First paragraph - if it's true that this fanboy is not going to hurt your feelings, then why did you write this little response? Because you have nothing better to do between developing Killzone 2 and sleeping but to prowl through the internet?
Second and Third paragraph - If it's true that the Sony rep claimed it was a movie from the game engine because of "fatigue, jetlag, and the madness that is E3", then why is it that you're only denying his claims just now? Perhaps you should have explained to him what this "representation" was beforehand.
Fourth Paragraph - Until something that is up to the potential of Crysis or looks better than Crysis is on a console, I'll really have my jaw dropped. I'm aware I'm requesting the impossible, but you're getting "dropped jaws" from people that give console games lower standards in terms of graphical prowess.
Fifth Paragraph - The definitive game of the PS3 has always been MGS4, and it has clearly shown what the PS3 is really capable of. No other game on the console can match it.
This dev is an idiot. I think that his time would be better spent working on KZ2 than actually responding to some idiotic poster on the internet. Hell, the way I see it, I guess I'm next!
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