You're close to being half right. Killzone 2 only used "60%" of the spe's. It was using all 100% of the PPE and the RSX graphics processor.
And for killzone 3 they offloaded enough to max out the spe's "workload" to 100%.
Basically what they improved on in kz3 is, they used the same engine (why not? it's great.) they removed all the excess blur, switched the 2xQuincux AA for MLAA, which saved them 18 mb's of video RAM.
And then they optimised their code to a t. Getting sharper textures, and bigger scale out of the deal. And better AA.
It may be killzone 2.5, (graphically at least), but the game has a great artstyle. In fact, it's one of my favorite art styles ever.
And I dare you to call it greyzone! :evil: :P
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