Hey SW and Killzone Fans,
Have you tried the open beta yet? If so what are your thoughts?
My thoughts:
I never was a Killzone fan, and to be honest this beta still hasn't changed my opinion on it. I mean you think after the second installment, they could change the controls to have L2 as aim down scope, and R2 for fire...What was the point of making L2 and R2 trigger fingers if the first hand developers do not utilize it as such?
I will say they had vastly improved the crouch which uses the L button interface rather than the awkward second analog stick.
Umm, you know you CAN switch that, right?
Go into Options and Wireless Controller and change your controls to "Alternate" which is basically COD controls (L1 to aim, R3 to melee). Then, down below where the sensitivity settings are, you should see two options. One says "Swap R1 and R2" and the other says "Swap L1 and L2." Swap both those and voila: Aiming with L2; shooting with R2.
I generally prefer L1/R1 for aiming/shooting, but L2 and R2 can be comfortable as well if you have Dual Triggers like I do.
EDIT: Dead Space 2, BioShock 2, and Call Of Duty ALSO have this under their options settings. So it seems like developers are starting to listen. The difference on those games though is that you only have the option to swap both, whereas on Killzone 3 you can swap one, the other, or both. Either way, I know it's a pain, but I feel that the one thing that consoles should borrow from the PC is full button mapping in all games a la the Resistance games.
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