[QUOTE="potato66"][QUOTE="heretrix"][QUOTE="The_Crucible"][QUOTE="heretrix"][QUOTE="The_Crucible"] And I love how people will make fun of him for this. But when lead dev at Valve or the douche dev from Guitar Hero wants to take their time to bash PS3, that's all good. We can use that for months and months to say the PS3 is impossible to dev on. Seems a little hypocritical.
Here's the thing...Valve has proven themselves BEYOND ANY DOUBT. The Half Life series, Steam, Team Fortress are highly regarded software EVERYWHERE. Guitar Hero is a billion dollar franchise. Harmonix then goes on to make freakin' Rock Band (Huge Success)....Of course they can talk crap and people will listen. THEY'VE EARNED IT.
Hello? Anyone? Bueller?
They have a lot to prove. And taking down some internet fanboy ain't the way to do it. Just make a fantastic game and your work will speak for itself...Usually.
Right. Yeah, Valve is real respectable this gen. Take a last gen game, port it to 360 and PS3. Take Team Fortress, put it on 360 and PS3 and have it run like crap. Take Portal, (the only REAL good thing to come from Orange Box) and they didn't even create it. Tell me why they have earned my respect as a PS3 owner? By giving the already weak porting to EA? Maybe I'm missing something.
Oh, Guitar hero. yeah, it sells like hotcakes. But tell me where those games push console limits. Tell me how a dev of a game like Guitar Hero knows more about how to work with the PS3 than, let's say, Epic? Tell me a dev on Guitar Hero has really pushed console limitations.
I doesn't matter what you think. Half Life is considered one of the greatest games EVER MADE. Gabe has earned his right to speak his mind. You can sit there and try to diminish his contributions to the industry if you want, but he's done a hell of a lot more than most people. And as for Portal, it would not have been as good without Valve's participation, they were instrumental in shaping the game into what it is today. The designers sad as much in the developers commentary of the game.
You want to talk about Valve's contributions this gen just look at the Steam service and how it's shaping the future of digital distribution on the PC.
As for Guitar Hero, who gives a flying fart about pushing console limitations GH and Rock Band are AMAZING experiences that are fun as hell. Technical proficiency means nothing if your game turns out to be crap.
So far Guerilla's track record is pretty spotty with the only bright spot being the PSP Killzone game. Are your really comparing them to Valve or Harmonix?
yea after he openly bashed the ps3 I really should have respect for him? but why shouldn't I he is a profesional isnt he?
Hey, I never said I agreed with Gabe's assessment of the PS3 What I'm saying is that Gabe Newell has proven himself in the industry..He's well beyond the point of having something to prove. His words have more traction than someone responsible for 'Nam '67 or whatever..It's doesn't matter if you agree with him or not, but within the industry his crediblity is pretty damn high.And that's not to say that this Killzone dude has to keep his trap shut, but the last thing you want as a developer is to be clashing with any part of the fanbase. It's not smart, it's just bad for business. Even on a forum where you are answering questions about your game.sure but why should he and the team have to prove anything? they have proven alot in my eyes. They have proven they can make a good game with killzone liberation. and it does matter if it was a thread and forum SPECIFICALY for killzone 2 witch is another reason he should have the right to defend himself and who he works for. You should never think that hes profesional he should have to act the way you presume devs should act. People screw up, it happens. Even though he didnt do anything wrong ill just end here.
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