Right ...
Fine, don't believe me. Anyone who's played RE4 for the Wii can testify to hitting those blue medallions in the village from a distance.
Wiimote doesn't work like that. And I wonder on which sensitity you have mouse set up. On 1?AdrianWerner
The Wiimote DOES work like that. And I have my mouse set at about 4/5 max sensitivity, probably the same as you. In both cases, with the Wiimote OR the mouse, I don't have to move my hand more than an inch in any direction to get the pointer across a screen.
How so? keyboard has more buttons, it wins by default. What more proof would you need?AdrianWerner
A keyboard has more buttons, yes. But I doubt you can assign every single button a different action. At the VERY least, the most common actions can easily be mapped to gesture recognition on the Wiimote. Only at the extreme higher levels does anything more than this make a difference.
I'm sorry, but the strenght of muscles needed to fight the friction of mouse is much smaller than the same one required for holding the hand in the air.AdrianWerner
No, it's not. Natural muscle tension keeps the hand in a neutral position with no energy being used to hold it up (the same reason why your fingers natural curl up), and the arm itself is supported by the elbow. From this position, you can move the Wiimote while exerting no energy to hold up your hand. Almost no muscle strength is used to hold your hand up when using the Wiimote. Even with the Wiimote in your hand, the muscle tension just settles the hand into a new neutral position.
No.what's we've established is that you're making stuff upAdrianWerner
The only time I've ever seen someone move a Wiimote more than a couple of centimeters to get the pointer to move across the screen, he was sitting less than four feet away from a 32" TV. At a distance of 6-8 feet, you only need to move the Wiimote across an angle of about 15-25 degrees to get the pointer from one end of the screen to another (do the calculations if you want; remember, the Wiimote uses the sensor bar, not the TV, as the reference). That means you're moving the tip of the Wiimote about an inch to an inch and a half.
The Wiimote's pointer senses ANGULAR distance, while the mouse senses LINEAR distance. If you're sitting too close to the TV, you have to make a much larger gesture with the Wiimote to move the pointer across a specific arclength unit than if you sit even just a few feet farther.
oh..so that's the problem. You just suck with mouse. I have medium sensitivity and can move the pointer through whole screen without taking my wrist off the desk. Heck even when takin mouse up I don't have to lift the wrist. I doubt any pcgamer needs toAdrianWerner
I'm not talking about moving it ONE screen length. I'm talking about moving it MULTIPLE screen lengths.
stop making stuff up. reallyAdrianWerner
I'm not. Do you even own a Wii?
laser pointer still needs bigger movements than mouseAdrianWerner
Stop lying.
i think you are mistaking ergonomics with ease of use. Wiimote is horrible from ergonomic standpoint, it's tiring, it doesn't fit the hand well and it's cumbersome. It's easier to pick and use right away, but for longer period of times it's just nightmare to work with. AdrianWerner
Cumbersome? Bull****. Now I KNOW that YOU are making stuff up. The Wiimote fits naturally in the hand. In fact, if you just let your hand completely relax, your fingers naturally curl into the position for holding the Wiimote.
If you want convincing that the Wiimote is more ergonomic, try this little exercise: draw figure-8s on the screen for as long as you can with the Wiimote, using just your wrist to turn and tilt the Wiimote. Now try doing it with a mouse on a computer screen, and see how long you can keep it up. I doubt you'll be able to keep it up nearly as long on the PC as you can with a Wiimote. And I'll bet that the figure-8s on the Wii would look a lot cleaner, too, because it's simply more natural to use the Wiimote as a pointer than a mouse.
there's a reason all office deskops use mouses instead of pointers you know : because it works betteAdrianWerner
Or it could just be because office mice are dirt-cheap, while pointers cost at least four times as much. Or it could be because pointers require extra equipment to work, and people are generally imbeciles at setting things up. Or it could be because people are simply accustomed to using mice after over twenty years with them. Or it could be because it makes more sense to adhere to one standard and if it ain't broke, then don't fix it.
There are any number of reasons for why offices don't adopt pointers.
Oh, except for presentations, where it's often easier just to use a laser pointer to point things out on a projector than to use a mouse, even when the presentation is done from your seat with a mouse readily available. The only time my office has EVER used a mouse instead of a laser pointer for presentations has been for over-the-Internet presentations
Anyway, I'm done. Hope you had as much fun as I did. :D
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