 2, Souls series, journey, it's all the same to me, I don't care if it's difficult, just that it's engaging. Journey is incredibly engaging from the get go and is only 2 hours long, which is perfect because, as you said, many people find it dull. If it's dull, better keep it short. I've replayed it about 20 times.
Oh damn Cows get the first 10 of the gen.
Bayonetta 2 was the first, and it was actually a new game.
But okay.
I will probably never play this game again. My first experience with the game was magical. I found an online partner in the game, but I honestly thought it was just an AI following me around. However, as I progressed through the game more and more, I started to notice that my partner seemed more human then I originally let on. By the end of my journey I was convinced it was a human player with me the whole time. I managed to create my own little story in my head just through that experience.
I feel that playing it a second time would only somewhat soil my praise for the game. It seems like an experience that you should play once and remember forever.
It gets better the more you play it. I swear.
Bought the game yesterday (first time playing it) and what the fuuuuuuuuck, there's no way to play inverted? i play like a soccer mom with non inverted right analog........
I'm of the opinion that no game deserves a 10 no matter how good it is, I view 10 as perfection which can't exist and any review that does that is to be ignored.
What would be better is if review sites had say 5 reviewers who all put their scores in and then take an average... would be a much better approach.
If ten is perfect and cannot be achieved, then it must be removed because having an unattainable score is illogical. Nine then becomes the new 10 and must be removed, etc. Besides, what you think 10 means is not relevant to a discussion about a 10 score at GS as they do not view their 10 as perfection.
As an aside, really not thrilled with the idea of a two hour long artsy fartsy "game" that people recommend you only play once. I mean, maybe if it was a two hour rental through PS Now for $1.99 I might try it.
@deadline-zero0: bayo 2 was last year, so only 2 this year.
2008 saw mgs4 and gta4 get 10s back to back, one month apart. And in all honesty only.mgs deserved.that score..gta4 was horrible. Try replaying that now, you cant, and i love playimg old games.
I've played many games reviewed by Kevin VanOrd. Haven't agreed with him in any of them. The nicest thing I can say is "he seems to value different things in gaming"
Sony games in general tend to get very generous reviews on mainstream sites.
Nintendo and microsoft doesnt? I mean the master chief collection was collosal clusterf*ck, yet it got 9s almost on every site :/
PS4's first console exclusive 10/10
awwww yeahhhhh
It's not exclusive.
console exclusive 10/10
But its on two consoles.
PS4's first console exclusive 10/10
awwww yeahhhhh
It's not exclusive.
console exclusive 10/10
But its on two consoles.
Yes, this is the second time it has been a Playstation exclusive. This is a new version, the 1080P Makes Grown Men Cry A Lot version.
PS4's first console exclusive 10/10
awwww yeahhhhh
It's not exclusive.
console exclusive 10/10
But its on two consoles.
Yes, this is the second time it has been a Playstation exclusive. This is a new version, the 1080P Makes Grown Men Cry A Lot version.
XBONE is getting BC soon, that will put it's AAA/AA library miles above PS4's with Microsoft exclusives :P.
PS4's first console exclusive 10/10
awwww yeahhhhh
It's not exclusive.
console exclusive 10/10
But its on two consoles.
Yes, this is the second time it has been a Playstation exclusive. This is a new version, the 1080P Makes Grown Men Cry A Lot version.
XBONE is getting BC soon, that will put it's AAA/AA library miles above PS4's with Microsoft exclusives :P.
It might, if you want a huge collection of 'exclusives' that look really dated. Also, it might take a LONG time for them to decide the games you want on the BC list are going to happen.
Xbox One BC is half-assed and really not worth bothering with. So what do all these people do who want to play Xbox 360 games? It's a puzzler, no doubt about it but I have the answer. Do what I did: keep your fucking Xbox 360 and you have FULL BC for every 360 game.
It might, if you want a huge collection of 'exclusives' that look really dated. Also, it might take a LONG time for them to decide the games you want on the BC list are going to happen.
Xbox One BC is half-assed and really not worth bothering with. So what do all these people do who want to play Xbox 360 games? It's a puzzler, no doubt about it but I have the answer. Do what I did: keep your fucking Xbox 360 and you have FULL BC for every 360 game.
Sorry bro. They are better version of AAA/AA games. XBONE's library will be double of PS4's as soon as BC hits.
It might, if you want a huge collection of 'exclusives' that look really dated. Also, it might take a LONG time for them to decide the games you want on the BC list are going to happen.
Xbox One BC is half-assed and really not worth bothering with. So what do all these people do who want to play Xbox 360 games? It's a puzzler, no doubt about it but I have the answer. Do what I did: keep your fucking Xbox 360 and you have FULL BC for every 360 game.
Sorry bro. They are better version of AAA/AA games. XBONE's library will be double of PS4's as soon as BC hits.
lol what are you talking about? 360 games on X1 are exactly the same. No problem for me either way I have a PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and 360 how about you?
Oh you only have the one console? Sucks to be you 'bro'.
PS4's first console exclusive 10/10
awwww yeahhhhh
It's not exclusive.
console exclusive 10/10
But its on two consoles.
ITs a 10 on both.....reviewed SEPERATLEY, that's 2 10's...awwww yeahhhh
what changed for the score to uptick? in b4 lems complain that this is a multi platform remaster...lol nvm im prolly too late
Nothing. this is literally just padding. Sony didn't put in BC just for this reason.
Sadly this doesn't count on the system wars metagame.
Maybe Uncharted 4.
Yeah because last year Halo MCC didn't count because it was a remake right.?
Is funny Gears collection counts,rare collections counts Halo MCC count but some how TLOU didn't some how Journey doesn't either..hahahaha
So while xbox remakes go to hell score wise MCC (5) lol flop of the generation,PS4 game go to heaven 10 BOOOOM..
Perfection now where are those who fight me an claim that only gamespot score matter here..lol.
Sadly this doesn't count on the system wars metagame.
Maybe Uncharted 4.
Yeah because last year Halo MCC didn't count because it was a remake right.?
Is funny Gears collection counts,rare collections counts Halo MCC count but some how TLOU didn't some how Journey doesn't either..hahahaha
So while xbox remakes go to hell score wise MCC (5) lol flop of the generation,PS4 game go to heaven 10 BOOOOM..
Perfection now where are those who fight me an claim that only gamespot score matter here..lol.
they all count in the metagame, they just aren't counted as exclusive
Played through it this morning, definitely deserving of a 10, absolutely incredible experience, however the fact that they scored it up on a remaster with very little difference is still a little odd
One of the most boring game I ever played. How is this game rated higher than flower will always bug me.
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