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From the forums:
....We are working on a system whereby any level that is moderated will inform the creator of the level why the action was taken, as there could be unintentionally unsuitable content in the level, or a cultural offense which is harmless in one country and offensive in another...Dev
In my culture it is offensive to make video games, please moderate LittleBigPlanet and yourselves, thank you.Random forumite
I think that pretty much sums it up, if they're really trying to mod EVERYTHING that is offensive to someone or has the same name as some movie noone has ever even heard of, it will never end. I think they're biting more than they can chew. They should just stick to modding obvious violations at least untill they can come up with a better system.
All this crap about lawsuits, sueings and money. Has this really what gaming has become? It wasn't always like this surely?
Is there ever going to be a user generated content game not made by a company that is sissy scared of being sued? God may aswell just stick to mods, no limitations there.
Not just gaming. The whole world has become super reliant on litigation. Look at the people suing McDonald's for the hot coffee, the FCC and states suing Rockstar over their Hot Coffee, the people suing supermarkets because they cannot read Wet Floor signs...
What used to be common sense is now something that can and will be sued over.
Its sad, but its the times, and in the US at least, things won't get better until there is more of a punishment for frivolous lawsuits.
[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]Its unfortunate, but expected. You cannot use other companies' copyrights.
This should not affect the score, as the game was scored for what it was, not for the community. The community just has to start being creative in different ways.
Using someone elses copyright material shouldn't be a big thing as long as you don't make profit from it.
It's not a big deal for me to walk into your house and use your PS3, shower, and underware either is it? I mean I'm not making a profit off of it...
You don't own the property rights... it's not your property, and just because it's not physical property it's ok to use if you don't own it? You don't want someone using your physical property... why would IP owners want you/allow you to use their IP's even though you don't own them.
[QUOTE="Dahaka-UK"]All this crap about lawsuits, sueings and money. Has this really what gaming has become? It wasn't always like this surely?
Is there ever going to be a user generated content game not made by a company that is sissy scared of being sued? God may aswell just stick to mods, no limitations there.
Not just gaming. The whole world has become super reliant on litigation. Look at the people suing McDonald's for the hot coffee, the FCC and states suing Rockstar over their Hot Coffee, the people suing supermarkets because they cannot read Wet Floor signs...
What used to be common sense is now something that can and will be sued over.
Its sad, but its the times, and in the US at least, things won't get better until there is more of a punishment for frivolous lawsuits.
Frivolous lawsuits really aren't a huge problem. Unless you want to make it so you can't sue if you get abestos poisening... or break your leg when a bar stool breaks out from under you...
What they need to do is make it so you have to pay the court costs if you lose the case... that will cut down on the number of "ridiculous" law sui ts...
and 3rd degree burns from MD's coffee is bad...
[QUOTE="Zerocrossings"][QUOTE="locopatho"]Yeah but there's loads of mods and user made games out there that reference other ips. They're usually left alone as long as no profit is made.
Thats because there would be no point whatsoever in suing them as they probably cant even pay the compensation fines.
This is different. With a large company like Sony backing it up money can be made by suing them for copyright infringement.
and thats why comminuty driven games don't belong on consoles :P
True :(
How come they just can't have it like PC Mods? Is it because PC is an open platform while PS3 is not?Blackbond
More or less, yes.
On PC, since its open, if I make a level that steals an IP, I am the one responsible, and suing me would be useless, as I have no money.
Making a level in LBP that steals an IP, since its closed and policed by Sony/MM, puts me and Sony/MM at fault, and Sony/MM have money, and are a great target to sue.
How come they just can't have it like PC Mods? Is it because PC is an open platform while PS3 is not?Blackbond
Kinda. PCs are considered a "medium" - a tool -. Everyone is responsable of what they create (and the legality of it).
Being the PS3 (and LBP) a far more closed platform, the content they presentin their community is also their responsability.
Somewhat like YouTube deleting videos that may contradict someone's copyright.
[QUOTE="Blackbond"]How come they just can't have it like PC Mods? Is it because PC is an open platform while PS3 is not?IronBass
Kinda. PCs are considered a "medium" - a tool -. Everyone is responsable of what they create (and the legality of it).
Being the PS3 (and LBP) a far more closed platform, the content they presentin their community is also their responsability.
Somewhat like YouTube deleting videos that may contradict someone's copyright.
Bummer. Looks like there won't be any LBP Megaman action going on then.
So if I create a Super Mario map using the Far Cry 2 map editor will Ubisuck get sued by Nintendo..? Cool.Dahaka-UK
Is Far Cry 2 maps that you make uploaded to a central database, for distrabution?
I had a feeling this might happen with the Mario Bros. levels and other non-Sony owned ips, but with God of War? and PS3 levels? I can even understand maybe doing it to MGS levels considering it's owned by Konami. I have to say that is pretty messed up deleting levels of God of War, etc. (I mean when you reserved the game they even gave you a Kratos Sackboy!) So now are Sackboy's going to be illegal as well?DireOwl
God of War is rated M? and LBP isn't? And they don't want to increase the level due to user created content...
It's designed for all ages... and they want to keep it that way... by force?
I don't know seems stupid to me.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]I think gamers need to get more creative. Make up your own levels. Stop stealing ideas from movies, games, and music. Blue-Sky
About 95% of most movies, games and music are inspired by some other form of media before it.
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"]I think gamers need to get more creative. Make up your own levels. Stop stealing ideas from movies, games, and music. Blue-Sky
About 95% of most movies, games and music are inspired by some other form of media before it.
everyone copies, the best ideas are usually, at least, partly stolen. without the who we would have no pearl jam, without the simpsons we would have no family guy. hell most first person shooters are all just evolutions of Wolfenstein 3D.
It's funny how in a game like Halo 3 with a huge map making community none of the content is moderated. There are tons of homages to star wars and other movies. I think sony is just being an ass. Unless these companies come to sue you over content just leave it online, sony's a wuss.
I guess they've copied so much that Sony can't handle another lawsuit that says "they copied".
[QUOTE="DireOwl"]I had a feeling this might happen with the Mario Bros. levels and other non-Sony owned ips, but with God of War? and PS3 levels? I can even understand maybe doing it to MGS levels considering it's owned by Konami. I have to say that is pretty messed up deleting levels of God of War, etc. (I mean when you reserved the game they even gave you a Kratos Sackboy!) So now are Sackboy's going to be illegal as well?GundamGuy0
God of War is rated M? and LBP isn't? And they don't want to increase the level due to user created content...
It's designed for all ages... and they want to keep it that way... by force?
I don't know seems stupid to me.
I see your point, but they are doing it with everything. They are doing it for the legal issues. The "failure to launch" level is a perfect example.
Oh wow, another "I told you so" moment involving a PS3 game. :P
Anyway, yeah, this was fairly obvious as soon as anyone started mentioning making Mario levels (ie. when the game was first announced). Earlier creative games have been sued for having content similar to copywritten material (I'm fairly certain at least one super-hero game was sued for allowing players to create Marvel character rip-offs), so clearly Media Molecule just want to ensure that that doesn't happen.
Well thats what happens when you sign over your rights when you create a level. It is not your property, it is theirs. Its unfortunate but understandable....
so if i got this right than the level where u climbed the giant(little big colossus) should be removed too...since its tied to a IP- shadow of that's stupid
anyway how can giving a tribute to something or recreating something for other game be bad for them...its free publicity and should be supported for all i know
[QUOTE="Darth_DuMas"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]Its unfortunate, but expected. You cannot use other companies' copyrights.
This should not affect the score, as the game was scored for what it was, not for the community. The community just has to start being creative in different ways.
Using someone elses copyright material shouldn't be a big thing as long as you don't make profit from it.
It's not a big deal for me to walk into your house and use your PS3, shower, and underware either is it? I mean I'm not making a profit off of it...
Was that you!!! I HAVE GOT to get new locks on my doors and windows. :D
EDIT: Keep the underwear, I replaced it, I formally hand over property rights to them.
Did people actually expect to be playing this game for years and years to come? As cool as the level creation is, it's still just a platformer..xsubtownerx
I was like that till i played the beta
Then i was pretty sure that the online would screw the game over later.. and it did
Seriously I wouldn't get all pissy if someone copied my work. I'd be perfectly ok with it. Too bad game developers are not like me. Otherwise we wouldn't see any of this copyright bullcrap. Copying ideas is not stealing. How petty to even call it that. Greed and money all play apart in it, if developers where less greedy they wouldn't care about such things as some random person making a level on a casual level editor that just so happens to be similer their work. I'd be honored more than anything.Dahaka-UK
[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"]Did people actually expect to be playing this game for years and years to come? As cool as the level creation is, it's still just a platformer..joopyme
and YOU actually played the game?
Nope. Never liked platformers and never will. I don't see how that would affect my observation.
[QUOTE="joopyme"][QUOTE="xsubtownerx"]Did people actually expect to be playing this game for years and years to come? As cool as the level creation is, it's still just a platformer..xsubtownerx
and YOU actually played the game?
Nope. Never liked platformers and never will. I don't see how that would affect my observation.
okay, but you really didnt have to bring the game down cause YOU dont like platformers in the first place.
:cry: i was almost done with my "Jura'sack' Park" level too :cry:river_rat3117
Aww man that sucks :(.
We have the fair-use doctrine in the US which allows individuals to use copyrights within limits.
But I think it's always a good idea to contact the company you wish to use a copyright from and receive permission first once you explain what it will be used for. That will guarantee no litigation.
I think I know how to bypass this anyway. Just make all the GoW, GeOW, MGS, Sonic, Megaman levels you want. Just don't name them after the games that gave you the idea. And hey presto, free from all level deletions. It's very clear that they just look at the name alone and delete away and then call it copyright infringment.Dahaka-UK
Unless someone reports them...
We have the fair-use doctrine in the US which allows individuals to use copyrights within limits.
But I think it's always a good idea to contact the company you wish to use a copyright from and receive permission first once you explain what it will be used for. That will guarantee no litigation.
In the US, and that would be risky anyway, as its still being used in a for profit game.
LBP is a worldwide game, and as such has to abide by laws in all the countries.
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